Lögberg-Heimskringla - 18.12.1981, Blaðsíða 2

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 18.12.1981, Blaðsíða 2
2-WINNIPEG, FÖSTUDAGUR 18. DESEMBER 1981 Christmas translated by Kristjana Gunnars from: Undir Kalstjörnu by Sigurður A. Magnússon As far back as I could remember, Christmas had been the most anx- ious and dismal time of the year, and those feelings increased with every new year. Knowing that other children looked forward to Christmas and thoroughiy relished the holidays only added to my misery. This was partly due to a tenacious habit of my father's to get drunk on the day before Christmas. On those occasions he usually drank alone and became excessively de- jected and plaintive. It was probably rooted in some childhood ex- Frá ritstjórn Jólablað Lögbergs-Heimskringlu er síðasta tölublað þessa árs. Skrifstofa blaðsins verður lokuð milli jóla og nýárs. Fyrsts blað ársins 1982 kemur úr 15. janúar. From the editor This is the last issue of Lögberg- Heimskringla this year. The editorial office will be closed during the Christmas holidays. The first issue in 1982 will appear on the 15 of January. perience or memory which he never directly revealed, but which I sens- ed intuitively behind his drunken chatter and tears. Dad's psychological state colored all our Christmases. Mom was depressed and vexed before she disappeared. Marta was discon- solate and forbearing and did what she could to create a holiday at- mosphere, but it was next to im- possible since dad was invariably boisterous when he drank. His tirades and sobs accompanied us every Christmas Eve, but on Christmas Day he suffered from hangovers, which spread a different kind of unhappiness over the home. By the second day of Christmas he had usually recovered and then my mother's relatives sometimes visited and played cards half of the night. Christmas trees were unheard of in the home and gifts were rare, ex- cept we always got a few candles each and together we were given a pack of cards; I seem to recall they had pictures of ancient Icelandic heroes on them. If there was any money at hand, we were outfitted with the most necessary clothing. The only pleasant part of Christmas was the baking Marta did during. the week before the holidays. She made doughnuts and various kinds of cookies, pancakes and one or two tortes with jam. These breads were a great novelty and we managed to put away with incredible speed what she had been baking long into the night on the preceeding week. As a holiday distinction, we also usually got hot chocolate which we though of as a delicacy. We customarily received some items of clothing from charity in that season; used clothes that were invariably much needed and which lasted us till the following summer and even longer. The only unusual thing ’about our first Christmas in the summer cottage was that its owner, the tailor in Reykjavík, gave us kids brand new garments; Systa got a lovely dress and white socks, and us boys got shirts, bow ties, knitted vests and shorts, as well as cotton socks which were a thorough novelty. We siblings had, I guess, never been so smartly attired in all our lives. Mom made it her first job when she came for a visit after Christmas, to take us to the photographer's, but she was sorely unhappy with the results; for I had both lost an incisor tooth and smiles apishly, and had worn a band around my head for so long that there was no way of controlling my hair. Mom herself did not want to be in the picture with us, which I thought was strange, but as it turned out it made no difference since the negatives were lost and the attempt to have proper photos made from them never occurred. Dad wept an unusual amount that Christmas because of the tailor's generosity, which took him com- pletely by surprise. He shed tears when the tailor arrived and then I was mortified and ashamed. But he cried much more after he had gone, so the joy of the gifts was smitten by a weariness over dad's drunken gloom. I was taken aback to see dad's reactions to all of this when he was sober again. It was as if he felt humiliated over having accepted the tailor's gifts and wept over them. He found fault with the man and said it cost him nothing, a stinking rich tailor, to throw a few useless pieces of clothing at the poor to pacify his conscience. The only way I could understand this was, that the gifts had wounded his pride, and I thought that was absurd since we were indeed poor and had all the need in the world for the clothes we received; and we did accept what charity offered without a murmur. For another thing, dad never seem- ed to consider that we needed clothing or anything when he wanted to enjoy himself. The alcohol purchases at Christmas ir- ritated me especially, for not only did he waste money that was better spent on necessities, but he ruined the holiday joy that might have been kindled if he had been sober. I was generally very relieved when the celebrations of the Savior's Birth were over. On the other hand, New Year's Eve was the holiday that lit up the Dark Season, for then there were bonfires and we were allowed to stay out past mid- night. There was no thought of un- bought gifts or festivities that only awakened grief and sorrow; instead everything was illuminated by the relief of knowing that yet another dismal year was burnt out and would never return. Leskaflar í íslensku handabyrjendum XXXIX. The declension of the indefinite somebody) runs as follows: Sing. Masc. Nom. einhver Acc. einhvern Dat. einhverjum Gen. einhvers Plur. Nom. einhvérjir Acc. einhverja pronoun einhver (some, someone, Fem. einhver einhverja einhverri einhverrar einhverjar einhverja Neuter eitthvert (eitthvað) eitthvert (eitthvað) einhverju einhvers einhver einhver Dat. all einhverjum Gen. genders einhverra Note that einhver is used mainly in affirmative sentences; eitthvert is an adjective, whereas eitthvað is a noun. Translate into English: Einhver sagði mér eitthvað um einhverja nemendur, sem höfðu rangt við í prófunum. Einhvern veginn trúi ég því þó ekki. Sú saga hlýtur að koma frá einhverjum, sem hefir sagt einhverja vitleysu. Ég veit það ekki, en einhvers staðar heyrði ég þetta nú samt. Auðvitað eru alltaf einhverjir, sem ekki seg- ja sannleikann, en einhverju verður maður að trúa. Það er eitthvert vit í því að hlusta á góðra manna ráð, þegar maður er sjálfur í einhverjum vandræðum. Það hljóta að vera einhver börn hér í einhverjum vandræðum. Það hljóta að vera einhver börn hér í sveitinni, sem af einhverri ástæðu eiga þess ekki kost að njóta einhverrar kennslu. Vocabulary: af einhverri ástæðu, for some reason auðvitað, of course eiga þess ekki kost, do not have the opportunity einhvern veginn, somehow einhverra hluta vegna, for some reasons einhvers staðar, some place hlusta á, listen njóta, enjoy, benefit from some- thing, get advantage from some- thing prófunum, neuter, examinations, dat. plur. of próf ráð, neuter, advice, acc. plur. of ráð saga, fem., story samt, however, yet sannleikann, masc., truth, acc. sing. of sannleiki hlýtur, must, is bound to, pres. ind. of hljóta höfðu rangt við, cheated, from hafa rangt við kennslu, fem., instruction, teaching, gen. sing. of kennsla maður, masc., indef. pronoun, one nemendur, masc., pupils, students, acc. plur. of nemandi sveitinni, fem., district, parish, dat. sing. of sveit trúi, believe, pres. ind. of trúa vandræðum, neuter, trouble, dat. plur. of the plur. noun vandræði veit,know(s), pres. ind. of vita vit, neuter, sense vitleysu, fem., nonsense, acc. sing. of vitleysa CHRISTMAS GREETINGS RESTAURANT For that something special at Christmas. Smoked eel, rulepylse, headcheese, liverpate and Danish pastries. Dinnerand Smorrebrod served daily. Monday to Thursday - 11:30 a.m. - 8: 30 p.m. Friday & Saturday - 11:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. 1875 Pcmbina Highway "WINE LICENSE" Phona 261-1448



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