The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 01.04.1971, Blaðsíða 9

The White Falcon - 01.04.1971, Blaðsíða 9
Story & photos by QM2 John Getker From the day he checks in un- til the day he checks out, a Navy enlisted man assigned to the na- val station is constantly in the hands of the military personnel office. There are currently 14 men under the leadership of Lt. Cdr. Donald F. Causey who handle the responsibility of job assignment, leave, dependent travel, reen- listments and numerous other ad- ministrative duties. The new arrival's first con- tact with this office comes with- in an hour of debarkation from the TIA or Pan American flight. Ready to meet the men are SN Ro- bert J. Lovely or SN Ray J. Ca- mara, who are in charge of re- cieving new arrivals. Should they however, be on their lunch ur, there is still someone that mains behind to provide the rst welcome. After, the new man's service record is checked for appropriate entries, the records come under the scrutiny of PNCS Donald R. Niedert, who then has the respon- sibility of assigning each man to a division. These assignments are made according to rate, de- signation or other considerations that usually include a man's past experience or the particular needs of the various departments. Before the man leaves the of- fice, his "Page 2" or record of emergency data is reviewed. Then the man is given a check-in list which must be completed. His two major appointments are on Thurs- day when he attends a "Welcome Aboard" lecture at Andrews Thea- ter in the morning and goes to a driving lecture in the afternoon, so he may be authorized to drive in Iceland. Check-in is usually completed the following Tuesday when the new man goes to disburs- ing to collect his base pay that may have accumulated during leave, his travel pay and other allowan- ces. PN2 Vincent J. Pasquarelli along with his striker, PNSA Ed- die D. Pinkerton are in charge of diary and accounting. This duty entails among other things, main- taining a record of all the bil- lets and the men assigned. Should a man desire leave, personnel is once again involved. After a chit is passed through the man's division it comes to the person- nel office. There, SN Charles E. Lucas and SN Ben L. Gilbert type up the neccessary papers. These men are also in charge of hand- ling ComRats and ID card re- quests. Another function of person- nel is the constant updating of service records which are kept in the vault. Since service records contain all the information on a man's service career, this job is very important and requires du- plicate copies of the more vital information to be sent to the Bu- reau of Naval Personnel in Wash- ington. This responsibility is shared by everyone in the office. When the man is ready to com- plete his tour either in the Navy or just in Iceland, he comes un- der the guidance of PN2 Michael E. Mooney and PNSN Hank A. Lu- thringshausen who has just as- sumed the duties from PN3 Robert H. Loomis who has relegated him- self to handling only one more transfer — his own — next week. PN3 Ben D. Bergeron and PN3 Terry A. Ramsey are on hand to prepare reenlistments and dis- charges. YN3 Lewis S. Moyer has the responsibility of handling such items as dependent travel and extensions. Currently all the work being done by this group that make up the personnel office come under the supervision of PN1 Stanley T. Pett. Though the office is normally open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, a duty personnel- man is available 24 hours a day for emergencies. Personnel going on emergency leave will find the duty man via the quarterdeck. As soon as the Red Cross verifies an emergency, leave orders will be typed up and personnel will help in every way possible to arrange for flights out. For assistance with any per- sonnel problems, Navy enlisted men attached to the naval station should call Ext. 2166. FALCON 9


The White Falcon

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