Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.10.2014, Qupperneq 63

Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.10.2014, Qupperneq 63
Discover the hidden underworld of lava tube caves Lava Tube Caving Price: ISK 12.900 Call us: 777 0708 Northern Lights trio Lava Cave, Lobster Soup & Northen Lights search in a Super Jeep All in one package Price: ISK 29.900 When did you play your first Airwaves? How do you feel ab- out how it’s changed over the years? Arnar: I played the first one, and I think every Airwaves since. One of them wasn’t exactly an… on-venue. In Dr Spock, we played on a flatbed truck, go- ing around the streets, with this fire guy… Silla: Are you the only one who’s played at every Airwaves? Arnar: I don’t know, I couldn’t say that for sure… I love it now, I love the smaller ven- ues, not such big han- gar spaces and “big names”—I like the way it has turned out. Smaller bands, newer bands, a nice vibe. Silla: They keep it as festival that’s about discovering new mu- sic. So you might as well go and see some- thing, anything—it’s all about running around seeing a bunch of shows, see- ing something new, rather than what you already know you like. They have stayed true to that. Maggi: In the last few years I have played so many shows that I haven’t really seen anything. What I’m looking forward to doing is meeting up and hav- ing coffee with all the roadies at Harpa. I’m not kidding! It’s really good fun! They are as stressed as we are, running around being all like, “Who’s next on?” It’s fantastic! Keli: I can never re- ally see what I’d want to see. So one of the “thrills of the festi- val” for me is that, given I can’t really pick, between those crazy moments, I just go to a random venue and see a random band. I’ll just point at something and see anything. That’s pret- ty cool, I look forward to that. Birkir: The weather is so much worse now—the wind, the cold—since it got later. People who come here from elsewhere get very taken with Airwaves as a spe- cial festival. Why do you think that is? Arnar: I have a hard time answering that because my experi- ence of it, of any fes- tival, is very different from the people com- ing to listen. I can imagine it’s unique to come here to Iceland, to all these small venues, these tiny bars… Maggi: I kind of look at it as a gathering of a lot of my friends and people I know. Musicians. I tend not to go to shows be- fore I play, or even sometimes after—if I’ve played four shows in a day, I don’t really have the attention span left to watch a whole show. So it feels like me sitting backstage, smoking a cigarette or drinking a coffee with people I know and my fellow musicians. I really enjoy that. I do see shows, though, of course, on occasion. Silla: You can’t really do much more. If you’re constantly giving it out, it’s hard to take it in. I too listen to one or two songs then I have to leave. It can be a little too much stimuli. There are 41 new Icelandic bands pla- ying this year, and they broke the re- cord of rejected local acts—200. Have any news bands caught your ear? How do you feel about the health of the scene? Silla: It’s in great shape! It’s a healthy beast! Maggi: There’s a band Keli is in that caught my eye—Young Karin. I’ve only heard you online, I haven’t seen you play yet... Keli: Come to Gaukurinn! Arnar: This new band Himbrimi that Birkir is in has caught my eye… Silla: Hmmm, do they have to be play- ing the festival? I really like this band Cryptochrome—a husband and wife, twisted hip-hop… super good. And Soffía Björg also, a singer-songwriter— she’s really, really good. Great songs, and a great voice. How does it go with the scheduling? Figuring out your own trajectory through the festival? Arnar: Egill Tómasson sent me an email asking what bands I was in. He does a really good job of it, I don’t know how he does it. Keli: Nobody knows! Silla: I’m never playing twice on the same day, too, except off-venues. Maggi: Two years ago he called me, an emergency call. I forgot to tell him about one band I was in, and it was crazy, action stations—he called me up and was very nice, and said, “Can you come into the of- fice?” So we had a two-hour meeting like, just scheduling my schedule. Well—an hour of talking about sports, and then an hour of talking about schedule. Arnar: I have an idea for next year, for when Keli is playing another 50-some- thing gigs, there should be an app where people can just follow him around. Silla, to Arnar: No, to follow YOOOOU! Maggi, to Silla: No, to follow YOOOO- OU! Arnar: Maybe Grapevine should do a booklet with Keli’s face on the cover? Arnar: You know, the five of us have formed a band out of this. Silla: There are three actual drummers here... so I’m gonna be the drummer. Maggi: I’m going to do the desk and the PA. Front of house guy. Birkir: I’m the manager. Keli: I’ll be the roadie. Arnar: I’m the... dancer. Silla: So it’s just me drumming, and you guys… around. And Arnar dancing. Arnar: We’re called Front Cover. Watch out for us. It’s gonna be the craziest off- venue of the festival... WEDNESDAY 20:50 Silla: Mr Silla, Harpa Silfurberg 21:40 Birkir & Arnar: Lára Rúnars, Norðurljós 21:40 Keli: Agent Fresco, Gamla Bío 21:40 Maggi: Kippi Kaninus, Harpa Silfurberg 22:30 Keli: Steinar, Frederiksen 23:20 Birkir: Lay Low, Harpa Norðurljós 00:30 Maggi: Moses Hightower, Harpa Silfurberg THURSDAY 20:00 Maggi: Geislar, Harpa Norðurljós 22:30 Birkir & Arnar: Rúnar Þórisson, Frederiksen 00:20 Arnar: Pétur Ben, Kaldalón 00:20 Birkir: Himbrimi, Frederiksen FRIDAY 20:00 Maggi & Silla: Snorri Helgason, Fríkirkjan 21:00 Arnar: Mugison, Silfurberg 21:50 Maggi: Moses Hightower, Reykjavík Art Museum 22:00 Keli: Young Karin, Gamla Bío 00:20 Birkir: Klassart, Frederiksen 01:20 Keli: Úlfur Úlfur, Húrra 01:30 Silla: Boogie Trouble. Iðnó 02:20 Keli: Agent Fresco, Gaukurinn SATURDAY 20:00 Arnar: Íkorni, Iðnó 21:00 Silla: Low Roar, Gamla Bío 01:10 Keli: Young Karin, Þjóðleikhúskjallarinn 01:10 Maggi: Cell7, Húrra 02:00 Keli: Emsjeé Gauti, Þjóðleikhúskjallarinn SUNDAY 23:00 Birkir & Arnar: Lára Rúnars, Gaukurinn T H E R E Y K J A V Í K G R A P E V I N E I C E L A N D A I R W A V E S S P E C I A L 11 Who They Are Sigurlaug Gísladóttir (aka Silla) Airwaves Bands: Mr. Silla, Snorri Helgason, Low Roar, Boogie Trouble Total active bands: 6 Shows: 11 Birkir Rafn Gíslason Airwaves Bands: Himbrimi, Klassart, Lay Low, Lára Rúnars, Rúnar Þórisson Total Active Bands: 8 Shows: 11 Hrafnkell Örn Guðjónsson (aka Keli) Airwaves Bands: Agent Fresco, Young Karin, Steinar, Emmsjé Gauti, Úlfur Úlfur Total Active Bands: 11 Shows: 14 Magnús Tryggvason Elíassen (aka Maggi) Airwaves Bands: Cell7, Geislar, Mo- ses Hightower, Snorri Helgason, Kippi Kanínus Total Active Bands: 11 Shows: 11 Arnar Þór Gíslason Airwaves Bands: Pétur Ben, Íkorni, Mugison, Lára Rúnars, Rúnar Þórisson Total active bands: 10 Shows: 9
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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