Árbók Háskóla Íslands - 31.12.2007, Blaðsíða 302
University of lceland
Faculties and Degree
Faculty of Humanities
The Faculty of Humanities is among the largest of the University faculties and
covers all the major fields in the humanities. The Faculty offers two or three-year
BA programmes in 19 subjects: lcelandic, History. Art History. Archaeotogy,
Philosophy. Comparative Literature. General Linguistics. Sign Language Studies.
English. German and Nordic Languages (German. Danish. Norwegian. Swedish.
and Finnish). Romance and Classical Languages (Spanish, French. Italian. Latin
and Classical Greek) and Japanese. In many subjects students may elect to take
the entire three-year programme in a single major subject. or may pursue two
years in their major subject and one in a minor subject. In all disciplines a thesis
is required for graduation.
A special three-year programme is offered in lcelandic for Foreign Students
leading to the BA degree. New students with some prior knowledge of lcelandic
may move directty into the second year by passing examinations held in late
August each year. The first semester is taught largely in Engtish. atthough the
principal textbooks are in lcetandic.
MA programmes are offered in lcelandic Language, lcetandic Literature, lcetandic
Studies. Icelandic Medieval Studies (45 c.). Language Technology, History.
Archaeology. Philosophy. Comparative Literature, Engtish. Danish and translation
studies. MA students must complete 60 credits, which means two years of full-
time study. The faculty does not offer grants to MA students. Doctoral
programmes are offered in lcetandic Literature. Icelandic Language and History.
The facutty also offers research-oriented graduate M. Paed. Programmes in
lcetandic. English, Danish. German. French and Spanish to students who ptan to
become elementary or secondary school teachers.
Faculty of Odontology
The six-year course of study in dentistry leads to the cand.odont. degree. A
competitive examination is held at the end of the first term. and the number of
students atlowed to continue their studies in dentistry is strictly limited. In
addition to the cand.odont. degree, a licence from the Minister of Health is needed
to be entitled to practice dentistry in lcetand. It is possible to study for
postgraduate research degrees in dentistry. Training to the level of Clinical
Specialist is. however. not available. Ptease consult the Faculty Office for details.
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
ln the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. entering students
choose to study in either the Department of Economics or the Department of
Business Administration. The Department of Economics provides a three-year
programme leading to a BS degree in Economics or a BA degree in Economics
and an additional 12 month (three semesters) ortwo year programme leading to
an MS degree in Economics. Financial Economics or Health Economics. The
Department of Business Administration offers a three-year programme leading to
a BS degree in Business Administration. The students choose between six fields
with emphasis on general business administration, finance and accounting.
marketing and international business, management. international business
communication, or information technotogy. The Department has also offered a
four-year programme leading to a cand.oecon. degree in Business Administration
with specialization in Accounting and Auditing. This program is being phased out
and replaced by a programme at the master's level. This is a three semester
programme that leads to an M.Acc. degree and prepares students for a career as
CPA's. The department offers a 12 month (three semesters) or two year MS
degree programme (three semesters) in Business Administration. The students