Lögberg-Heimskringla - 18.12.1981, Page 20

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 18.12.1981, Page 20
20-WINNIPEG, FÖSTUDAGUR 18. DESEMBER 1981 Gleðileg jól Starfsfólk og stjórnarnefnd fremur þökkum við öllum sem stutt Lögbergs-Heimskringlu óskar les- hafa blaðið á liðnum árum og endum sínum nær og fjær gleðilegra væntum góðs samstarfs um ókomna jóla og farsæls komandi árs. Enn- tíð. Donations This is to remind our readers in Canada that donations to Lögberg- Heimskringla are tax deductible. Send your cheque to: Lögberg-Heimskringla 1400 Union Tower Building 191 Lombard Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0X1 On behalf of the Executive and Members of the ICELANDIC FESTIVAL of MANITOBA Compliments of the Season to Friends everywhere Maurice C. Eyolfson President Merry Christmas “The Shoreliner Motel” 39 First Avenue, Gimli, Manitoba On the sandy Beach of Downtown Gimli Beautiful 2-Bedroom Cottages LHK Units — Overnight Rooms — Open all year All with Showers — Air-Conditioned Colour TV. Doug, Ollie & Michael Baldwin — Phone: 642-5992 SEASON'S GREETINGS TO ALL OUR ICELANDIC FRIENDS CURTIS TIRE SERVICE TIRES — RETREADING - BATTERIES WHEEL BALANCING - FRONT END ALIGNMENT TUNE UP - 24 HOUR ROAD SERVICE FOR TRUCKS 774-3433 986 ARLINGTON ST at William Ave. WINNIPEG, MANITOBA R3E 2E7 and you will receive a receipt in the mail. Act soon, remember that the year 1981 has almost ended. The Icelanders The Icelanders by David Arnason and Micheal Olito is now available. For further in- formation contact Turn- stone Press, St. John's College, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, R3T 2M5. Phone (204) 474-9860. DON SIGURDSON LTD. Your Esso Agent and Dealer Christmas Greetings To Friends & Clients 441 River Road Arborg, Man. R0C 0A0 Phone 376-2247 WESTBROOK MEDICAL CENTRE GLEÐILEG JÓL! OG FARSÆLT NYTT AR! Dr. Gestur Kristjansson Dr. Hermann Johnson Dr. Gudmundur Lambertsen Dr. Oskar Olson Logan & Keewatin Ph. 633-7281 Winnipeg CHRISTMAS GREETINGS FRONTIER REALTY Houses — Businesses — Farms Morgages — Loans W. BILL INDRIDASON 400 Main Street Phone 482-5492 MESSUBOÐ Fyrsta Lúterska Kirkja JOHN V. ARVIDSON PASTOR 10:30 a.m. The Service followed by Sunday School & coffee hour. Icelandic Service Nov. 29 - 7 p.m. GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES the bestsellers rpn BLOCKBROS. u REALTY 100-5 Donald Winnipeg, Manitoba Phone 475-4970 S.M. SIGMAR General Manager, Manitoba Region



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