
Lögberg-Heimskringla - 05.12.2003, Qupperneq 13

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 05.12.2003, Qupperneq 13
Lögberg-Heimskringla • 5 Desember 2003 • page 13 Æ::::• . FRETTIR • NEWS Continued from Page 12 s Vestur Islendingur Visits Iceland - Martha Brooks on the INL/NA Cultural Exchange A trip to the farm in Svartárkot, ancestral home of Martha’s maternai grandmother, included a warm weicome from ^yggvi Harðarson and his wife Elín Baldvinsdóttir. Froni left: Tryggvi, Gunnar Ragnars, Martha, Svanhildur Hermannsdóttir and Jón Hlöðver Áskeisson Most important of all, the waiting audience at the Reykjavík Jazz Festival would not be disappointed. His relief was enormous. We pulled into our sound check at two minutes to six. The venue blew us away. The soundboard is massive. A basketball player could stretch across it. The room is chic and upscale in reds and gold and etched glass. Tables run along both lengths of the room and there is a lower level for more tables. At our concert, at ten that evening, we played well and the audience loved it and asked for more. I was particu- larly proud of how the guys handled Winnipegger Michelle Gregoire’s atmospheric airan- gement of “Summertime” and her prayerful take on Georgia on My Mind. This was a trio made up of truly great Canadian jazz artists and it was a joy to be flying high on the same stage with them. But it was an equal joy to see the faces of new friends, and newly acquainted relatives, scattered thioughout the audi- ence. Ella Fitzgerald once said something like this: “A stranger is just a friend I haven’t met yet.” When we- were driving down frorn Akureyri, Ted Warren wrote in my joumal: “What amazing places my life in music has taken me! I’m travelling with my wife, who I met on a gig! Now I’ve met you Martha and Brian and you brought us to this wonderful place with all these warm incredible people. A once in a lifetime dream fulfilled. And we got to play great music together, too!” We had a few more days in Reykjavík, visiting and seeing the sights. We carne back with enough visions to pack a winter full of dreams and beyond. On our last day, we swanr with Hanna and Jón Bjarman at the Blue Lagoon. And I rernem- bered that it was a dream that started this joumey. Many years ago when I was feeling a little exhausted by life, as we all do sometimes, I dreamt that 1 was swimming in warm opaque topaz-blue water with my Vancouver cousin, Ingunn. I didn’t even know, then, that such a place existed. And it had taken an Ojibway elder named Jules Lavallee, here on the Canadian prairies, to teach me the importance of honouring my dreams. However that, my Argyle Transfer Ltd. Specializing in Hvestock transportation Wally & Linda Finnbogason Stonewall, MB Wally 467-8822 Mobile 981-1666 Daryl 322-5743 Mobite 981-5460 --------------------------------------- The Staff at Lögberg-Heimskringla wish the readers of the paper Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Starfsfólk Lögberg-Heimskrínglu óskar lesendum blaðsins gleði- legra jóla HeiIIaríkt nýtt ár! TIP TOP FOODS FINE FOODS featured on the food network WE FEATURE Rúllapylsa Pönnukökur Lifrapylsa Skyr Hangikjöt Brown Harðfiskur Bread 76-1 st Avenue, Gimli 204-642-5418 e-mail: arnakjcr.mts.net Fax: 204-642-4179 We Ship Anywhere MacKENZIE Chapels at Stonewalt, Teulon FUNERAL SERVICE LTD. & Arborg Servingjhe Interlake Area Service With Dignity 204-467-2525 DIRECTORS STONEWALL, MB ROSS MacKENZIE KEN LOHMER or call 1-800-467-0024 Gimli Credit Union #-- Gimli Branch Box 1139, Gimli, MB 204-642-6450 O Winnipeg Beach Branch Box 429 Winnipeg Beach, MB 204-389-6450 Investing in our Community for over 50years friends, is another story. Profound thanks are due to Hjálmar Hannesson, the fomier Ambassador of Iceland to Canada; to Gail Einarson- Icelandair, thé Canada Council for the Arts, the Reykjavík Jazz Festival, the Akureyri Jazz Club and the Cultural Exchange Program of the Canada Iceland A farewell at the airport to new found family, third cousin Hanna Pálsdóttir McCleery, the Honorary Consul for Iceland in Toronto and the former Director of the Intemational Visits Program of the Icelandic National League of North America; to the INL bóth in Canada and Iceland, and to the Framfari Chapter of the INL. Thanks, as well, to Foundation Inc, as well as countless other well-wishers and helping hands both here and in Iceland. My love and blessings go out to all of you in the Icelandic community for a joyful Christmas and a healthy and successful 2004. 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