Lögberg-Heimskringla - 18.12.1981, Side 17

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 18.12.1981, Side 17
WINNIPEG, FOSTUDAGUR 18. DESEMBER 1981-17 Seattle Icelaiidic Club Continued from page 16 ably, represented Iceland. Each country presented excellent programs of song and dance. Tani Bjornson was Master of Ceremonies. The Icelandic program began with the Icelandic Youth Singers, directed by Didda Wilson, to guitar accompaniment by Rick Wilson, Jr. and a guest from Iceland, Oskar Valtysson. Then followed soprano solos by Svava Sigmar, accom- panied by LaVerne Anderson, tenor solos by Dr. Edward Palmason and duets by Dr. Palmason and Tani Bjornson, accompanied by John Sundsten. After the musical programs, ex- cellent motion pictures from all five countries were shown, under the direction of Rick Wilson. The event ended with dancing from 6-9 p.m. Music was furnished by The Finlandia Trio and the Speldosan Band. The Nordic Festival President, Tani Bjornson, expressed deep ap- preciation to all committees and all the participants. A special thank you to Kay Sigmundsson, who designed, made, and donated the beautiful poster which listed the events of the day. President's Note Tani Bjornson, as president of the 1981 Nordic Festival, did an outstanding job. Whenever there was a moment during the program where performers were not quite ready to go on stage, Tani stepped in and kept the audience entertained with amusing anecdotes and in leading community singing where he biad all those present singing along with him. It can be said that Iceland shone in the minds of those attending, for Tani reached out and touched them all. We wish to express our deep ap- preciation to one of our most active members. Thank yöu, Tani. Haustfagnaður — Autumn Dance This was held on October 16 at the VFW Hall in Ballard. -x The dance theme was carried through in decorations of autumn News leaves and red and gold streamers, creating an inviting atmosphere. Our thanks to Charlotte Thordar- son. At the card party "felagsvist" was introduced, a novelty to most of us, but greatly enjoyed; the hall rang ■with laughter. Pastor Harald Sigmar won the prize, a cap of wool lopi, knitted by Hulda Gudmundsson. Refreshments were served throughout the evening, kleinur and ryebread with kæfa, reminders of the good old days, when mamma or amma did the baking at home. Mr. Music proved skillful at selec- ting music to suit all ages. Dancing went on until 2:00 a.m., and it was good to see so many young people present. As we recall past events we par- ticularly wish to mention Lorene Thordarson. One of our youngest members, she has been very active on the club's behalf. She coordinated both the spring and the fall dance. She also served as our princess throughout the year, taking part in parades and other Scandinavian functions. The success of the Autumn Dance is largely due to her leadership and enthusiasm. Thank you, Lorene. The General Meeting Took place at Calvary Lutheran Church Social Hall on october 25. The following officers were elected: President — Didda Wilson; V. President — Helgi Thordarson; Treasurer — Tani Bjornson; Recor- ding Sc'y — Kristine Olafson; Cor- resp. Sec'y — Hrefna Milner. Trustees are: Frank Parris — cur- rent; Erla Njardvik — current; Leonard Simundsson — 3 yr. term. Stony Hermann — 3 yr. term; Valdi Kristjanson — 2 yr. term; Lorene Thordarson — 1 yr. term. The meeting concluded with a program and refreshments. Tani Bjornson read poems. Vesturbrædur sang. Agusta Gary, on behalf of the artist, Solveig Eg- gerts Petursdottir, presented the club with a collection of oil pain- tings. Refreshments were served by Charlotte Thordarson and Margaret Gustavson. | RIVERTON TRANSFER | Wishes Friends & Customers a § | Merry Christmas and Happy New Year g Steve & Dan Olafson Riverton M liliuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiíiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinj INNILEGAR JÓLA- OG NYARSÓSKIR TIL ALLRA ÍSLENDINGA Kæra þökk fyrir ánægjuleg viðskipii. (£. $c É. (Haatj l^tore GENERAL MERCHANTS JOHN GUTTORMSON, SR. JOHN V. P. GUTTORMSON, JR. LUNDAR PHONE 762-5331 MAN. Greetings to our icelandic Friends and Customers GIMLI HOTEL GIMLI, MAN. Phone 642-9288 Compliments of . . . TIP TOP PAYFAIR Famous for our Steaks, Bacon and Icelandic Foods MEATS — VEGETABLES — GROCERIES J. T. Arnason & Sons, Brian and Ken Phone 642-5418 GIMLI. MAN. COMPLIMENTS OF ... RIVERTON CO-OP ASS’N LTD. Service Centre 378-2324 General Store 378-2251 Groceries, Meat, Dry Goods, Hardware, Feed, Oil, Grease, Building material, Farm Supply, Pump Gas. PHONE 378-2251 RIVERTON, MAN. Greetings CHRISTMAS GREETINGS TO FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS Mrs. Lipton's Restaurant Corner Lipton and Westminster B 775-6743 Best Christmas and New Year's Wishes to all our lcelandic Customers and Friends — Icelandic Foods our Specialty - Vínarterta. Icelandic Brown Bread, Rúllupylsa. — Birthday and Wedding Cakes. — Catering for Weddings and Parties. ALICE and EILEEN GUDMUNDSON ARBORG DROP INN BAKE SHOP ARBORG, MANITOBA Opp. Pool Elevator "C" Phone 376-2271 after 6: Winnipeg 783-6654 Við óskum öllum Gleðilegra Jóla og farsæls komandi árs From the residents, staff and the board of directors. Bjorn Olgeirson, Chairman Alfred Byron, Vice Chairman Margaret Johnson, Secretary ' Orval Holliday, Treasurer Ellen Eriendson Craig Thorfinnson Eldon Hillman Lyle Hoverson, Administrator 'Piúrteen ‘TJtwt&iial Tftauútetin, 'Hontá "DaÁofa, 5K262 Home Phone — 993-8345 u



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