Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.04.2015, Blaðsíða 4

Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.04.2015, Blaðsíða 4
Most Awesome Letter of the Issue! TO READERS OF GRAPEVINE DEAR CONCORDE LOVERS, HERE IS THE CONCORDE THAT ME AND MY WIFE SANDRA AND MY TWO CHILDREN CHARLOTTE AND EMMA CAME TO ICELAND IN ON THE 22ND AUGUST 1987. WE FLEW LOW OVER ICELAND AT THE REQUEST OF THE CON- TROL TOWER WHO SAID THAT THE PEOPLE OF ICELAND HAD HEARDCONCORDE BUT NOT SEEN IT.THIS PHOTO WAS TAKEN BY EG- GERT NORDDAL BUT HE DOES NOT WANT THE PHOTO TO APPEAR IN THE BOOK I AM WRITING FOR THE FIRST TIME CALLED "A DAY TRIP IN CONCORDE " SO IT MEANS THAT I WILL HAVE TO PUBLISH A PHOTO OF THE SAME CON- CORDE THAT LANDED IN VIENNA. THIS PARTICULAR CONCORDE I FLEW IN TO ICELAND ACTUALLY HOLDS THE WORLD RECORD FOR THE FASTEST CROSSING OF THE ATLANTIC FROM JFK NEW YORK TO HEATHROW LONDON IN 2HRS 52MINS AND 59SECS ON THE 7TH FEBRUARY 1996.IT WAS FLOWN BY CAPTAIN LESLEY SCOTT WHO ACTUALLY FLEW THE SAME CONCORDE THAT MY FAMILY AND I CAME TO ICELAND IN ON THE 22ND AUGUST 1987. YOURS SINCERELY NIGEL FERRIS Dear Nigel, This is fascinating! Thank you for your lovely letter, The Grapevine Say your piece, voice your opinion, send your letters to: WOW, that sucked! Prepare to be WOW’ed and very, very thirsty. With all the planes falling out of the sky nowadays and disappearing out of thin air or crashing into mountains, one may reconsider entering an aircraft altogether. But another, more foreseeable danger awaits when boarding a WOW air flight. There are many advantages to not losing your wallet in an airport, but being with- out cash or credit card, as I was this April second, will most certainly lead to severe dehydration, at least if you leave it up to the WOW air crew. It is no secret that passengers should drink plenty of water when up in the air. The reason behind this common knowledge is that the cabin humidity is so unnaturally low (5 to 10%) - lower than in the Sahara desert actually - it will cause dehydration with all its usual symptoms; dry chapped skin, dry eyes, thirst, tiredness, dry mouth, headache, constipation, dizziness or lightheadedness. Research showed that adequate water intake can prevent heart attacks and that severe dehydration may result in low blood pressure, rapid heart- beat, extreme thirst, dry skin, loss of skin elasticity, little or no urination, confusion, and fever. Go without water too long and you become delusional - which made me think that maybe WOW deprived its own crew of sufficient hydration... Since airport security and its anti- liquid policies make it impossible for you to provide your own water supply, air- lines have made use of the opportunity to gain wonderful profit margins on one of our most basic needs. And who can blame them? Money after all is what makes the world go round, and in this case it makes you go round the world. Of course it would be pretty WOW if they started charging us for oxygen masks. The problem at hand is not per se in charging people for bottled water though, the crime is rather in refus- ing drinking water to your customers, es- pecially at that altitude. But as my friendly stewardess informed me (and I quote) “It isn’t illegal to refuse drinking water to the customers” at which point I wondered if it was illegal to punch her in the face. WOW of course isn’t the only airline to have that policy, but in my experience, it is the only airline that’s actually lived down to that horrible standard and in effect re- fused to give drink to the thirsty. Even Ry- anair flight attendants have been running off to the back to fetch me a paper cup of water without any fuss. But even if WOW wasn’t the only one to have no common sense, does that make it okay? If ethics and basic human decency are currently defined by majority rule then maybe I’d rather have my next plane crash. I have one request though: Can we please crash in fresh water? That way I won’t have to die while stripped of my basic hu- man rights. Or is access to potable drinking water no longer on the list? (Based on the experience of the April sec- ond WW903 flight from CPH Kastrup to Keflavik) Dear Mayli, Wow, that’s quite the story. Keep that in mind, y’all. Now, on a related note, unless you’re on a plane where tap water is unavailable, dear visitors to Iceland, don’t even think about buy- ing bottled water! Our tap water is not only okay to drink, but also really great to taste. Those supermarkets with walls of expensive bottled water, you see? Yeah, they aren’t mak- ing a króna off of Icelanders. Don’t be fooled! Grapevine SOUR GRAPES AND STUFF There's prize for all your MOST AWESOME LETTERS. And it’s a scorcher! No, really! It's a goddamn scorcher is what it is! Whoever sends us THE MOST AWESOME LETTER this issue will receive A FRIGGIN GOURMET FEAST FOR TWO at TAPAS BARINN. Did you hear that? Write in and complain about something (in an admirable way), win a gourmet feast at one of Reykjavík's best? THIS IS THE DEAL OF THE CENTURY IS WHAT IT IS! What's in a 'lobster feast'? Well, one has to assume that it has lobster-a-plenty. Is there more? Probably, but still... Gourmet feast? Wow! DON’T PANIC if your letter wasn’t picked AWESOME LETTER. There's always next month! Now, if you're in the market for free goodies next month, write us some sort of letter. Give us your worst: letters@grapevine. is MOST AWESOME LETTER FREE ICELANDIC GOURMET FEAST! Varma is available in various tourist shops around Iceland the timeless warmth of Iceland Varma is dedicated to maintaining Icelandic tradition in developing, designing and manufacturing quality garments and accessories from the best Icelandic wool and sheepskin shearling. w w w .a rn ar tr .c om
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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