Iðnaðarmál - 01.02.1971, Side 3
'Gnglislí summary
VOL. 18 . NO. 2 . 1971
Summary by Stefán Bjamason
Industrial Development Institute of Iceland
Skipholt 37 . Reykjavík . Iceland
Subscription: Icel. kr. 300/year
Corrosion in Hot Water Systems
pp. 34 and 45
An introduction of a pamphlet re-
cently published by the Industrial
Research Institute. The different cau-
ses of corrosion in hot water pipes
are described and what preventive
measures may be taken.
Cooperation — Fusion p. 35
Leader by Sveinn Björnsson.
Mr. Björnsson underlines that the
present structure of Icelandic indus-
trial enterprises developed when Ice-
land was a rather isolated country
and the enterprises operated behind
tariff walls. By entering the EFTA
group of countries the tariffs will be
gradually lowered and competition
from our highly industrialized neigh-
bours will get stiffer. To meet this
challenge Icelandic enterprises must
consolidate themselves by well plan-
ned cooperation or even fusion into
bigger and more productive com-
Observations on Wind Velocity and
Wind Load in Iceland pp. 36—45
By Dr. Óttar P. Halldórsson and Ög-
mundur lónsson
The authors were commissioned by
the Industrial Institute of Iceland to
prepare a draft for an Icelandic Stan-
dard on Wind Load on Buildings. In
the article they present the result of
their studies, which were carried out
in close cooperation with the Meteor-
logical Institute of Iceland, which
furnished information on measured
wind velocities in different parts of the
country over a period of some 25
Effective Secretary pp. 46—52
A translation from the book ,,How
to Be an Effective Secretary" by El-
mer L. Winter, President of Man-
power, Inc.
Exposed Concrete Finishes pp. 53—58
Some pictures from a book „Guide
to Exposed Concrete Finishes" by
Michael Gage.
Management Corner
Position and Prospects of Cumputer
Development in Iceland
A report on this subject from the
Management Association of Iceland
on a 2-days conference arranged by
the Association.
Useful Novelties
Processing Ocean Nodules.
Glow Discharge Lessens Wool's
Partition Walls from Gypsum.
New Building Blocks.
New Hot Water Plastic Pipes.
„Dry" Water for Fire Fighting.
Mat Scale for On-spot Weighing.
Repairs With Epoxy.
Rust Prevention.
New Ice Age?
Sewer Pits.
Three-dimensional Drawings.
Inflated Cold Warehouse.