Lögberg - 17.02.1955, Page 5

Lögberg - 17.02.1955, Page 5
LÖGBERG, FIMMTUDAGINN 17. FEBRÚAR 1955 5 NOTICE TO ALL TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBERS IN THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA TAKE NOTICE that the hearing of the application of the Manitoba Telephone System to the Municipal and Public Utility Board of Manitoba under the pro- visions of Sections 23, 43, and 120, and other relevant sections of the Municipal and Public Utility Board Act, being Chapter 142 of the Revised Statutes of Mani- toba, 1940, will, by order of the Board, commence on Thursday, the 3rd day of March A.D., 1955, at 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon, at Room 125, Law Courts Bldg., Kennedy Street, Winnipeg, and will thereafter be continued at such times and places as may be determined by the Board. The application of the Manitoba Telephone System is for an order: 1 Approving a new schedule of telephone rates for telephone subscribers throughout the Province of Manitoba, to become effective on the first day of April A.D., 1955, including a new system of exchange grouping. 3 Approving the elimination of aJl discounts for prompt payment; the dis- plans are filed with the Board. 3 Approving the elimination of all discounts for prompt payment, the dis- counts payable in connection with the various groups are as follows: Winnipeg .15 per line per month Group B $4.00 per line, per annum, local & rural Groups C, D, E, F, $6.00 per line, per annum, Iocal service $1.00 per line, per annum, rural service ' 4 Approving the granting of a discount by the System of 50c per month for old type wall and desk telephone sets, excepting for such old type wall and desk telephone sets on rural lines, vvhich shall carry a discount of 25c per month, and exclusive of extension and private branch ex- change telephones. 5 That the System remove all old type wall and desk sets and replace same by hand sets throughout the Province, as soon as the System is able to do so, and, as and when any such old type wall or desk set is replaced by a hand set, that the discount in connection with such wall or desk set, do terminate. 6 Authorizing the System to file a complete tariff, based on the schedule of rates authorized by the Board, within six months from the date of the Board’s order, such tariff to contain, in addition to a complete schedule of rates for the whole of the Province, plans of base rate areas, rules and regulations, terms and conditions of service, and practices in applying the aforesaid rates. 7 Approving the general regulations of the System. The new schedule of rates apphed for by the Manitoba Telephone System will increase the cost of general services of the Manitoba Telephone System to subscribers. The general over-all average increase is estimated to be approximately 17 per cent. Particulars of the main increases .are set out hereunder. Exchanges are grouped according to the number of telephones connected thereto. Under the present schedule, only local telephones are considered in designating the group to which an exchange belongs. Under the proposed new grouping system, all telephones connected to an exchange, both local and rural will be counted in fixing the group into which that exchange falls. Groups, Formerly Designated by Letler, are now to be Numbered PRESENT GROUPING BY LETTER AND PRESENT RATES EXCHANGE GROUP F 1 to 200 Telephones (Day Service) Bus. Main TCLEPHONtS 2.91 Extension 1.50 Res. Main Tilephonis 2.33 Extension 1.25 Residenci Two Papty 2.16 Rural Business 1.58 Rural Risidence 1.58 EXCHANGE group e 1 to 200 Telephonea (ContlnuouN) 3.50 1.50 2.50 1.25 2.16 1.75 1.75 EXCHANGE GROUP D 201 to 800 Telephonea (Continuous) 3.58 1.50 2.58 1.25 2.33 1.75 1.75 IXCHANGE GROUP C 801 to 1500 Telephonea (Continuous) 4.00 1.50 2.75 1.25 2.33 1.91 1.91 EXCHANGE GROUP B 1501 to 5000 Telephonea (Contlnuous) 4.75 1.58 3.00 1.25 2.58 2.58 2.58 EXCHANGE GROUP A Over 25,000 Telephonea 7.15 1.65 3.65 1.25 3.00 4.55 4.05 PROPOSED GROUPING BY NUMBERS AND PROPOSED RATES EXCHANGE GROUP 1 (Day Servlce) BUS. Main Telephonis 3.00 Extension 1.25 Res. Main Telephones 2.40 Extension 1.00 Residence Two Party 2.20 Rural Businiss 2.50 Rural Residence 2.50 EXCHANGE GROUP 2 1 to 500 Telephonea (Contlnuous) 3.50 1.25 2.60 1.00 2.35 2.60 2.60 EXCHANGE GROUP 3 501 to 1000 Telephonea (tontlnuous) 3.80 1.25 2.75 1.00 2.40 2.75 2.75 EXCHANGE GROUP 4 1001 to 2000 Telephonea (Continuous) 4.15 1.25 2.90 1.00 2.50 2.90 2.90 EXCHANGE GROUP 5 2001 to 5000 Telephonea (Contlnuous) 4.60 1.25 3.05 1.00 2.60 3.20 3.20 SXCHANGE GROUP 6 5001 to 10,000 Telephonei (Contlnuous) 5.10 1.25 3.25 1.00 2.75 3.50 3.50 EXCHANGE GROUP 7 10,000 to 20,000 Telephonea (Continuous) 5.75 1.25 3.45 1.00 2.90 3.80 3.80 EXCHANGE GROUP 8 Over 100,000 Telephonea 7.65 1.75 3.90 1.25 3.25 4.50 4.00 LIST OF EXCHANGE AND GROUP NUMBERS OF EACH EXCHANGE GROUP 1 — DAY SERVICE Alonsa Erlksdale Hodgson New Poplarfleld Sundown Blssett Ethelbert Inwood Oak Point Tolstol Broad Valley Fisher Branch Llbau Pine Rlver Victoria Beach C'ampervllle F'raserwood Lundar Piney Vita Chatfleld Gardenton Marchand Rorketon Vogar C'ranberry Grahamdale Middleboro St. Laurent Wasagaming Portage Gypsumvllle Molson Sprague Winnepegosls Crawford Park Hecla Mulvlhlll Stead W’oodrldge GROUP 2 — 1-500 TELEPHONES Alexander Elgln Kenton Oak Rlver St. Pierre Ashern Elle La Broquerie Ochre Rlver St. Rose Du Lac Baldur Elkhorn La Du Bonnet Plpestone Sinclair Basswood Elm Creek Langruth Plumas Somerset Beausejour Emerson McAuley Plum Coulee SperUng Benlto Erickson McCreary Rapld Clty Strathclair Beulah Fork Rlver Miami Rathwell Swan Lake Binscarth Foxwarren Minlota Reston Teulon Blrtle Glenboro Mlnto Roland Trelierne Cartwright Hartney Newdale Rossburn W'aldersee Crandall Headlngly Norway House St. Agathe W'awanesa Cypress Rlver Holland Notre Dame St. Anne W'hitemouth Darlingford Kelwood Oak Lake St. Claude Winnipeg Beach GROUP 3 — 501-1000 TELEPHONES Altona Glibert Plalns MacGregor Pleasant Valley Snowflake Anola GimU Manitou Rivers Souris Arborg Gladstone Minnedosa Riverton Starbuck Austln Grandvlew Morden RobUn The Pae Boissevain Hamlota New Saruro Russell Vldlr Carberry lfazelrldge Oakbank San Clara Vlrden Crystal Clty IngUs Oakburn Sanford Winkler Deloralne Killarney Piiot Mound Shoal Lake Dugald Lorette Plne Falls Sldney GROUP 4 — 1001-2000 TELEPHONES Arden Marqnette Morris StonewaU W’arren Carman Medora Neepawa Swan Rlver W'nskada Goodlands Melita Plerson Tllston Woodlands Lyleton GROUP5 — 2001-5000 TELEPHONES Brookdale Flin Flon OakvUle Portage Selkirk Dauphln Lockport Petersfield La Pralrle GROUP 6 — 5001-10,000 TELEPHONES Brandon GROUP 7 — 10,001-20,000 TELEPHONES No exchanee In thls Kroup at present GROUP 8 — OVER 100,000 TELEPHONES Winnlpeg The new schedule of rates will also provide for a general increase in message toll telephone (long distance) rates for calls from one point in the Province to another point in the Province, with an approximate over-all average increase of 17 per cent. With respect to special services such as private branch exchange, and private automatic branch exchange services, there will be a varying in- crease in rates, depending on the type and amount of equipment, with an approximate over-all average increase of 17 per cent. The present 5c rate for Winnipeg local pay station calls will be changed to a lOc rate. All discounts for prompt payment will be eliminated. All billing will be on a monthly basis. The System proposes to replace all old type wall and desk instruments with hand sets as quickly as possible, and proposes that as a hand set is in- stalled, the discount in connection with such old type wall and desk set be automatically cancelled. In view of the large number of old type wall and desk sets still in service, it is anticipated that the complete changeover will take a considerable period of time. Detailed information with respect to all proposed exchange, miscellaneous and toll rates referred to above has been filed with the Municipal and Public Utility Board. Detailed information with respect tQ these rates may also be obtained from the Manitoba Telephone System at its head office, 166 Portage Avenue East, Winnipeg, by communicating with the Rate Office, Telephone No. 92-4462, or by writing to the Rate Supervisor’s Office at the same address. Provincial subscribers may also obtain detailed information with respect to any of these rates from the Manitoba Telephone System office in the fol- lowing places: The Pas Morden Dauphin Souris Selkirk Carman Russell Morris Neepawa Melita Flin Flon Treherne Portage la Prairie Brandon Minnedosa Virden Boissevain Pilot Mound Ashem Beausejour Roblin Swan River AND TAKE NOTICE that any interested person who wishes to be heard on said application may appear and be heard either in person or by counsel. In order to facilitate the hearing of all parties, it is suggested that persons intending to make representations on this application, notify the Secretary of the Municipal and Public Utility Board, 214 Law Courts Bldg., Winnipeg, in writing, of such intention before the date set for the hearing. DATED this 8th day of February A.D., 1955. MANITOBA TELEPHONE SYSTEM Ppr • J. F. MILLS Commissioner.



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