Búskapur hins opinbera 1990-1998 - 01.11.1999, Qupperneq 58

Búskapur hins opinbera 1990-1998 - 01.11.1999, Qupperneq 58
Tafla 4.5 Samneysla hins opinbera eftir viðfangsefnum 1988-1998. General govemment final consumption by purpose 1988-1998. - Milljónir króna / Million krónur - Verðlag hvers árs: 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 At current prices: Alinenn mál 7 356 8.263 9.746 10.970 10.721 11.214 11.778 12.560 13.401 14.393 16.484 Public administration 1. Almenn stjómsýsla 3.715 4.372 5.572 6.242 6.220 6.562 7.105 7.418 7.820 8.382 9.444 1. General public services. 2. Réttar- og öryggismál 3.641 3.891 4.174 4 728 4 501 4.652 4.673 5.142 5.582 6.011 7.041 2. Public order and safety affairs. Félagsleg þjónusta 34.774 41.737 47.098 53.125 54.826 57.366 60.343 63.553 69.475 74.891 85.945 Social affairs and sen'ices 3. Fræöslumál 10.350 12.280 13.551 15.196 15.745 16.141 16.782 17.874 20.897 22.793 26.757 3. Education affairs and services. 4. Heilbrigðismál 17 957 21 526 23.903 26.312 26351 26.936 28.129 29.564 31.698 33.495 38.843 4. Health affairs and services. 5. Almannatr. og velferöarmál 3.285 3.777 4 591 5.620 6.087 6.515 7.074 7.616 8082 8647 10.416 5. Social security and welfare affairs 6. Húsn, skipul. og hreinsunarmál 1.295 1.711 2.095 2.540 2.892 3.305 3.529 3.598 3.646 4.175 4.061 6. Housing and community amenty affairs 7. Menningarmál 1.887 2.444 2.959 3.457 3.752 4469 4.828 4.901 5.153 5.781 5.867 7. Recreational. cultural and religious affairs Atvinnumál 4.743 5.962 6 766 7.096 7.433 8.213 8.754 8.862 8.711 8.998 10.106 Economic affairs and scrvices 8. Orkumál 274 298 217 240 256 210 226 240 188 207 227 3. Fuel and energy affairs and services 9. Landbúnaöarmál 323 349 451 619 491 563 603 593 611 639 755 9. Agricultual affairs and services 10. Sjávarútvegsmál 578 631 753 962 1.065 1.168 957 1.064 1.154 1.224 1.278 10. Fishing and fish processing affairs 11. Iönaöarmál 161 155 192 220 249 227 383 289 416 404 437 11. Manufacturing and construction affairs 12. Samgöngumál 2.899 3.881 4.428 4.333 4.619 5.012 5.195 5.390 5.007 5.120 5.761 12. Transportation and communication affairs 13. Önnur atvinnumál 508 648 725 722 754 1.033 1.390 1.286 1.335 1.405 1.648 13. Other economic affairs and services önnur opinber þjónusta 2.306 2.698 2.289 2.098 2.029 2.283 2.526 3.062 2.409 2.258 2.413 Expenditures not classified by major group Afskriftir 1.357 1 680 2.924 3.323 3.575 3.801 4.068 4 369 4.634 4.904 5.217 Consumption of fixed capital Samneysla alls 50536 60.341 68.823 76.612 78.585 82.876 87.468 92.406 98.630 nnnnnn nnnnnn Total government final consumption Verðlag ársins 1990: 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 At 1990 market prices: Almenn mál 9.431 9 163 9746 10.122 9517 9663 9.975 10.242 10.327 10.645 12.940 Public administration 1. Almenn stjómsýsla 4.803 4 861 5.572 5.768 5.529 5 647 6.011 6.062 6.064 6.265 7.413 1. General public services. 2. Réttar- og öryggismál 4.627 4.302 4.174 4 353 3.988 4 016 3.964 4 180 4.263 4.380 5.527 2. Public order and safety affairs. Félagsleg |)jónusta 44 688 46343 47.098 49 033 48 701 49 406 51.087 51.828 53.593 55.438 67 464 Social affairs and sen ices 3. Fræöslumál 13.062 13.541 13.551 13.992 13.959 13.921 14.226 14.543 15.994 16.674 21.003 3. Education affairs and services. 4. Heilbrigöismál 23.427 24.041 23.903 24 333 23 444 23.172 23.787 24.166 24.627 25.097 30.491 4. Hcalth affairs and services. 5. Almannatr. og velferöarmál 4.091 4.134 4.591 5.163 5.386 5.629 6.004 6.178 6.145 6.220 8.176 5. Social security and welfare affairs 6. Húsn, skipul. og hreinsunarmál 1.692 1.916 2.095 2.353 2.577 2.838 2.982 2.947 2.846 3.155 3.188 6. Housing and community amenty affairs 7. Menningarmál 2.415 2.711 2.959 3.192 3.336 3.846 4 088 3.995 3.981 4.292 4.605 7. Recreational. cultural and religious affairs Atvinnumál 6.223 6.684 6.766 6.564 6616 7.061 7.399 7.256 6.776 6.755 7.933 Economic affairs and services 8. Orkumál 342 328 217 221 226 182 192 194 138 142 178 8. Fuel and cnergy affairs and services 9. Landbúnaöarmál 413 386 451 571 435 486 510 484 472 476 593 9. Agricultual affairs and services 10. Sjávarútvegsmál 736 699 753 888 946 1 006 812 866 882 897 1.003 10. Fishing and ftsh processing affairs 11. lönaðarmál 196 167 192 201 220 197 325 234 318 293 343 11. Manufacturing and construction affairs 12. Samgöngumál 3.874 4.379 4.428 4021 4.121 4.301 4 384 4429 3.942 3.917 4.522 12. Transportation and communication affairs 13. önnur atvinnumál 663 724 725 663 668 890 1 176 1.048 1 024 1 030 I 294 13. Other economic affairs and services önnur opinber |)jónusta 2 870 2960 2.289 1.931 1.799 1.971 2.142 2.488 1.834 1.633 1.894 Expcnditures not classified by major group Afskriftir 1 955 1.978 2.924 3.089 3 246 3.376 3.526 3 669 3.713 3.761 3.862 Consumption of fixed capital Samneysla alls 65.167 67.128 68.823 70.739 69.879 71.478 74.129 75.483 76.243 78.232 94.094 Total government final consumption 56
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Búskapur hins opinbera 1990-1998

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