

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1980, Blaðsíða 25

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1980, Blaðsíða 25
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 313 fljótlega annað hvort af sjálfu sér eða skömmu eftir að meðferð var hafin. Af þessu má því sennilega draga þá ályktun að óregla á hjartslætti, þótt mjög algeng sé í svæfingum og deyfingum þurfi sjaldan að leiða til skaða, sé vel fylgst með hjartslættinum, orsaka óreglu leitað og hún meðhöndluð fljótt ef ástæða þykir til. SUMMARY A retrospective screening of 693 anesthetic admini- strations in a general surgical population at Univer- sity of Wisconsin Hospitals, Madison showed 39 cases that had by definition significant cardiac arrhythmias during anesthesia and operation. Of these 6 had severe bradycardia, 6 had supraventri- cular tachycardia, 1 had ventricular tachycardia, 2 had very frequent premature atrial contractions, 23 had frequent premature ventricular contractions and 1 had atrioventricular dissociation. The etiology of cardiac arrhythmias during anest- hesia in general and in these cases in particular is explored and discussed. None of these 39 patients suffered permanent damage or death related to these arrhythmias which attests to the importance of their early recognition and treatment. HEIMILDIR 1. Atlee, JL, Rusy BF: Halothane depression of A- V conduction studied by electrograms of the bundle of His in dogs. Anesthesiology 36:112- 118, 1972 2. Atlee JL, Homer LD, Tober RE: Diphenylhy- dantoin and lidocaine modification of A-V conduction in halothane anesthetized dogs. Anesthesiology 43:49-60, 1975 3. Atlee JL, Ru?y BF: Atrioventricular conduction times and atrioventricular nodal conductivity during enflurane anesthesia in dogs. Anesthesio- logy 47:498-503, 1977 4. Cantwell JD, Dawson JE, Fletcher GF: Supra- ventricular tachyarrhythmias- treatment with edrophonium. Arch Intern Med 130:221-224, 1972 5. Dod RB, Sims WA, Bone DJ: Cardiac arrhyth- mias observed during anesthesia. Surgery 51: 44 + , 1962 6. Downing SE: Autonomic influences on cardiac function in systemic hypoxia. Proc. Int. Symp. Cardiovasc. Resp., 208-231, 1965 7. Edwards R, Winnie AP, Ramamurphy S: Acute hypocapneic hypokalemia: An iatrogenic anest- hetic complication. Anesth. Analg. 56:786-792, 1977 8. Katz RI, Bigger JT Jr: Cardiac arrhythmias during anesthesia and operation. Anesthesiolo- gy 33: 193-213, 1970 9. Kuner J., Enescu V., et al: Cardiac arrhythmias during anesthesia. Dis. Chest 52:580 1967 10. Logic JR. Morrow DH: The effect of halothane on ventricular automaticity. Anesthesiology 36: 107-118, 1972 11. Morrow DH, Gaffney TE, Holman JE: The chronotropic and myotropic effects of halotha- ne. Anesthesiology 22:915-917, 1961 12. Morrow DH, Logic JR: Management of cardiac arrhythmias during anesthesia. Anesth. Analg. (Cleve) 48:748-754, 1969 13. New Classification of Physical Status Anesthesi- ology 24:111, 1963 14. Reinikainen M., Pöntinen P: On cardiac arrhyth- mias during anesthesia and surgery. Acta Med. Scand. 180, suppl. 457, 1966 15. Samuelson RG, Nagy G: Effects of respiratory alkalosis on myocardial excitation. Acta Physiol. Scand. 97: 158-165, 1976 16. Vanik PE, Davis HS: Cardiac arrhythmias du- ring halothane anesthesia. Anesth. Analg. 47: 299, 1968 LÆKNIN G ASTOFUR á góðum stað í Reykjavík tilbúnar til notkunar nú þegar — mjög hagstæð kjör Upplýsingar í síma 11911



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