Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.06.1982, Blaðsíða 32

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.06.1982, Blaðsíða 32
20 PLENARY LECTURE FACTORS IN THE AETIOLOGY OF TYPE 1 DIABETES IN ICELAInIDIC BOYS. T. Helgason, M.R. Jonasson. Diabetic Clinic, Landspitalinn, University Hospital,Reykjavik. A total survey'of diabetics taking insulin showed that Type 1 diabetes represented 90.5%. The pre- valence of this type of diabetes was 1.2/1000 and the mean annual incidence was stable at 6.2/100 000 over the 10 year period 1970-'79 with a trena for the time of diagnosis to coincide with that of viral epidemics. The prevalence at diagnosis differed significantly between the two main towns and was highly significantly lower in rural areas. At the time of diagnosis ('70-'79) there was a male excess of 51% whereas in the prevalence figures it had fall- en to 29%. There was a significantly increased in- cidence between July and January in the age group diagnosed at 0-14 years but seasonal variation was not significant in the age groups 15-29 and^-30. A remarkable finding was the high preponderance of births in the month of October of male children dia- gnosed at 0-14 years of age (p<0.00001). These 'October boys'revealed a strikíng association with the HLA specificities known to confer an increased risk of developing diabetes. They were diagnosed more often before the age of five than would be ex- pected and showed no seasonal variation in diagnosis. HLA types and virus infections were considered as possible causes of this striking finding but there seemed to be at least one additional seasonal factor acting prenatally. Circumstantial evidence is pre- sented thab this additional factor is the N-nitroso compound content of processed mutton traditionally consumed in the two weeks from December 23. Analysis of recently produced Icelandic smoked/cured mutton has confirmed the presence of considerable concentra- tions of N-nitroso compounas.
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Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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