Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.10.2014, Blaðsíða 25

Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.10.2014, Blaðsíða 25
RESTAURANT- BAR The only kitchen in Reykjavík open to 23:30 on weekdays and 01:00 on weekends 6.690 kr. Vesturgata 3B | 101 Reykjavík | Tel: 551 2344 | Taste the best of Iceland ... ... in one amazing meal Icelandic Gourmet FEAst Starts with a shot of the infamous Icelandic spirit Brennívín Followed by 7 delicious tapas: Smoked puffin with blueberry “brennivín” sauce Icelandic sea-trout with peppers-salsa Lobster tails baked in garlic Pan-fried line caught blue ling with lobster-sauce Grilled Icelandic lamb Samfaina Minke Whale with cranberry & malt-sauce White chocolate "Skyr" mousse with passion fruit coulis 25The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 16 — 2014 HYGIENE Micro Bar Austurstræti 6 As it’s part of a hotel, Micro Bar’s bath- room is usually very clean. On the night of my visit, the women’s bathroom had recently been cleaned, but the men’s bathroom was festering in neglect. Ul- timately, though, everything was clean— and they have wheelchair access. Nice and clean, a good bathroom for a good bar. Brikk Hafnarstræti 18 The wait for the women’s bathroom was way too long considering there was no queue to speak of. Eventually I gave up and opted for the men’s room. There seemed to be only one toilet for men and one for women (with the women’s offering wheelchair access). Once I fi- nally got in, the bathrooms themselves proved decent. However, anyone forced to spend time waiting is subjected to a terrible stink, as the smoking area is poorly closed off. I can imagine you’d have to wait quite a bit when the bar is crowded. Dillon Laugavegur 30 Dillon’s bathroom facilities proved to be quite the surprise, reminding me that one should never judge a book by its cover. The bar itself isn’t very clean-look- ing. The interior is mostly made of timber (which is difficult to keep clean). How- ever, the bathroom was not only clean, but there also seemed to have been a whole other architect working on it. De- spite some waiting time, my bathroom experience at Dillon was great—there was nothing missing and it smelled re- ally nice. Reykjavík’s most surprising bathroom! Celtic Cross Hverfisgata 26 The stalls in the women’s bathroom were decorated with a huge, pink, pixelated photograph of Reykjavík, covered with large empty frames. One could guess that guests were supposed to write a message or something in those frames, but no one seemed to get that idea. Now, while I was soaking in all that art, three girls struggled to get out of their booths, the locks all stiff. Both the women’s and men’s rooms were fairly dirty, and the synthetic air freshener smell failed to cover up the toilet stink. However, apart from a single broken sink everything else was up to code. Dirty, smelly and you might get trapped in- side a booth. HÚRRA Naustin In a fairly new bar you expect a fairly new bathroom. The first thing I noticed, how- ever, was that the new-paint-smell had already given way to the bog-standard puke-and-poop-scent so prevalent in bar bathrooms. Of course I realised that there was no toilet paper after I sat down. Thankfully, someone in the next stall all of a sudden handed me a roll from beneath the divider and said, "Hey there! I noticed that this stall didn't have any toilet paper and I know how gross it is to have your va- gina marinating in your panties all night!" Disappointing for a relatively new place, but the kind patrons make up for it. Ölsmiðjan Lækjargata 10 For some reason there were a lot more men than women at this bar. Naturally this affects the gender-divided bathrooms. When I visited, the women’s room was by no means perfect, but it was fine, given that it was fairly neat and had toilet paper, soap and hand dryers. However, the men’s room was dirty and generally pretty ter- rible. Those wanting to wash their hands in that space are made to stand ass to ass with some random guy using the urinal that’s right across the sink in the tiny room. Also, there was no area private enough for guys with shy bladders (nor shy colons). Nice for women, terrible for men.
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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