

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1980, Page 36

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1980, Page 36
320 LÆKNABLAÐID Réttarlæknisfrædi (Ólafur Bjarnason prófes- sor) Læknalög. Reglugerð um veitingu lækningsleyfis og sér- fræðileyfa. Lög um heilbrigðisþjónustu. Reglugerð um landlækni og landlæknisem- bættið. Lög um dánarvottorð. Leiðbeiningar um ritun dánarvottorða. Lög um mannskaðaskýrslur og rannsókn á fundnum líkum. Reglugerð um mannskaðaskýrslur. Lög um læknaráð. Reglugerð um starfshætti læknaráðs. Próf í heilbrigðisfræði er skriflegt, en munn- legt próf sameiginlega í lyfjafræði og réttar- læknisfræði. International Symposium on Prevention of Occupational Cancer Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland 21-24 April 1981 AGENDA Theme 1 Current Concepts in Occupational Carcinoge- nesis Reviews present knowledge on the origin of cancer and mechanisms of carcinogenesis from the exposure to chemicals and radiation in the working environment. Theme II Epidemiology of Occupational Cancer Describes exposure to carcinogens and morbi- dity and mortality statistics of cancer in various risk occupations (e.g. mining, manufac- turing industry, construction industry, agricul- ture). Theme III Methodology for Occupational Cancer Risk Evaluation Cancer risk assessment by predictive labora- tory tests (e.g. structural analogy, mutagenicity tests, cell transformation studies, carcinogeni- city tests with experimental animals, tests with human cells). Epidemiological approaches (e.g. cohort studies an case-control studies). Evaluation of exposures in the work place (level of expo- sure, duration of exposure, strategies for mea- surements). Theme IV Prevention and Control'of Occupational Can- cer Risk Technical, medical and administrative mea- sures at plant level, national policies and regulations as well as international cooperati- on. Further information The Second Announcement containing infor- mation on the Symposium will be sent to those who have returned the enclosed prelimi- nary registration form. Please, return it as soon as possible, but not later than 31 July 1980. The Second Announcement includes the final registration forms, hotel and tour reser- vation forms as well as abstract forms. They will be mailed in September 1980. The date for registration is 31 December 1980. Registration fees Registration fees are as follows: Swiss francs (CHF) For participants: by31 December 1980 .................. 260 after 31 December 1980 .............. 400 For accompanying persons: Which entitles to the social activities ... 90 Working ianguages English and French. Simultaneous interpreta- tion will be provided in the main auditorium. Papers Free communications relating to the agenda themes can be presented either as oral or poster communications either in English or in French. Abstracts The abstract forms will be mailed with the Second Announcement and they must reach the Secretariat by 31 December 1980. The organisers reserve the right for final decision of accepting the papers for presenta- tion either as oral or poster communication. Full refund of the registration fee will be permitted if the cancellation is notified not later than the end of March 1981. Notice of acceptance of the papers will be mailed by 15 February 1981.



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