Lögberg - 24.01.1952, Síða 8
Úr borg og bygð
Matreiðslubók, sem Dorcasfé-
lag Fyrsta lúterska safnaðar lét
undirbúa og gaf út; þegar þess
er gætt, hve bókin er frábærlega
vönduð að efni og ytri frágangi,
er það undrunarefni hve ódýr
hún er; kostar aðeins $1.50 að
viðbættu 15 centa burðargjaldi.
Pantanir, ásamt andvirði,
Mrs. R. G. Pollock,
708 Banning St.
Sími 36 603
Miss Ruth Bárdal,
5 — 54 Donald St.
Sími 929 037
Ásmundur Jónsson frá Reykja
vík, sem hér er í kynnisför, leit
inn á skrifstofu Lögbergs á
þriðjudaginn; hafði hann þá ný-
lega fengið bréf frá Islandi, dag-
sett 18. þ. m. Hafa verið ofsa-
veður á Islandi frá því um há-
tíðirnar; bátur af Akranesi fórst
með sex mönnum, var sá elzti 33
ára að aldri. Víða hafa orðið
skemmdir á húsum og öðru af
völdum óveðursins.
Guðmundur Þorsteinsson, list-
málari frá Reykjavík, fór suður
til Bandaríkjanna síðastliðna
Fjölmenn veizla var haldin í
samkomuhúsinu í Hecla á sunnu
dagskveldið, 20. jan., til heiðurs
Mr. og Mrs. Gordon Magnússon,
sem nýlega eru gift. Byggðar-
búar gáfu þeim fallega og nyt-
sama giftingargjöf.
Sunrise Lutheran Camp.
Mr. Jóhann Kr. Johnson og
Mrs. Helen Pálson, Hecla, $5.00
í minningu um Bill Perry.
Mr. Jóhann Kr. Johnson,
Hecla, $2.00 í minningu um
Ingólf Pálson.
Mr. og Mrs. K. A. Einarsson,
Winnipeg, $15.00.
Meðtekið með innilegu þakk-
Anna Magnússon,
Box 296, Selkirk, Man.
Jón Eiríksson, 88 ára að aldri,
lézt á heimili Mr. og Mrs. Archie
Peterson, Lundar, 1. janúar s.l.
Hann fluttist frá Islandi til
þessa lands árið 1900. Hann var
jarðsunginn 5. janúar af séra
Jóhanni Fredriksson. Hann læt-
ur eftir sig einn son, Einar, sem
er búsettur vestur við haf, og
eina dóttur, Mr. E. Halldórsson,
Lundar, Man.
The annual meeting of the
Jon Sigurdson Chapter I.O.D.E.
will be held at The Homesiead.
379 Broadway, on Friday,
February 1, at 6.30 p.m.
Viking Club Annual Meeting.
The Viking Club will hold its
annual meeting on Friday,
February lst, 1952, at 8 p.m. in
the Eagle Hall, Dagmar &
William, with annual reports
and election of members to the
executive, for 1952.
A Social and dance will follow
with music supplied by Oscar
Scholin and his 5-piece orchestra.
Refreshments of smorgasbord,
coffee and beer will be served.
Tickets are $1.50 per person,
and may be had from members
of the executive or at the door.
Nýlega söfnuðust saman á
heimili Mr. og Mrs. Óli Johnson,
Árnes, um 40 vinir og ná-
grannar í tilefni þess að dóttir
þeirra Thordís Reedel frá Port
Albernie dvaldi hjá þeim í mán-
aðartíma ásamt ungum syni,
Herbert, Mrs. A. Sigurdson
stýrði samsætinu, og Miss Dóra
Pálson afhenti heiðursgestinum
gjafir fyrir hönd vina og vanda-
Valeníine Tea.
The annual tea sponsored by
the Men’s club of the First
Lutheran church, will take
place on February 16. Several
interesting features are pro-
mised and will be announced
more fully later.
The convener of the tea, Jack
Gray, with the aid of the com-
mittee, is planning this event,
which promises to be interest-
Proceeds are to cover the
expense of the kitchen renova-
tion undertaken by the club last
A. L. Halldórsson,
Sunnudaginn, 20. jan., skírði
séra Philip M. Pétursson
Stephen Douglas, son þeirra
hjóna Nicholas Olnick og Ruby
Lillian Guðnason Olnick að
heimili þeirra, 65 Community
Road í Charleswood. Nokkrir
vinir og ættingjar voru við-
staddir. Falleg skírnarkaka með
upphleyptum myndum, sem föð-
urbróðir barnsins hafði búið til,
stóð á borðinu. Veitingar voru
hinar rausnarlegustu.
Mrs. Olnick, móðir barnsins,
er af íslenzkum ættum og kemur
frá Baldur.
Dr. og Mrs. F. Scribner frá
Gimli fóru í þriggja vikna ferð
til Bandaríkjanna, þau munu
koma til California, Los Angeles
og Chicago. .
Barney Egilson, bæjarstjóri á
Gimli og frú hans fóru síðast-
liðna viku til Bandaríkjanna.
Þau munu koma til baka í lok
Mrs. Thelma Jóhannson frá
Edmonton, sem dvalið hefir síð-
an í haust hjá dóttur sinni Mar-
gréti, Mrs. Harold Williams, í
Penarth, South Wales, er vænt-
anleg með flugvél til New York
á mánudaginn í næstu viku. Þar
mun hún hitta bræður sína tvo,
þá Grettir Eggertson rafmagns-
verkfræðing, sem nýlega fór
suður þangað ásamt John Mýr-
dal rafmagnsfræðingi, og Árna
G. Eggertson, K.C., er fer flug-
leiðis til New York næsta laug-
ardag. Eftir nokkurra daga dvöl
þar.í borg heldur hann suður
til Miami; þaðan mun hann
ferðast til Havana, Cuba og um
fleiri staði þar syðra. Hann kem-
ur til baka í lok febrúarmán-
„Silver Tea“ og kaffidrykkju
heldur Kvenfélag Fyrsta Lút-
erska safnaðar í sunnudagsskóla-
sal kirkjunnar, miðvikudaginn,
30. jan., kl. 2.30 til kl. 5 e. h. og
að kvöldinu frá kl. 7 til 10.
Heimatilbúinn matur verður
til handa þeim, sem kaupa vilja.
Skemmtiskrá fer fram að kvöld-
Allir boðnir og velkomnir!
Að afstaðinni fjölsóttri messu
að Hecla, Man., skírði sóknar-
presturinn, séra Haraldur Sig-
mar, son þeirra Mr. og Mrs.
Laurier Tómasson; var honum
gefið nafnið, Dennis.
Þjóðræknisdeildin FRÓN
þakkar hér með þessum góðu
vinum, sem bækur hafa gefið í
bókasafn deildarinnar — Guð-
mundi Thorsteinson og Guðlaugi
Þess má einnig geta, að þetta
er önnur bókagjöfin á síðast-
liðnum sex mánuðum frá Mr.
Ólafsson og eru allar þær bækur
í ágætu standi.
(Geíið, þá mun yður gefast).
Innilegt þakklæti
Fyrir hönd deildarinnar FRÓN,
J. Johnson, bókavörður
— Finnst ykkur kvenfólkinu
virkilega meira gaman að vit-
lausum karlmönnum, heldur en
— Hvaða hinum?
42-4th Ave. North,
Gimli, Man.,
Jan. 14, 1952.
E. P. Jonsson,
Editor, “Logberg”,
Winnipeg, Man.
Dear friend:
Every time I see a copy of
“Logberg”, my conscience begins
to trouble me because I am re-
minded of thfe times you have
asked me to please send in news
items regarding my work in New
Iceland. I promised you that I
would send a resume of the
ministerial acts that I have per-
formed since coming here last
April. So, without further delay,
the first installment is presented:
weddings that I have conducted
in New Iceland (where at least
one of the parties is of Icelandic
background) from the time of
our arrival here until the end of
the year.
May 20 in the Gimli Lutheran
Church, Jonina Gudbjorg Bjar-
nason, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
I. N. Bjarnason, was given in
marriage to Mr. Albert Henry
Campbell. Wedding reception
followed in the Parish Hall,
Gimli. The young couple now
live in Winnipeg. The brides-
maid was a cousin, Aurora
Stevens of Gimli, while the
groomsman was his brothe,r H.
T. Campbell of Winnipeg.
May 27, Frances Leora Came-
ron of Winnipeg was married to
Sven Johan Tergesen, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Tergesen of Gimli.
The witnesses at the ceremony
which was held in the Lutheran
Church, were Mr. G. Fogg and
Lois Sullivan of Winnipeg. A
wedding 'reception was held at
the Gimli Parish Hall. The cou-
Fulltrúi íslands
kosinn í þýzku
Tekur hún iil starfa upp úr
Einkaskeyti til Mbl.
frá Reuter-NTB.
Parísarborg, 20. des. —Alls-
herjarþing S. Þ. samþykkti
í dag með 45 atkvæðum
gegn 6, að sett skuli á fót
nefnd, er rannsaki hvort
skilyrði séu til frjálsra
kosninga í Þýzkalandi. —
Fimm kommúnistaríki A.-
Evrópu og Israel greiddu
atkvæði gegn tillögunni.
Fulllrúi Islands í kosninga-
Samþykkt var, að fulltrúar
íslands, Brazilíu, Pakistans,
Hollands og Póllands taki sæti
í nefndinni. Pólski fulltrúinn
hefir lýst yfir, að Pólverjar vilji
engan hlut eiga að nefndinni,
en menn vona, að þeir taki
sinnaskiptum. — Þá hafa og
Austur-Þjóðverjar tilkynnt, að
nefndin fái ekki leyfi til að koma
inn í landið og gera þar athug-
Hefst handa upp úr nýjárinu.
Vishinsky hélt því fram, að
verkahringur nefndarinnar mið-
aðist við störf, er S. Þ. væri ó-
Nefndin tekur til starfa eins
fljótt og unnt er eftir áramótin,
en að líkindum verður aðalverk-
svið hennar í Vestur-Þýzka-
—Mbl. 21. des.
Mr. J. M. Ingimundson var
kosinn forseti Manitoba Roofing
Contractors Association á al-
mennum fundi félagsins síðast-
liðna viku.
The 21st. birthday meeting of
the Women’s Association of the
First Lutheran church will be
held in the form of a luncheon
at 1.30 p.m. Thursday at Moore’s.
ple now reside in Winnipeg,
where “Joey” is completing his
studies in pharmacy.
June 2, Miss Barbara Margue-
rite Eyolfson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Stefan Eyolfson of
Riverton, and Robert Frederick
Magnusson, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Grimsi Magnusson of Gimli,
were united in marriage in the
Riverton Lutheran Church. His
brother, Gudni, was best man,
while hér sister, Helen, was the
maid of honor. Reception fol-
lowed in the Federated Church
Hall. The young couple now re-
side in Gimli, where he is en-
gaged in the fishing industry.
Another wedding was held in
the Riverton Lutheran Church
on July 21, when Lillian Rann-
veig Hokanson of Howardville
was united in marriage to Mr. A.
W. Firman of Husavick. The
reception was held in the hall
west of Gimli. Paul Firman and
Inez Hokanson acted as wit-
On the 4th of August, Norman
Valdimar Thordarson of Hnausa
and Vilborg Vigfusson of River-
ton, were married in a private
ceremony at the Manse in Gimli.
His brother, Helgi Thordarson,
of Hnausa and Miss Eleanor
Thorsteinson of Riverton, were
Also on the 4th of August, a
church wedding was held in
Gimli when Eileen Margaret
Evans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
M. Evans of South Beach, Gimli,
was married to Frederick Wil-
lard Bergman, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Bergman of Gimli.
Reception followed in the Parish
Hall. Wienesses were Mr. Wal-
lace Bergman, the g r o o m ’ s
brother, and Miss Maria Isfeld.
The young pair now reside in
Winnipeg, where Mr. Bergman
is employed as an electrical en-
On August the 7th a wedding
was held on Hecla Island when
Miss Pamela Doll, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William Doll, was
given in marriage to Mr. Donald
R. Menard of Winnipeg, at her
parental home. A reception fol-
lowed in the community hall.
The Matron of Honor was Mrs.
Ingibjorg Kiesman, while the
best man was Maurice Doll of
Hecla. Mr. and Mrs. Menard re-
side in Winnipeg.
On August 11 at the Riverton
Lutheran Church, Mr. Stein-
grimur Jonasson and Miss Elva
Ingibjorg Olafsson were united
in holy matrimony. The best
man was the groom’s brother,
Mr. Jonas Th. Jonasson of Geysir
community, while the brides-
maid was Margaret L. Bjornson.
A reception followed in Riverton
where the couple are making
their home.
A private ceremony was held
in the Gimli Manse on Septem-
ber 28, when Robert Bjarnason
of Wawa, Ont., and Laura June
Lesell of Central Patricia, were
married with Mr. Don Hugh
Hubbs and Miss Jean Cokayne
as witnesses. A private recep-
tion was held at the home of the
bridegroom’s grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Otter of Gimli.
On October 20th two weddings
were solemnized. Hermundur
Valdimar Jonasson and Miss
Thora Lorraine Vigfusson of
Riverton, Man., were married in
the Gimli Parsonage with their
respective brother and sister as
witnesses: Haraldur Jonasson
and Margaret Sigrun Vigfusson.
Later that evening, Jon Jonas-
son of Arnes and Bertha John-
son of Vidir were married at the
Einarsson home at Arnes, Mrs.
Florence Einarsson acting as
Matron of Honor, while the
groom’s brother, Gunnsteinn,
was best man. Following the
ceremony, a reception was held
in the parental home of the
Jonassops, Northwest of Arnes.
On the first day of November,
Leonard Alfred Thorsteinson
and Sigurros Ingveldur Gud-
mundson, both of the Arborg
community, were married in the
Gimli Manse with Kjartar Frid-
finnson and Lillian Gundmund-
son, the bride’s sister, as wit-
November 2nd, another wed-
ing was held in the Manse when
Dorothy McKay was united to
Haraldur Bodvar Johnson of
Riverton. His brother and sister-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John John-
son, were witnesses.
November lOth, a church wed-
ding was held in Arborg when
Miss Thelma Joyce Oddleifson
was given in marriage to Mr.
Walter Melnyk, with Audrey
Oddleifson and Walter Dowhan
as witnesses. A reception fol-
lowed in the Arborg Community
Hall. They will reside in Arborg.
November lOth, another wed-
ding was held, this time in the
Breidavikur church, when Miss
Sigurros Viola Snifeld of Hnausa
and Johannes Magnusson of
Gimli were married, with Robt.
Magnusson, his brother, and
Miss Sigurros Markusson acted
as witnesses. A reception fol-
lowed in the Hnausa Community
Hall. The couple has taken up
residence in Gimli, where, like
his brother, he is engaged in
November 17th, Baldur Finn-
bogason of Hnausa and Sophie
Tomchuk of Jaroslaw, Man.,
were united in marriage in the
Geysir Lutheran Church, with a
reception following in the new
Geysir Community Hall. Wit-
nesses were a brother, F. W.
Finnbogason, and Miss Joan
Helga Erickson and Ronald
Boyd were married in the Ardal
Lutheran Church on December
22nd, with Mr. Arnold W. Boyd
and Miss Jean Bowman as wit-
nesses. A reception was given
by the bride’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Erickson of Arborg, in the
social hall of the church.
On December 27th at the Thor
Lifman home in Arborg, their
daughter Stefania was given in
marriage to Roy Albert Gal-
braith, Winnipeg. The witnesses
were Mr. H. G. Johnston and
Mrs. Laufey Epp. A reception
followed in the parental home.
They, as well as the Ronald
Boyds, will reside in Winnipeg.
December, 29th, Mr. Irvin
Hjalmar Olafson and Lillian
Lois Sigurdson were married in
the Riverton Lutheran Church
with Marvin Thordarson and
Fyrsta Lúterska Kirkja
Séra Valdimar J. Eylanda.
Heimili 686 Banning Street. Sími
30 744.
Guðsþjónustur á hverjum
4 ensku kl. 11 f. h.
Á íslenzku kl. 7 e. h.
Lúlerska kirkjan í Selkirk
Sunnud. 27. janúar
Ensk messa kl. 11 árd.
Sunnudagaskóli kl. 12
íslenzk messa kl. 7 síðd.
Fólk boðið vel komið.
S. Ólafsson
Gimli Luiheran Parish
—H. S. Sigmar. Pasior
Sunday, Jan. 27th
9.00 a.m. Betel.
3.00 p.m. Confirmation service
at Riverton.
7.00 p.m. Gimli, English
Gladys Sigurdson as witnesses.
Following the ceremoney the
bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.
V. Sigurdson, entertained at a
reception in the social hall of
the RiVerton Skating Rink. This
young couple also will reside in
Winnipeg, where he is studying
at the University of Manitoba.
I trust that I have made no
omissions of what I intended to
do (reporting weddings con-
ducted by me in New Iceland,
where one or both of the parties
involved are of Icelandic back-
ground. It might be interesting
to note that nearly half of these
are Icelandic on both sides).
Some 'facts I should have in-
cluded, but not having the in-
formation at hand, I wanted to
send it incomplete as it is, rather
than delay longer.
Sincerely yours,
In addition to the Malting industry, barley is used in the
Milling and Feeding Industries. In Canada the milling or food
industry uses from 300,000 bushels to 500,000 bushels annually.
In the milling industry the first process is to remove the
hull. This is done through attrition rolls or in a revolving
drum with loose stones. The dehulled material is known as
“pot barley” and is used primarily iif soups. The larger
demand is for “pearl barley”, where the attrition process is
continued until the outer portion of the dehulled kernel is
removed, giving the material more the appearance of pearls.
This product is used in soups and to a more limited extent in
The dehulled grain is also ground into flour which is used
in the preparation of “baby foods” and in certain types of
cooking. Another use of the dehulled grain is in the manu-
facture of prepared breakfast foods and rolled barley, a
product very similar to rolled oats.
The amount of barley used in the feeding industry varies
depending on the production. Normally including that fed on
the farms, it will range from about 80,000,000 bushels to
150,000,000 bushels. The larger portion is used in combination
with other grains and concentrates compounded on the farms.
The balance is used by the Feed Processing Industry in varying
proportions depending largely on the price in comparison with
other grains.
Barley is used largely in hog feeding. It has been found
to produce better bacon than corn or oats. It is also valuable
in fattening cattle, usually mixed with other grains such as
oats. In feeding dairy cattle and poultry, it can be used in
combination with other grains and concentrates.
For further information write to Barley Improvement
Institute, 206 Grain Exchange Building, Winnipeg.
Fourth in series of advertisements. Clip for scrap book.
This space contributed by