Lögberg-Heimskringla - 06.05.1994, Blaðsíða 31

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 06.05.1994, Blaðsíða 31
Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 6. maí 1994 • 31 Iwould like to make a proposi- tion to you for the erection of a monument at Glaumbær in Skagafjörður, Iceland, in the memo- ry of the first European child to be born in the New World, one Snorri Þórfinnsson. Snorri and his parents, Þórfinnur Karlsefni and Guðríður Þórbjarnardóttir, are all buried at Glaumbær. In the Saga of Greenlanders and the Saga of Eiríkur the Red, it describes how Guðríður and Þórfinnur met in Greenland after she had been widowed by Þórsteinn, Leifur Eiríksson’s brother. After their marriage, they sailed in search of Vínland according to Leifur Eiríksson’s description. They were the first European settlers to pass the winter of 1002-1003 on Vínland with the intention of making this their new home. This same winter, Guðríður bore a son and named him Snorri. Some years later the family sailed back to Iceland and returned to settle at Glaumbær in Skaga- fjörður, where Þórfinnur had come from. Snorri eventually took over from his father and erected the first church at Glaumbær and a church still stands there today. After Þórfinnur died, Guðríður, who was extremely religious, “walked south” on a pilgrimage to visit the Pope in Rome, which was a daring feat of that time. Apart from the church at Glaumbær, there is also a 19th-cen- tury turf farmhouse, now a Folk Museum, visited by many tourists every year who want to know more about the Icelandic nation. The idea, to erect a monument in memory of these historical events, is for the purpose of promoting knowl- edge about the people of Nordic descent and their origins as well as to prompt or increase relations and travel between Iceland and North America. During the preparations of this project, it was revealed that an actu- al statue of Guðríður and Snorri, called “The First European Mother”, did in fact exist. It was sculptured by one of Iceland’s most famous sculp- tors, Ásmundur Sveinsson. The stat- ue, which is double man’s size, was made some time in the 1930’s and then sent to the World Exhibition in New York in 1939. The statue shows Guðríður standing at the stern of a Viking ship, looking out to sea, with her son Snorri, standing on her shoulder. Although enquiries have been made to find the statue’s where-abouts, nothing has come up so far. With further research into the matter, information about the small- er original came about. It was being kept in storage at Kjarvalsstaðir Museum in Reykjavík. The original is about 1 metre high and will be placed on a base of another metre, where all those who donated to the project, will be mentioned. It has been decided to look for support from companies, fellowships as well as individuals both here in Iceland and in North America, to finance the project. The estimat- ed cost of purchasing the statue, casting in bronze and erecting it, is U.S. $18,000. I would therefore, like to ask for your financial support for this project, perhaps $50 - $100 or in fact, any donation would be appreciated. The statue would be regarded as a gift from Canadian and American Ice- landers to Iceland, in celebration of 50 years of independence this year. If all goes according to plan, the monument will be unveiled with a ceremony July 9, 1994, when many people of Icelandic descent from North America will be in Iceland celebrating our 50 years of independence. It is worth mentioning, that the project has had much cover- age lately in the media, as well as being part of a TV series about the Nordic countries, called “The Viking Project” for PBS. Iceland Air has also shown inter- est in our project and promises their support. If you have any questions regarding this matter, I am pre- pared to help and discuss with you whatever you need to know. U.S. contact is Einar Gústafsson, Iceland Tourist Board, New York. Tel: (212) 949-2333. Thank you. Vigfús Vigfússon Manager Skagafjörður Tourism Board Skagfirðingabraut 17-19 550 Sauðárkrókur ICELAND Tel: 354-5-36440 Fax: 354-5-35892 Detail ofthe statue “The First European Mother” by Ásmundur Sveinsson. Hver d sér fegra föðurland Við bjóðum _ tíðar flugferðir milli Reykjavíkur og stærri þéttbýlisstaða hringinn í kringum landið. — gistingu á tveimur af bestu hótelunum í Reykjavík; Hótel Esju og Hótel Loftleiðum. — bíla af öllum stærðum hjá Bíialeigu Flugleiða / Hertz. FLUGLEIÐIR þjóðbraut innanlands



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