Lögberg-Heimskringla - 06.05.1994, Blaðsíða 2

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 06.05.1994, Blaðsíða 2
2 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 6. maí 1994 Our readers will have noticed in our past special issues of L-H the number of advertisements and greetings from Iceland. We are very grateful for the great work of the people of Þjóðráð H/F. in Reykjavík, under the leadership of Svavar Kristinnsson and Sveinn Guðmundsson. They and their staff have moved mountains for us and showed to us that our paper enjoys great respect amongst the people of Iceland who fínd it amazing that the paper is still published now in its 107th year. Our thanks go to Þjóðráð! We are also greatly indebt- ed to the Reykjavík Museum of Photography for their help with gathering and loaning the pictures of June 17 and 18, 1944, the pictures of Iceland’s Presidents and the accompanying photos to the Jón Sigurðsson article. The Reykjavík Museum of Photography is a remarkable museum. It all started in 1981 when three men, Eyjólfur Halldórs, Leifur Þorsteins- son, photographer, and the geneologist Þorsteinn Jóns- son became aware that no organized collection of old pictures had been gathered. On their own these three started and then were soon joined by a few others in amassing a growing collec- tion. Reykjavík Höfuðborgin við sundin blá Það er ekki bara sagan, menningin eða náttúrufegurðin sem er einstök í Reykjavík. Mannlífið, söfnin, leikhúsin, hótelin, skemmti- og veitingastaðirnir gera heimsókn til Reykjavíkur að ógleymanlegri upplifun. In 1987 the city fathers realized the value of such a collection and the Reykjavík Museum of Photography was founded. The collection includes some of the oldest pho- tographs taken in Iceland, and the first one of Reykjavflí taken by Des Cloizeaux in 1846, only seven years after the Frenchman J.N. Niepce developed the first camera. Of great interest to our readers would be the begin- ning of a collection of pic- tures from the Icelandic Settlement in North America. Eyjólfur Halldórs, who is now the Director of the Museum, along with publish- er Helgi Björn, visited Manitoba during the summer of ’93 to try to locate pictures for this special collection. They were successful in obtaining copies from the Manitoba Archives and the University of Winnipeg as well as from others. This now makes up the collection from Icelandic Settlements. They would greatly appreciate more pictures of people dur- ing that era at work and play if you or someone you know happen to have any to share. A special showing of this collection is in the making. If our readers have pictures they would lilce to donate or loan to the Museum for copy- ing, please contact Eyjólfur Halldórs at the Reykjavík Museum of Photography, Borgartúni 1, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland. BIRGIR MESSUBOÐ Fyrsta Lúterska Kirkja Pastor Ingthor I. Isfcld 1030 a.m. The Service followed by Sunday School & Coffee hour. First Lutheran Church 580 Victor St., Winnipeg, MB R3G 1R2 Ph. 772-7444 Minnist í ERPÐASKÐÁM YÐAR



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