Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 16.10.1998, Side 17

Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 16.10.1998, Side 17
þriðjudagur 20. október 1998 11.30 Skjáleikurinn. 13.30 Alþingi. 16.45 Leiðarljós. 17.30 Fréttir. 17.35 Auglýsingatími - Sjónvarpskringlan. 17.50 Táknmálsfréttir. 18.00 Eyjan hans Nóa (3:13) (Noah’s Is- land II). 18.30 Gæsahúð (8:26) (Goosebumps). Bandarískur mynda- flokkur. 19.00 Nornin unga (3:26) (Sabrina the Teenage Witch II). Bandarískur myndaflokkur um brögð ungnomarinnar Sabr- inu. 19.27 Kolkrabbinn. Fjölbreyttur dægumiálaþáttur með nýstár- legu yfirbragði. 20.00 Fréttir, íþróttir og veður. 20.40 Deiglan. Umræðuþáttur á vegum fréttastofu. 21.25 Taggart - Berserkur (2:3) (Taggart: Berserker). Skoskur sakamálaflokkur þar sem arftakar Taggarts, lögreglufull- trúa í Glasgow, glíma við erfitt mál. Lokaþátturinn verður sýndur á miðvikudagskvöld. Aðalhiutverk: James MacP- herson, Blythe Duff og Colin McCredie. 22.20 Titringur. Þáttur um konur og karla; ólíkar væntingar þeir- ra og viðhorf. Umsjón: Súsanna Svavarsdóttir og Þórhallur Gunnarsson. 23.00 Ellefufréttir og íþróttir. 23.20 Skjáleikurinn. SJÓNVARPIÐ 13.00 Chicago-sjúkrahúsið (5:26) /0m »_ (e) (Chicago Hope). Æ OTnfl.n 13.45 Elskan, ég mlnnkaði börnin Æm O/uUí (15:22) (e). 14.30 Handlaginn heimllisfaðir (17:25) (e). 14.55 Að hætti Sigga Hall (8:12) (e). 15.25 Rýnirinn (11:23) (e) (The Critic). 15.50 Spegill, spegill. 16.15 Bangsímon. 16.35 Kolli káti. 17.00 Simpson-fjölskyldan. 17.20 Glæstar vonlr (Bold and the beautiful). 17.45 Línurnar t lag. 18.00 Fréttir. 18.05 Sjónvarpsmarkaðurinn. 18.30 Nágrannar. 19.00 19>20. 20.05 Bæjarbragur (12:15) (Townies). 20.35 Handlaginn heimillsfaðir (18:25) (Home Improvement). 21.05 Þorpslöggan (1:17). (Heartbeat) Vinsæil breskur mynda- flokkur um lögregluþjóninn Nick Rowan og störf hans I þorpinu Aidensfield. 22.00 Fóstbræður (e) Islenskur gamanþáttur. 22.30 Kvöldfréttir. 22.50 Kaidl Luke (e) (Cool Hand Luke). Luke Jackson er dæmdur í þrælkunarvinnu fyrir að hafa skemmt talsverð- an fjölda stöðumæla í ölæði. Þetta er strangur dómur en Luke er ekki á þeim buxunum að láta bugast. Leiðtogi fangahópsins hefur hom í slðu hans og Luke býður honum birginn. Aðaihlutverk: Paul Newman, George Kennedy og J.D. Cannon. Leikstjóri: Stuart Rosenberg.1967. 00.55 Dagskrárlok. Hallmark 6.05 You Only Live Twice 7.40 Rage at Dawn 9.10 Mail-Order Bride 10.35 Take Your Best Shot 12.15 Dreams Lost, Dreams Found 13.55 Gunsmoke: The Long Ride 15.30 Blue Fin 17.00 Rags to Riches 18.20 Tears in the Rain 20.00 A Woman in My Heart 21.30 Alex: The Life of a Child 23.05 Take Your Best Shot 0.45 Dreams Lost, Dreams Found 2.25 Gunsmoke: The Long Ride 4.00 Blue Rn VH-1 5.00 Power Breakfast 7.00 Pop-up Video 8.00 VH1 Upbeat 11.00 Ten of the Best: lan Dury 12.00 Greatest Hits Of...: the Pretenders 13.00 Jukebox 16.00 five © five 16.30 Pop-up Video 17.00 Happy Hour with Toyah Willcox 18.00 VH1 Hits 20.00 Bob Mills’ Big 80’s 21.00 Behind the Music: Gloria Estefan 22.00 VH1 Spice 23.00 Talk Music 0.00 Jobson’s Choice 1.00 VH1 Late Shift The Travel Channel 11.00 The Great Escape 11.30 On the Horizon 12.00 Holiday Maker 12.30 Origins With Burt Wolf 13.00 The Flavours of France 13.30 Go Portugal 14.00 Grainger’s World 15.00 Go 215.30 No Truckin’ Holiday 16.00 Worldwide Guide 16.30 Dominika's Planet 17.00 Origins Wth Burt Wolf 17.30 On Tour 18.00 The Great Escape 18.30 On the Horizon 19.00 Travel Live 19.30 Go 2 20.00 Grainger’s Worfd 21.00 Go Portugal 21.30 No Truckin’ Holiday 22.00 On Tour 22.30 Dominika's Planet 23.00 Closedown Eurosport 6.30 Triathlon: European Cup 7.30 Football: Friendly Match 9.30 Rally: FIA World Rally Championship - Sanremo Rally, Italy 10.00 Football: Eurogoals 11.30 Motocross: European Championship 12.00 Tennis: WTATour European Indoor Championships in Zurich, Switzerland 14.30 Tennis: ATP Toumament in Vienna, Austria 18.00 Boxing 20.30 Rally: FIA World Rally Championship - Sanremo Rally, Italy 21.00 Football: European Championship Legends 22.00 Rally: Master Rallye 98 23.00 Rally: FIA Worid Rally Championship - Sanremo Rally, Italy 23.30 Close Cartoon Network 4.00 Omer and the Starchild 4.30 The Fruitties 5.00 Blinky Bill 5.30 Tabaluga 6.00 Johnny Bravo 6.15 Beetlejuice 6.30 Animaniacs 6.45 Dexter's Laboratory 7.00CowandChicken 7.15SylvesterandTweety 7.30Tomand Jerry Kids 8.00 CaveKids 8.30 Blinky Bill 9.00 The Magic Roundabout 9.15ThomastheTank Engine 9.30 The Fruitties 10.00 Tabaluga 10.30 A Pup Named Scooby Doo 11.00 Tom and Jerry 11.15 The Bugs and Daffy Show 11.30 Road Runner 11.45 Sylvester and Tweety 12.00 Popeye 12.30 Droopy: Master Detective 13.00 Yogi's Galaxy Goof Ups 13.30 Top Cat 14.00 The Addams Family 14.30 Beetlejuice 15.00 Scooby Doo 15.30 Dexter’s Laboratory 16.00 Cow and Chicken 16.30 Animaniacs 17.00 Tom and Jerry 17.30 The Flintstones 18.00 Batman 18.30 The Mask 19.00 Scooby Doo - Where are You? 19.30 Dynomutt Dog Wonder 20.00 Johnny Bravo 20.30 Dexter’s Laboratory 21.00 Cow and Chicken 21.30 Wait Till Your Father Gets Home 22.00 The Rintstones 22.30 Scooby Doo - Where are You? 23.00 Top Cat 23.30 Help! It's the Hair Bear Bunch 0.00 Hong Kong Phooey 0.30 Perils of Penelope Pitstop 1.00 Ivanhoe 1.30 Omer and the Starchild 2.00 Blinky Bill 2.30 The Fruitties 3.00 The Real Story of... 3.30 Tabaluga BBC Prime 4.00 The Geography Collection 5.00 BBC World News 5.25 Prime Weather 5.30 Mop and Smiff 5.45 It’ll Never Work 6.10 Grange Hill 6.45 Ready, Steady, Cook 7.15 Style Challenge 7.40 Change That 8.05 Kilroy 8.45 EastEnders 9.15 99910.00 Delia Smith’s Winter Collection 10.30 Ready, Steady, Cook 11.00 Can't Cook, Won’t Cook 11.30 Change That 11.55 Prime Weather 12.00 Wildlife 12.30 EastEnders 13.00 Kilroy 13.40 Style Challenge 14.05 Prime Weather 14.20 Mop and Smiff 14.35 It'll Never Work 15.00 Grange Hill 15.30 Wildlife 16.00 BBC World News 16.25 Prime Weather 16.30 Ready, Steady, Cook 17.00 EastEnders 17.30 Making Masterpieces 18.00 Chef 18.30 One Foot in the Grave 19.00 Out of the Blue 20.00 BBC World News 20.25 Prime Weather 20.30 The Victorian Flower Garden 21.00 Trouble at the Top 22.00 Casualty 22.50 Prime Weather 23.05 Tracks 23.30 Muzzy Comes Back 23.55 Animated Alphabet 0.00 Japanese Language and People 1.00 The Business Hour 2.00 The Chemistry of Creation 2.30 Earth and Life • Above the Volcano 3.00 Rocky Shores: Life on the Edge 3.30 The True Geometry of Nature Discovery 7.00 Rex Hunt's Rshing World 7.30 Roadshow 8.00 Rrst Flights 8.30 Time Travellers 9.00 Classic Bikes 9.30 Rightline 10.00 Rex Hunt's Rshing World 10.30 Roadshow 11.00 Rrst Rights 11.30 Time Travellers 12.00 Zoo Story 12.30 Shark Week: Deep Water, Deadly Game 13.30 Ultra Science 14.00 Classic Bikes 15.00 Rightline 15.30 Roadshow 16.00 First Rights 16.30 Time Travellers 17.00 Zoo Story 17.30 Shark Week: Deep Water, Deadly Game 18.30 Ultra Science 19.00 Classic Bikes 19.30 Flightline 20.00 Shark Week: Jaws in the Med 21.00 Shark Week: Shark! The Silent Savage 22.00 War Machines of Tomorrow 23.00 Hired Guns: The Bounty Hunter 0.00 Rrst Rights 0.30Roadshow 1.00Close MTV miðvikudagur 21. október 1998 Skjáleikurinn, Alþingl. Leiðarljós. Fréttir. Auglýsingatími - Sjónvarps- n. Táknmálstréttir. 18.00 Myndasafnið. Endursýndar myndir úr morgunsjónvarpi bamanna. 18.30 Ferðaleiðir. Ævintýraferð með Bettý (1:6) (Betty’s Voya- ge). Fjórir ungir menn fara frá Lundúnum til Austurheims í gömlum strætisvagni. 19.00 Andmann (2:26) (Duckman). Bandarískur teiknimynda- flokkur byggður á myndasögum eftir Everett Þeck um önd sem er einkaspæjari en verður sífellt fyrir truflunum við störf sín. 19.27 Kolkrabbinn. Fjölbreyttur dægurmálaþáttur með nýstár- legu yfirbragði. 20.00 Fréttir, fþróttir og veður. 20.40 Víkingalottó. 20.45 Mósaík. í þættinum er raðað saman ýmsum brotum sem tengjast menningu og listum, auk umræðu um fróðleg og framandi mál. Umsjón: Jónatan Garðarsson. 21.30 Laus og liöug (13:22) (Suddenly Susan II). Bandarísk gamanþáttaröð. Aðalhlutverk: Brooke Shields. 22.00 Taggart - Berserkur (3:3) (Taggart: Berserker). Skoskur sakamálaflokkur þar sem arftakar Taggarts, lögreglufull- trúa í Glasgow, glíma við erfitt mál. Aöalhlutverk: James MacÞherson, Blythe Duff og Colin McCredie. 23.00 Ellefufréttir. 23.20 Skjálelkurinn. SJÓNVARPIÐ 11.30 13.30 16.45 17.30 17.35 kringlai 13.00 Jack og Sarah (e) (Jack nyrlrj n And Sarah). Bresk gamanmynd með I lllfhjr hádramatískum undirtóni um ferlugan U/UU €. lögfræðing, Jack Guscott, sem hlakkar mikið til að eignast fyrsta bamið með eiginkonunni. Allt hefur verið vandlega undirbúið en þá kemur reiðarslagið. Eiginkonan deyr af barnsförum og Jack situr einni eftir með nýfædda dóttur. (fyrstu er hann ekki mönnum sinnandi en lærir loks að axla ábyrgðina. Að- alhlutverk: Samantha Mathis og Ftichard E. Grant. Leik- stjóri: Tlm Sullivan.1995. 14.55 Dýraríkið (e). 15.30 NBA-molar. 16.00 Brakúla greifi (1:65) (Count Duckula). 16.25 Bangsímon. 16.45 Ómar. 17.10 Glæstar vonir (Bold and the beautiful). 17.30 Línurnar í lag. 17.45 Sjónvarpsmarkaöurinn. 18.00 Fréttir. 18.05 BeverlyHitls 90210. 19.00 19>20. 20.05 Chicago-sjúkrahúslð (6:26) (Chicago Hope). 21.00 Ellen (13:25). 21.30 Ally McBeal (9:22). 22.30 Kvöldfréttir. 22.50 íþróttlr um allan helm. 23.45 Jack og Sarah (e). (Jack and Sarah). 1995. 01.35 Dagskrárlok. Hallmark 5.30 Tears in the Rain 7.10 A Woman in My Heart 8.40 Alex: The Life of a Child 10.15 Safe House 12.10 True Women 13.45 Stronger than Blood 15.20 Isabel's Choice 17.00 Just Another First Year 18.35 Hotline 20.10 Tell Me No Secrets 21.35 The Fixer 23.20 Safe House 1.15 True Women 2.50 The Fixer 4.35 Isabel's Choice VH-1 5.00 Power Breakfast 7.00 Pop-up Video 8.00 VH1 Upbeat 11.00 Ten of the Best: Omd 12.00 Greatest Hits Of...: Ub40 12.30 Pop-up Video 13.00 Jukebox 16.00 five @ five 16.30 Pop-up Video 17.00 Happy Hour with Toyah Willcox 18.00 VH1 Hits 20.00 Bob Mills' Big 80's 21.00 The VH1 Classic Chart: 1982 22.00 VHI'sMovieHits 23.00 The Nightfly 0.00 Around&Around 1.00 VH1 Late Shift The Travel Channel 11.00 Bruce's American Postcards 11.30 Go Greece 12.00 Travel Live 12.30 The Flavours of Italy 13.00 The Ravours of France 13.30 A Fork in the Road 14.00 In the Footsteps of Champagne Chariie 14.30 Ribbons of Steel 15.00 Go 2 15.30 Reel World 16.00 The Great Escape 16.30 Worldwide Guide 17.00 The Ravours of Italy 17.30 On Tour 18.00 Bruce's American Postcards 18.30 Go Greece 19.00 Holiday Maker 19.30 Go 2 20.00 Whicker's Worid - The Ultimate Package 21.00 The Great Escape 21.30 Reel World 22.00 On Tour 22.30 Worldwide Guide 23.00 Closedown Eurosport 6.30 Football: Eurogoals 8.00 Trial: 9th Trial Masters in Paris-Bercy, France 9.30 Rally: FIA World Rally Championship - Sanremo Rally, Italy 10.00 Motorsports: Speedworld Magazine 11.00 Sailing: Magazine 11.30 Tennis: A look at the ATP Tour 12.00 Tennis: WTA Tour: European Indoor Championships in Zurich, Switzeriand 14.30 Tennis: ATP Toumament in Vienna, Austria 18.00 Darts: 1998 World Championship in Chicago, USA 19.00 Bowling: Golden Bowling Ball Tour in Frankfurt, Germany 20.00 Rally: FIA World Rally Championship - Sanremo Rally, Italy 20.30 Football: Euro 2000 Qualifying Rounds 22.30 Formula 3000: FIA Intemational Championship 23.00 Rally: FIA World Rally Championship - Sanremo Rally, Italy 23.30 Close Cartoon Network 4.00 Omer and the Starchild 4.30 The Fruitties 5.00 Blinky Bill 5.30 Tabaluga 6.00 Johnny Bravo 6.15 Beetlejuice 6.30 Animaniacs 6.45 Dexter's Laboratory 7.00 Cow and Chicken 7.15SylvesterandTweety 7.30 Tom and Jerry Kids 8.00 CaveKids 8.30 Blinky Bill 9.00 The Magic Roundabout 9.15ThomastheTank Engine 9.30 The Fruitties 10.00 Tabaluga 10.30 A Pup Named Scooby Doo 11.00 Tom and Jerry 11.15 The Bugs and Daffy Show 11.30 Road Runner 11.45 Sylvester andTweety 12.00 Popeye 12.30 Droopy: Master Detective 13.00 Yogi's Galaxy Goof Ups 13.30 Top Cat 14.00 The Addams Family 14.30 Beetlejuice 15.00 Scooby Doo 15.30 Dexter’s Laboratory 16.00 Cow and Chicken 16.30 Animaniacs 17.00 Tom and Jerry 17.30 The Flintstones 18.00 Batman 18.30 The Mask 19.00 Scooby Doo - Where are You? 19.30 Dynomutt Dog Wonder 20.00 Johnny Bravo 20.30 Dexter's Laboratory 21.00 Cow and Chicken 21.30 Wait Till Your Father Gets Home 22.00 The Rintstones 22.30 Scooby Doo - Where are You? 23.00 Top Cat 23.30 Help! It's the Hair Bear Bunch 0.00 Hong Kong Phooey 0.30 Perils of Penelope Pitstop 1.00 Ivanhoe 1.30 Omer and the Starchild 2.00 Blinky Bill 2.30 fhe Fruitties 3.00 The Real Story of... 3.30 Tabaluga BBC Prime 4.30 The Shape of the World 5.00 BBC World News 5.25 Prime Weather 5.30 Melvin and Maureen 5.45 Blue Peter 6.10 The Wild House 6.45 Ready, Steady, Cook 7.15 Style Challenge 7.40 Change That 8.05 Kilroy 8.45 EastEnders 9.15 Top of the Pops 210.00 Rhodes Around Britain 10.30 Ready, Steady, Cook 11.00 Can’t Cook, Won't Cook 11.30 Change That 11.55 Prime Weather 12.00 Wildlife 12.30 EastEnders 13.00 Kilroy 13.40 Style Challenge 14.05 Prime Weather 14.20 Melvin and Maureen 14.35 Blue Peter 15.00 The Wild House 15.30 Wildlife 16.00 BBC Worid News 16.25 Prime Weather 16.30 Ready, Steady, Cook 17.00 EastEnders 17.30 The Victorian Rower Garden 18.00 Waiting for God 18.30 2Point4 Children 19.00 Oliver Twist 20.00 BBC World News 20.25 Prime Weather 20.30 Making Masterpieces 21.00 Hemingway 22.00 Silent Witness 23.00 Prime Weather 23.05 Tracks 23.30 Look Ahead 0.00 Japanese Language and People 1.00 The Business Hour 2.00 Poetry and Landscape 2.30CyberArt 2.35'Artware’- Computers in the Arts 3.05TheArt of the Restorer 3.30 Philosophy in Action: Debates About Boxing Discovery 7.00 Rex Hunt's Rshing World 7.30 Roadshow 8.00 First Flights 8.30 Time Travellers 9.00 How Did They Build That 9.30 Animal X 10.00 Rex Hunt's Fishing World 10.30 Roadshow 11.00 First Rights 11.30 Time Travellers 12.00 Zoo Story 12.30 Shark Week: Sharks Under the Sun 13.30 Ultra Science 14.00 How Did They Build That 15.00 Rex Hunt’s Fishing World 15.30 Roadshow 16.00 First Rights 16.30 Time Travellers 17.00 Zoo Story 17.30 Shark Week: Sharks Under the Sun 18.30 Ultra Science 19.00 How Did They Build That 19.30 Animal X 20.00 Shark Week: Walking Among Sharks 21.00 Shark Week: Zambezi Shark 22.00 Antarctica 23.00 Hired Guns: P Company 0.00 Rrst Flights 0.30 Roadshow 1.00Close Skjáleikur 17.00 í Ijósaskiptunum (Twilight Zone). 17.30 Dýrlingurinn (The Saint). 18.15 Sjónvarpsmarkaöurinn. 18.30 Ofurhugar. Kjarkmiklir íþrótta- kappar sem bregða sér á skíðabretti, sjóskíði, sjóbretti og margt fleira. 19.00 Knattspyrna í Asíu. 20.00 Brellumelstarinn (14:22). (F/X) Þegar brellumeistarinn Rollie Tyler og löggan Leo McCarthy leggjast á eitt mega bófamir vara sig. 21.00 Kvennaljómi (Ladykillers). Bresk gamanmynd eins og þær gerast bestar. Hópur smábófa leggur á ráðin um hinn fullkomna glæp. Skúrkarnir hafa aðsetur í húsi hjá gamalli og virðulegri konu, frú Louisu Wilberforce. Hún stendur í þeirri trú aö mennirnir hafi tónlist að atvinnu. Einn liður í ráðagerð glæpamannanna er að ryðja Louisu úr vegi en það gengur ekki áfallalaust. Aðalhlutverk: Peter Sellers, Alec Guinness, Herbert Lom, Cecil Parker og Katie John- son. Leikstjóri: Alexander MacKendrick.1955. 22.30 Enski boltinn (FA Collection). Svipmyndir úr leikjum Liver- pool. 23.25 Glæpasaga (Crime Story). 00.15 í Ijósaskiptunum (e) (Twilight Zone). 00.40 Dagskrárlok og skjáleikur. 06.00 Loforðið (A Promise to Carolyn). 1997. 08.00 Áfram sægarpur (Carry on Jack). 1964. 10.00 Barnfóstrufélagið (The Baby- Sitter’s Club). 1995. 12.00 Loforöió. 14.00 , Gáfnaljós (Real Genius). 1985. 16.00 Barnfóstrufélagið. 18.00 Afram sægarpur. 19.40 Gerð myndarinnar Gereyðandinn. 20.00 Agnes barn Guðs (Agnes of God). 1985. Bönnuð börnum. 22.00 Ger- eyöandinn (Eraser). 1996. Stranglega bönnuð börnum. 00.00 Gáfna- Ijós. 02.00 Gereyðandinn. 04.00 Agnes barn Guðs. vf/ 'O barnarAsin 16.00 Skólinn mlnn er skemmtilegur & Ég og dýrlð mltt. 17.00 Alllr í leik. 17.15 Dýrin vaxa. 17.30 Rugrats. 18.00 Nútímalíf Rikka. 18.30 Clarissa. 19.00 Bless og takk fyrir f dag! Allt efni talsett eöa með íslenskum texta. 4.00 Kckstait 7.00 Non Stop Hits 14.00 Selsct MTV 16.00 US Top 1017.00 So 90’s 18.00 Top Selection 19.00 MTV Data 20.00 Amour 21.00 MTVID 22.00 Altemative Nation 0.00 The Grínd 0.30 Night Videos Sky News 5.00 Sunrise 9.00 News on the Hour 9.30 ABC Nightline 10.00 News on the Hour 10.30 SKY World News 11.00 SKY News Today 13.30 Your Call 14.00 News on the Hour 15.30 SKY Worid News 16.00 Live at Five 17.00 News on the Hour 18.30 Sportsline 19.00 News on the Hour 19.30 SKY Business Report 20.00 News on the Hour 20.30 SKY Worid News 21.00 Prime Time 23.00 News on the Hour 23.30 CBS Evening News 0.00 News on the Hour 0.30 ABC Worid News Tonight 1.00 News on the Hour 1.30 SKY Business Report 2.00 News on the Hour 2.30 The Book Show 3.00 News on the Hour 3.30 CBS Evening News 4.00 News on the Hour 4.30 ABC Worid News Tonight CNN 4.00 CNN This Moming 4.30 Insight 5.00 CNN This Moming 5.30 Moneyline 6.00 CNN This Moming 6.30 Worid Sport 7.00 CNN This Moming 7.30 Showbiz Today 8.00 Larry King 9.00 Worid News 9.30 Worid Sport 10.00 Worid News 10.30 American Edition 10.45 Worid Report - ‘As They See lt’ 11.00 Worid News 11.30 Digital Jam 12.00 Worid News 12.15 Asian Edition 12.30 Biz Asia 13.00 Worid News 13.30 CNN Newsroom 14.00 Worid News 14.30 Worid Sport 15.00 Worid News 15.30 Worid Beat 16.00 Larry King 17.00 Worid News 17.45 American Edition 18.00 Worid News 18.30 Worid Business Today 19.00 Worid News 19.30 Q&A 20.00 Worid News Europe 20.30 Insight 21.00 News Update/ Worid Business Today 21.30 World Sport 22.00 CNN Worid View 22.30 Moneyline Newshour 23.30 ShowbizToday 0.00 Worid News 0.15Asian Edition 0.30 Q&A 1.00 Larry King Live 2.00 Worid News 2.30 Showbiz Today 3.00 Worid News 3.15 American Edition 3.30 Worid Report National Geographic 4.00 Europe Today 7.00 European Money Wheel 10.00 Opal Dreamers 10.30 Mir 18: Destination Space 11.00 The New Matadors 11.30 Dead on Arrival: the Wild Parrot 12.00 The Power of Water 13.00 Predators: the Eagle and the Snake 13.30 Predators: Killer Whales of the Fjord 14.00 The Art of the Warrior 15.00 Paradise Under Pressure 16.00 Opal Dreamers 16.30 Mir 18: Destination Space 17.00 Wild Med 18.00 The Soviet Circus 19.00 Tribal Warriors: Wandering Warrior 20.00 Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes 21.00 A Marriage in Rajasthan 22.00 Stratosfear 22.30 Wave Warriors 23.00 Wild Med 0.00 The Soviet Circus 1.00 Tribal Warriors: Wandering Warrior 2.00 Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes 3.00 A Marriage in Rajasthan TNT 5.45 Gaslight 7.45 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 9.45 For Me and My Gal 11.45 The Sandpiper 14.00 Hearts of the West 16.00 Gaslight 18.00 The Swan 20.00 Never So Few 22.00 The Naked Spur 23.45 Dirty Dingus Magee 1.30 Never So Few 4.00 Busman’s Honeymoon Animal Plantet 05.00 Itty Bitty Kiddy Wildlife 05.30 Kratt's Creatures 06.00 Dolphin Stories 07.00 Human / Nature 08.00 Itty Bitty Kiddy Wildlife 08.30 Rediscovery Of The Worid 09.30 Rying Vet 10.00 Zoo Story 10.30 Wildlife SOS 11.00 The Last Husky 12.00 Animal Doctor 12.30 Australia Wild 13.00 All Bird Tv 13.30 Human / Nature 14.30 Zoo Story 15.00 Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures 15.30 Wildlife SOS 16.00 Absolutely Animals 16.30 Australia Wild 17.00 Kratt’s Creatures 17.30 Lassie 18.00 Rediscovery Of The World 19.00 Animal Doctor 19.30 Profiles Of Nature - Specials 20.30 Emergency Vets 21.00 Wildlife SOS 21.30 Crocodile Hunter Series 1 22.00 Animal X 22.30 Emergency Vets Computér Channel 17.00 Buyer's Guide 17.15 Masterclass 17.30 Game Over 17.45 Chips With Everyting 18.00 404 Not Found 18.30 Download 19.00 Dagskráriok Omega 07.00 Skjákynningar. 18.00 Þetta er þinn dagur með Benny Hinn. Frá samkom- um Bennys Hinns vfða um heim, viðtöl og vitnisburöir. 18.30 Lff í Orðinu - Bibl- (ufrœðsla með Joyce Meyer. 19.00 700 klúbburinn - Blandaö efni frá CBN-frétta- stofunni. 19.30 Lester Sumrall. 20.00 Náö til þjóðanna (Possessing the Nations). með Pat Frands. 20.30 Lff f Oröinu - Biblíufræösla með Joyce Meyer. 21.00 Þetta er þinn dagur með Benny Hinn. Frá samkomum Bennys Hinns víða um heim, viðtöl og vitnisburðir. 21.30 Kvöldljós. Endurtekið efni frá Bolholti. Ýmsir gestir. 23.00 Lff f Orðinu - Biblíufræðsla með Joyce Meyer. 23.30 Lofið Drottin (Praise the Lord). Blandað efni frá TBN-sjónvarpsstöðinni. 01.30 Skjákynningar. Skjáleikur 17.00 í IJósaskiptunum (Twilight Zone). 17.25 Gillette sportpakkinn. 17.50 Sjónvarpsmarkaðurinn. 18.05 Meistarakeppni Evrópu (UEÞA Champions League - Þreview Show). Umfjöllun um liðin og leikmennina sem verða í eldlínunni í meistara- keppni Evrópu í kvöld. 18.35 Meistarakeppni Evrópu (UEFA Champions League). Bein útsending frá leik Arsenal og Dynamo Kiev (3. umferð riölakeppninnar. 20.45 Meistarakeppni Evrópu (UEFA Champions League). Út- sending frá leik Bayem Munchen og Barcelona í 3. umferð riðlakeppninnar. 22.25 Geimfarar (16:21) (Cape). Bandarískur myndaflokkur um geimfara. Fá störf eru jafnkrefjandi enda má ekkert út af bregða. Hættumar eru á hverju strái og ein mistök geta reynst dýrkeypt. 23.10 Leyndarmálið (Guarded Secrets). Ljósblá kvikmynd. Slranglega bönnuð bömum. 00.40 I Ijósaskiptunum (e) (TwilightZone). 01.05 Dagskrárlok og skjáleikur. 06.00 Þagnarmúrinn (Sins of Silence). 1996. 08.00 Geislaborgin. (Radiant City). 1996. 10.00 U Bamba.. 1987. 12.00 2 Frankenstein.. 1993. 16.00 Geislaborgin. 18.00 La Bamba. 20.00 Á mörkum lifs og dauða (Flatliners). 1990. Stranglega bönn- uö börnum. 22.00 Frankenstein. 02.00 Þagnarmúrinn. 04.00 Á mörkum lífs og dauða. BARNARÁSIN 16.00 Úr rfki náttúrunnar. 16.30 Skippí 17.00 Róbert bangsl. 17.30 Rugrats. 18.00 Nútímalíf Rlkka. 18.30 Clarissa. 19.00 Bless og takk fyrir f dag! Alit efnl talsett eða með íslenskum texta. MTV 4.00 Kickstart 7.00 Non Stop Hits 10.00 European Top 2011.00 Non Stop Hits 14.00 Select MTV 16.00 Stylissimo! 16.30 Biorythm: Tupac Shakur 17.00 So 90’s 18.00 Top Selection 19.00 MTV Data 20.00 Amour 21.00 MTVID 22.00 The Lick 23.00 The Grind 23.30 Night Videos Sky News 5.00 Sunrise 9.00 News on the Hour 9.30 ABC Nightline 10.00 News on the Hour 10.30 SKY Worid News 11.00 SKY News Today 13.30 Your Call 14.00 News on the Hour 15.30 SKY Worid News 16.00 Live at Five 17.00 News on the Hour 18.30 Sportsline 19.00 News on the Hour 19.30 SKY Business Report 20.00 News on the Hour 20.30 SKY Worid News 21.00 Prime Time 23.00 News on the Hour 23.30 CBS Evening News 0.00 News on the Hour 0.30 ABC Worid NewsTonight 1.00 News on the Hour 1.30 SKY Business Report 2.00 News on the Hour 2.30 Global Village 3.00 News on the Hour 3.30 CBS Evening News 4.00 News on the Hour 4.30 ABC Worid News Tonight CNN 4.00 CNN This Moming 4.30 Insight 5.00 CNN This Moming 5.30 Moneyline 6.00 CNN This Moming 6.30 World Sport 7.00 CNN This Moming 7.30 Showbiz Today 8.00 Larry King 9.00 Worid News 9.30 Worid Sport 10.00 World News 10.30 American Edition 10.45 Worid Report - 'AsThey See It' 11.00 Worid News 11.30 Business Unusual 12.00 World News 12.15 Asian Edition 12.30 Biz Asia 13.00 World News 13.30 CNN Newsroom 14.00 Worid News 14.30 Worid Sport 15.00 Worid News 15.30 Style 16.00 Larry King 17.00 Worid News 17.45 American Edition 18.00 Worid News 18.30 Worid Business Today 19.00 Woríd News 19.30 Q&A 20.00 World News Europe 20.30 Insight 21.00 News Update/ Worid Business Today 21.30 Worid Sport 22.00 CNN Worid View 22.30 Moneyline Newshour 23.30 Showbiz Today 0.00 Worid News 0.15 Asian Edition 0.30 Q&A 1.00 Larry King Live 2.00 World News 2.30 Showbiz Today 3.00 Worid News 3.15 American Edition 3.30 Worid Report National Geographic 4.00 Europe Today 7.00 European Money Wheel 10.00 Stratosfear 10.30 Wave Warriors 11.00 Wild Med 12.00 The Soviet Circus 13.00 Tribal Warriors: Wandering Warrior 14.00 Valíey of Ten Thousand Smokes 15.00 A Marriage in Rajasthan 16.00 Stratosfear 16.30 Wave Warriors 17.00 Okinawa: the Generous Sea 17.30 Tuna/lobster 18.00 Shetland Oil Disaster 19.00 Invaders in Paradise 20.00 Explorer Ep 12 21.00 Phantom of the Ocean 22.00 Women and Animals 22.30 Worid of Sea 23.00 Okinawa: the Generous Sea 23.30 Tuna/lobster 0.00 Shetland Oil Disaster 1.00 Invaders in Paradise 2.00 Explorer Ep 10 3.00 Phantom of the Ocean TNT 5.45 The Citadel 8.00 The Gazebo 10.00 Madame Bovary 12.00 Ride the High Country 14.00 A Day at the Races 16.00 The Citadel 18.00 The Band Wagon 20.00 Barbara Stanwyck: Fire and Desire 21.00 The Two Mrs Carrolls 23.00 The WalkingStick 1.00 Arturo’s Island 2.45Arena 4.00 The Green Slime Animal Plantet 05.00 Itty Bitty Kiddy Wildlife 05.30 Kratt’s Creatures 06.00 Dolphin Stories 07.00 Human / Nature 08.00 Itty Bitty Kiddy Wildlife 08.30 Rediscovery Of The World 09.30 Rying Vet 10.00 Zoo Story 10.30 Wildlife SOS 11.00 The Last Husky 12.00 Animal Doctor 12.30 Australia Wild 13.00 All Bird Tv 13.30 Human / Nature 14.30 Zoo Story 15.00 Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures 15.30 Wildlife SOS 16.00 Absolutely Animals 16.30 Australia Wild 17.00 Kratt’s Creatures 17.30 Lassie 18.00 Rediscovery Of The World 19.00 Animal Doctor 19.30 Profiles Of Nature - Specials 20.30 Emergency Vets 21.00 Wildlife SOS 21.30 Crocodile Hunter Series 1 22.00 Animal X 22.30 Emergency Vets Computer Channel 17.00 Buyer's Guide 17.15 Masterclass 17.30 Game Over 17.45 Chips With Everyting 18.00 Roadtest 18.30 Gear 19.00 Dagskrárlok Omega 07.00 Skjákynningar. 18.00 Þetta er þinn dagur með Benny Hinn. Frá samkom- um Bennys Hinns viða um heim, viðtöl og vitnisburöir. 18.30 Ltf í Orðinu - Bibl- íufræðsla með Joyce Meyer. 19.00 700 klúbburinn - Blandaö efni frá CBN-frótta- stofunni. 19.30 Lester Sumrall. 20.00 Náð til þjóðanna (Possessing the Nations). meö Pat Francis. 20.30 Líf I Orðinu - Biblíufræðsla með Joyce Meyer. 21.00 Þetta er þinn dagur með Benny Hinn. Frá samkomum Bennys Hinns víða um heim, viðtöl og vitnisburðir. 21.30 Kvöldljós. Endurtekið efni frá Bolholti. Ýmsir gestir. 23.00 Lff f Orðinu - Biblíufræðsla með Joyce Meyer. 23.30 Lofið Drottin (Praise the Lord). Blandað efni fráTBN-sjónvarpsstöðinni. 01.30 Skjákynningar. S «* •v Grensásvegi 10 • Reykjavíkurvegi 60 16. október 1998 f ÓkUS


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