Lögberg-Heimskringla - 05.12.2003, Side 5

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 05.12.2003, Side 5
Lögberg-Heimskringla • 5 Desember 2003 • page 5 FRETTIR • NEWS Tammy Axelsson í góðum hópi verðlaunahafa Tammy Axelsson in a Good Group of Award Winners The first Western-Icelander that Toastmasters honours Gimli is a lively town that is built up of keen volun- teers who do various jobs,” said Tammy Axelsson, Honorary Consul for Iceland in Gimli, when she received the yearly award from Toastmasters International of Manitoba and' Northwestern Ontario, a short while ago. Toastmasters International (www.toastmasters.org), was founded in California just over seventy years ago and more than thirty million people have been involved in the organiza- tion. The basic function of the organization is for its mem- bers to come together and practice public speaking. Today there are more than 8,800 divisions with over 175,000 members in over sev- COURTESY OF MORGUNBLAÐIÐ/STEINÞOR GUÐBJARTSSON Tammy Axelsson receiving the award from Lyie Appleyard, the President of Toastmasters International in Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario enty countries all over the world. The Gimli club was being revived and the fall council meeting for Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario was held there. Tammy Axelsson, who is the Executive Director of the New Iceland Heritage Museum, is the first Western- Icelander living on the Canadian prairie, which the organization has honoured. The award is given for volun- tary work done for the organi- zation. The first award was given in 1939, and among those who have received the award in the Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario region are: Peter Liba, Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba, Gary Filmon and Edward Schreyer, former Premiers of Manitoba. Edward Schreyer also served as the Governor General of Canada. Iceland and Icelandic mat- ters have been at the forefront in Gimli and Tammy has been an avid participant in this work in the past few years. She has, among other things, worked for the Icelandic Festival Committee since 1995 and took over as Honorary Consul of Iceland in Gimli after Neil Bardal relin- quished his post last June. Lyle Appleyard, the President of Toastmasters International in Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario, said that the Icelandic community in Gimli has been of interest to the organization and that Tammy is a worthy represen- tative of it. Information from Morgunblaðið, Á. H. continued from page 4 A Philanthropist at Heart He plans another trip there next year with his children: Virginia, thirty, who has a swim suit collection she designs and markets out of Toronto; Carter, twenty-nine, who is doing his Ph.D. at the University of Maryland on full scholarship, studying ethnic conflict resolution; and Jessica, twenty-seven, an artist who studied at the Florence Academy of Art for three years, and who specializes in doing portraits. His wife, Anna McCowan-Johnson, founder and Artistic Director of the Interplay School of Dance, is looking forward to her first visit. He is very interested in his heritage, and supporting the institutions that foster the con- tinuance of the culture. At Lundar High School he and his siblings fund the Fjola Johnson Memorial Scholar- ship, named for his mother. He recalls attending Pauline Johnson’s lOOth birth- day party, at which there were several hundred guests. When he reached her in the receiving line, he said to her, “Miss Johnson, you probably don’t remember me. You taught me grade one in 1941.” She retort- ed, “I taught you grade one and two in 1941 and 1942!” Wondering what you would give someone for their lOOth birthday, he and his family concluded that making a donation to a library to be named for her would be appro- priate. They matched other donations from the town’s people, and Lundar’s main street now has the Pauline Johnson Library. At the open- ing, Pauline Johnson cut the ribbon. Don concluded a long time ago that it is important to “do what you really love to do, do what you are good at, and do it with people you love to be with.” It would seem he has lived that motto. Ivbmh Arnason Funeral Service Ltd. Servíng the tnterlake Area Chapels at Lundar and Ashern First Avenue N. Ashern UB. 204.768.2072 Aikins • Creattve Legal Sobttions • l*?v AllQNS.MACAUlygf ÆTHQRVALÐSÖV Greetings from J. Timothy Samson, Q.C. Kristin L. Gibson J. Douglas Sigurdson Thor Hansell Michael E. Guttormson Helga D. Van Iderstine Aikins, MacAulay&Thqrvaldson BARRISTtRS A.1D SOLICITORS PATIRT AK» TRADI-MARK AOENT3 30th Floor Commodity Exchangc Tower, 360 Main Street, Winnipcg, Manitoba, Canada R3C 4G1 TcU (204) 957-0050 Fax: (204) 957-0840 E-Mail: amt@aikins.com Wcb Sitc: wu-wAikina.com Heather Stefanson M.L.A. forThxedo Wishittg you all the very best for a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season! 1840 Grant Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3N ON4 487-0013 Merry Christmas John Harvard, M.P. gjfld Charleswood St. James-Assiniboia Happy New Year H-3050 Portage, Ave. Ph: 983-4501 (j^leðileg jól jrom the Staffat Tergesens We look forward to seeingyou in the New Year Gleðileg jól og farsælt komandi ár! Creating Community • Sköpum Samfélag



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