Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.10.2014, Qupperneq 10

Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.10.2014, Qupperneq 10 For further information check out our website, call +354 555 7000 or be our friend on Facebook. Come ride with us For 30 years Íshestar has given people an opportunity to experience the Icelandic horse on long and short trips. Horses are our passion. Come ride with us in the beautiful surroundings of our Íshestar Riding Centre. You get free transport from all major hotels and guesthouses in the capital area. flattering news story about Gísli Freyr. While the court is unlikely to agree, this may be because they are currently backlogged with rulings about wheth- er “Pokes” are harassment and if “See Friendship” constitutes stalking. Despite what you may have seen on television, farming is a profes- sion fraught with peril: foul weather, pests, and of course, sheep-eating ravens are all hazards the Icelandic farmer must contend with. Farmer Indriði Aðalsteinsson discovered the latter himself, when two ravens mur- dered his spotted ewe during the night. He has plotted revenge, which is to be expected. Less expected: he was reportedly so angry at the ravens that he composed a poem about them. Let that be a lesson to any other ravens reading this right now. In probably the best news we’ve heard all year, Afghan asylum seeker Ghasem Mohamadi has fi- nally been granted asylum in Iceland. The process was very simple, really. All he had to do was come here; wait two years without being allowed to work; go on a hunger strike, inspiring people to hold protests and distribute a peti- tion; and put continuous legal pressure on the Ministry of the Interior to grant him the privilege of living in Iceland. Easy peasy! (Seriously, congratula- tions, Ghasem, and welcome to your new home.) Meanwhile the volcanic erup- tion at Holuhraun rages on with no end in sight. There is a steady stream of lava, tons of earthquakes happening every day, and loads of gas pollution, some of which has made its way to the South West of Iceland. But don't worry, you're relatively safe un- less you try going to the eruption site itself. That didn’t stop super-wealthy Kazakh fashion icon Goga Ashkenazi flying to eruption and dancing there with her entourage—not cool, Goga, totally not cool. For decades, smaller pro- ducers have attempted to break MS's monopoly in production and retail. So far, such attempts have been short-lived. Dairy | Scandal 10 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 16 — 2014 A Cow-Op, if you will If you buy any dairy product in Iceland, chances are it was produced and mar- keted by Mjólkursamsalan—the Milk-co- vendor, MS for short. MS was originally founded in 1935, though its most recent embodiment was technically established in 2005. It is registered as a co-operative, and owned, through two intermediaries, by the country's 700 dairy farms. MS and its associates, the conglomerate in whole, hold a 99% market share in the field. All the country's milk farmers must sell their raw product to MS, from which other potential producers must then purchase it. On top of that, importing foreign dairy products remains forbidden, leaving the whole field, more or less, to one party. For decades, smaller producers have attempted to break MS's monopoly in production and retail. So far, such at- tempts have been short-lived. As detailed in Kastljós earlier this week, MS has re- peatedly hindered competition in various ways: by selling raw milk at a higher price to competitors than to its associates; by outright refusing to sell unpasteurized milk for yoghurt production; by buying smaller companies and taking over their production, and so on. What a peculiar way to rejoice Late September, the Icelandic Competi- tion Authority fined MS for abusing its dominant market position, by selling milk at a 17% higher price to its competi- tors than to its own associates. The fine was set at 370 million ISK, roughly equal to 2.4 million Euros. The charges were pressed by one Ólafur Magnússon, for- mer owner of dairy producer Mjólka. Re- portedly, Mjólka nearly went bankrupt in 2009. At that point, one of the two parties which own MS on behalf of farmers, the co-op KS, bought Mjólka and took over its production. Ólafur went on to found another production company in the same field, Kú. Just as Mjólka before, Kú must buy its raw milk from MS. Since the Sep- tember ruling, MS is, for the time being, forced to sell to Kú at the same price as to its own associates. MS has signalled that it will not suffer this ruling gladly, announcing that they will appeal the verdict. Egill Sigurðsson, chair of the co-operative's board, said on- air that there is nothing unnatural about selling milk at a higher price to competi- tors "than the price at which we make transfers within the conglomerate". He further said that the ruling is based on a misunderstanding, and that MS in fact 'rejoices at any competition'. Ólafur Magnússon replied that MS had "deliberately and repeatedly killed new companies" in the field. There seems little need, however, to take his word for it. Prominent Progressive Party member, former Minister of Agriculture, Guðni Ágústsson, now heads a dairy farm-re- lated 'association' whose only members are now, in fact, MS and its associates. In- terviewed in Kastljós, Guðni expressed doubts that the MS-conglomerate consti- tutes a monopoly, since it competes with Coca-Cola and other beverage producers. Much easier when you are at both sides of the table Further blurring the lines between busi- ness and politics in the field, Kastljós revealed the background of Ministry of- ficial Ólafur Friðriksson. As office man- ager of agricultural affairs at the Ministry of Agriculture for twenty years, Óla- fur chairs the Min- istry's Agricultural Pricing Committee, which decides the° price of milk, na- tion-wide, and sits on the Advice Board on imports and ex- ports of agricultural products, which de- cides on possible exceptions from the ban of agricultural imports. He chairs many other related committees and boards within the ministry. Before taking on the job, however, he was the manager of KS, one of MS's two parent companies. Fur- thermore, according to Kastljós, in the last twenty years, Ólafur has been board member of some fifteen corporations related to KS. In other words, if there is a separation barrier between business in- terest and state power, in the field of dairy production, it certainly seems porous. The Progressive Party's current Minister of Agriculture, Sigurður Ingi Jóhansson replied that politicians, such as himself, should be held responsible, and not individual ministry staff mem- bers. The day after, interviewed for radio, he exclaimed a lot of: "What sort of past connections do the journalists have? Shouldn't people start with themselves, if they head on this sort of journey? Shouldn't journalists start by examin- ing their own past relations?" A line of defence which, for the record, sounded no stronger when spoken than it does in print. You bunch of drivelling market-dogmatists! To be fair, more valid arguments have been made in support of the current ar- rangement. In recent articles, Left-Green MP Ögmundur Jónasson, the former Minister of the Interior and now a mem- ber of the opposition, has insisted that de- manding competition in the field would be no less dogmatic than demanding a continued monopoly. He says that while MS makes it possible for small farms to de- fend their interests, state-regulated prices keep the monopoly at bay and protect the interest of consumers. Leading to increased productivity and lower prices than an unregulated dairy market would, he as- serts that all in all the setup has served the interest of both. Until someone can tell the actual dif- ference between Skólaostur, Brauðostur, Góðostur, Heimilisostur, Samlokuos- tur, Pizzaostur, Gratínostur, Gotti and Fjörostur, dairy-consumers may beg to differ. The Milk Monopoly Words by Haukur Már Helgason Photo by Páll Ívan frá Eiðum Allegedly, a dozen differently labelled sorts of Icelandic cheese all taste the same. People have been in doubt about how to express their frustration at this, but have since the start of the week found a focal point for their anger: that bu- reaucrat in the Ministry of Agriculture... what's his name? We will get to that. The Icelandic milk market is a de facto monopoly, run in close cooperation between MS, the coun- try's dairy conglomerate, and state authorities. Retail prices of milk, as well as wholesale prices of raw milk, are, to this day, fixed by the Agricultural Pricing Committee. This per- ceived anomaly, within a society that often considers itself market-oriented, is common knowledge. Earlier this week, however, when RÚV's news magazine show Kastljós re- vealed some of the tactics involved in upholding MS's mo- nopoly, indignation ensued. NEWS IN BRIEF
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