Lögberg-Heimskringla - 06.05.1994, Blaðsíða 20

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 06.05.1994, Blaðsíða 20
20 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 6. maí 1994 Let’s go to lceland By Stefania Morris “Oh, you decided to go to Iceland!” she said with excite- ment. “Yes, I thought we’d do the circle tour. It would give us a chance to see all of Iceland.” he answered proudly. “But I want to spend time in the Haltastaðar district where my mother was born. I have heard that the relatives are still all around there.” she told him. “That’s interesting for you, but I want to see all the histori- cal places. It’s the land of the Vikings where the great heroes like Njáll walked, where Ólafur Peacock brought the slave or concubine who tumed out to be all Irish princess, and where the lovers Gunnlaugur and Hrafn fought to their death over the beautiful Helga the Fair. I even want to see Snorri Sturluson’s ancient hot tub.” her husband said. “You are a typical man!” his wife snorted, “Always looking for heroes of war and plunder rather than great men like the poets “Iceland is full of poets. I wonder how the people eeked out a living when they spent their time making verses.” he huffed back. The' poetry is what sus- táined the people when life was hard. They saw the beauty in everything around them.” “What about the long win- ter when there was hardly any day?” he asked, “They couldn’t see much then.” “That’s when the people read all those books. Just think how knowledgeable they were about the great literature of the world. They knew all the works' of Shakespeare. Oh, do you know that in Shake- speare’s family crest there was an Icelandic falcon. Maybe there was some Icelandic in Shakespeare. You know those Vikings got around.” she said laughing. “You and your imagination. Just because it was a falcon on that crest doesn’t say that it was an Icelandic one. Next you’ll be telling me we are descended from royalty.” he said shaking his head. “Oh, we are! The people who settled Iceland were rela- tives of the king of Norway so we are all of royal blood.” she answered as she held her head up high. “Ha! Ha! I think the Vikings will have mixed the royal blood up a bit. We are more likely to be descendants of pirates. Anyway I’m going on the circle tour and I will see all the country.” “But I want to meet the people and feel what it is like to live in Iceland. I want to know what they think and dream about,” his wife went on. “You meet people on the circle tour. You get to be like one happy family for two weeks.” he tried to tell her. “This is different because when you go to Iceland you go to meet Icelandic people, not a bunch of Europeans or other tourists.” she snapped back. “What do you think you will see. There are no turf houses any more,” he asked. “I know that their house will be gone, but I’ll be able to see the stream that flowed by the house and the lake where grandma threw out her net and caught those wonderful trout that nothing in Canada equalled.” she added. “I wouldn’t mind tasting that trout. Oh, here comes the nurse.” “She’ll want to get us ready for bed now,” she answered. “We’ll have to continue our trip to Iceland another day, but I still want to do the circle tour,” he assured her. STEVENSON’S FOODS CROCERIES • FRESH MEATS • PRODUCE » IN-STORE BAKERY • LOTTERY CENTRE 4 56 MAIN STREET • LUNDAR, MANITOBA OPEN '7 DAYS A WEEK LUCKY • DOLLAR F • O • O • D • S (204) 762-5714 MEAT DEPARTMENT 762-LEAN 38888888888 LMDIR GARAGE LTP, TRUCKS & CARS • PARTS • SALES • SERVICE tadEBHŒSl # JOWING • BRAKE ROTOR & DRUM MACHINING <0) • 4-WHEEL COMPUTERIZED ALIGNMENT (gygogftfl Main E. Lundar, Manitoba @> (204) 762-5321 FAX# 204-762-5131 After hours call: Hal 762-5486 LUNDAR PHARMACY Keith and Davilyn Eyolfson Prescriptions, Drugs, Cosmetics, Giftwares, Stationery, Confectionery PHONE 762-5431 — LUNDAR, MANITOBA Compliments and Best Wishes from LUNDAR BAKERY The Home of The Bread that made Mother quit baking Vínarterta & many kinds of Pastry now available The best lceiandic Brown Bread in the Interlake Norma Magnusson and Richard McLeod MAIN ST., LUNDAR, MAN. (204) 762-5341 MANITOBA G 8 E Cash Store "YOUR ONE STOP SHOP” Groceries, Fresh Meat, Hardware, Major Appliances Building Materials, Dry Goods, Clothing & Footwear. We do custom Meat Cutting & Wrapping lohn Guttormson Ir., Prop. Lundar, Man. Ph: 762-5331 Open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Office: (204) 762-5855 Restaurant: (204) 762-5818 Fax: (204) 762-5184 \ • Weekend Entertainment • 23 Modern Motel Units : Vjdeo Lottery Games • Color T.V., Phones & Air Cond. • Restaurant Open 7 Days a Week Dan & Peggy Loewen, Box 327, Lundar, MB ROC 1Y0 r Specialiscing in Winíer Road Construction Road Construction Drainage Land Clearing ru --- Disking J.S. Sigfusson & Sons Ltd. P.O. Box 300, Lundar, Manitoba R0C 1Y0 (204) 762-5500 Brian: Res. 762-5770 David: Res. 762-5424 p F0hícken ^öhef (tsso) HWY. 6 & MAIN LUNDAR, MANITOBA Esdo, Gas, Diesel & Oil 762-5100



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