Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.10.2014, Síða 14

Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.10.2014, Síða 14
14 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 16 — 2014 Politics | Reykjavík With university becoming more expen- sive in many parts of the world, main- stream education tends to lean towards the former, feeding the idea that higher qualifications should serve first and foremost as a path to economic security rather than to an enlightened viewpoint. The “university experience” has come to mean both a kind of holiday camp for young adults to begin establishing them- selves away from their family, and a pro- gramme of economically motivated and vocational-minded learning. Education, cast in such stark terms, can be seen as an investment to be weighed against fu- ture earning potential. Of course, not everyone sees it this way. Most people passing through arts education aren’t in it primarily for the pay, but to pursue their chosen subject driven by the hunger to learn and de- velop, both personally and creatively. Whilst relatively few might end up making a living solely as a playwright, painter or poet, arts education nonethe- less produces creative individuals suited to a wide range of valuable roles in society. Exactly how to go from being a graduate to a financially stable arts practitioner or a fully fledged culture worker has al- ways been something of an opaque and uncharted process, without the relative job security that comes with training as a doctor or a teacher. Many struggle, taking a while to discover the niche in which they can apply their talents, or falling into other jobs along the way. But this autumn in Seyðisfjörður, over on the eastern coast of Iceland, a new folk school has appeared to help young artists realise their potential and find a good path forward. A hidden place Seyðisfjörður feels like something of a hidden place. The road into the town is the infamous Fjarðarheiði mountain pass, which has to be ploughed several times a day in winter; the surrounding mountains cradle the fjord on all sides, meaning the sun sets early behind the clifftops, and the town is often held un- der a delicate layer of mist. In recent years, it's become an East Iceland cultural centre, with several enclaves appearing: from the Skaftafell residency and gallery, to a museum dedi- cated to Iceland's industrial history, to the vibrant and increasingly venerated LungA Festival—an event comprising arts workshops, gigs and a host of other events, bringing together many of Ice- land's brightest creative minds in one place. One of the key people behind LungA is Björt Sigfinnsdóttir, a Seyðisfjörður native and a graduate of Kaospilots, a forward-thinking Danish business school. "The LungA festival has been an an- nual event since the summer of 2000," she explains. "It was made to answer the needs of young, creative people that wanted an expressive playground for ar- tistic output." The festival has developed since then, becoming an im- portant mark on the summer calendar for its participants, many of whom travel from around the world to be there. "This festival is unique—it has an en- ergy that isn’t to be found anywhere else, due to a mixture of things," says Björt. "There’s the natural surroundings, and the openness of Seyðisfjörður's society. And then, we provide the framework, from within which the participants cre- ate all the content, resulting in a differ- ent outcome each year. The feeling is that LungA's participants are in control of its direction, and anything is possible." The wellspring of excitement and positivity generated by the festival has naturally led on to new ideas. "We found we wanted to use this energy for some- thing more," smiles Björt, "to build on it, and capture it over a longer period of time." New school thinking The idea of a LungA School was long in the planning, germinating into a solid concept in 2010. "Many people had talk- ed in the past about establishing some kind of educational institution in Seyð- isfjörður, as the atmosphere of the town is inspiring and fertile," Björt explains. "We’ve worked hard on developing the concept, creating a solid platform with good collaboration partners, making a business plan, designing the curricu- lum, and putting the board of the school together. It took just over three years to prepare the opening of the school be- fore our our first test month, the LungA School BETA programme." This pilot version happened in March, attracting thirty Icelandic and international applicants who under- went a detailed interview process via email and Skype conversations, with a final seventeen forming the first LungA School group. "We figured that we'd need a better understanding of who they were in order to put together the ‘right’ group," Björt explains. "We were look- ing for a group that would be able to both support and challenge each other— diverse in the sense of different back- grounds, cultures, ages, et cetera." The test programme happened semi- publicly, with Seyðisfjörður locals and interested people invited to the opening and closing parties, and a healthy flow of documentation spilling out via social media. Afterwards, several of the par- ticipants said the experience had been nothing less than life-changing. "It was great, very educational for all of us," Björt says, "and not least for the students, which was a very good feel- ing for us. We got a fantastic group from eight countries and very different back- grounds. We tested out different parts of the curriculum and got a lot of feed- back—both directly, and also through observing their reactions. It was just great in every single way." Plugging the holes LungA School doesn’t formally target any given demographic, but the course appeals to younger people from various creative disciplines. As such, the school functions as a bridge from traditional arts education, empowering students to put their creativity to work in different ways. The debate over what higher education is, and what it should be for, is an interesting one that stretches across the continents and back through the centuries. Indeed, as even the dictionary shows, the word “education” can mean, amongst other definitions, “giving or receiving sys- tematic instruction” or “an enlightening experience.” Breathing Life Into Arts Education LungA School seeks to empower students with a creative, bilateral learning process Words by John Rogers Photo provided by LungA School “It's an experience of going far away from your normal setting and routines and diving into something unknown.” January 12, – April 5, 2015 LungA School Education | Art EYMUNDSSON BOOKSTORES BESTSELLERS THE LIST REPRESENTS SALES FROM ALL EYMUNDSSON BOOKSTORES 1 2 5 6 7 8 109 43 Njals Saga - Wordsworth Translated by Lee M. Hollander Jar City Arnaldur Indriðason Die schönsten isländischen Sagas Rolf Heller Sagas Of The Icelanders Ýmsir höfundar Independent People Halldór Laxness Under The Glacier Halldór Laxness I Remember You Yrsa Sigurðardóttir Ashes to Dust Yrsa Sigurðardóttir Day is Dark Yrsa Sigurðardóttir Die schönsten Erzählungen Islands Soffía Birgisdóttir


Reykjavík Grapevine

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