Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.04.2015, Blaðsíða 32

Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.04.2015, Blaðsíða 32
However, like all good things in life, there is a small catch. If, like me, you come from a British colony (Baby Prince George I love you!) or some other con- servative place, you will be very familiar with the concept of body shame. Nudity is reserved for lovers (lights off, please) and medical searching of your body for possible cancerous moles. High school changing rooms became a lesson in the art of completely changing your outfit without exposing any part of your body. No nude, no swim So what does this Victorian-era throw- back mentality have to do with swim- ming in Iceland? Well, dear friends. If you are not aware, ICELANDIC LAW states you must shower/clean yourself SANS bathing suit before and after en- tering a public pool. Big deal, I hear you say? Well, these showers just so hap- pen to be communal. As in, you must shower completely starkers in front of a crowd of people. For people hailing from prudish lands, this can be quite confronting (disconcerting). It took me a month of living in Reyk- javík to build up the courage. I decided my first time should be alone (get your mind out of the gutter please), because the idea of my new friends seeing me in my full glory was too much to handle. I also decided my maiden voyage would be in Akureyri, mainly be- cause I didn’t know what else to do there. The first thing you’ll notice in Icelan- dic change rooms is butts. Everywhere. Locals will happily walk around the en- tire area in the nude, even going so far as to engage in conversation while their bits are getting some air. The first time I entered the changing rooms, I kept my eyes firmly on the ground. After schlumping to a locker, I failed to open it three times. After firmly establishing myself as a foreigner, the time had ar- rived when I would have to be naked in public. The naked truth Suddenly, I was flooded with feel- ings of shame, inadequacy, and guilt. I managed to force myself to undress, but quickly wrapped myself in a towel. I was paralysed, I couldn’t move. My mind was saying: “There is no way you are exposing your dirty, sub-par body to these perfect specimens of human. No.” I seriously contemplated if it was possible to just re- dress and skulk out of the change room, run out of the complex and never go to an Icelandic pool again. Luckily, my neuroses towards quitting out- weighed the ones to- wards nudity. I just swallowed my pride and marched (well, more like scurried) into the showers. I refused to face any- one but the showerhead, and I am pret- ty sure my entire body was clenched during the experience. I’m really happy this quasi-panic at- tack occurred. It uncovered deep-held body shame vibes I didn’t even know I still had. Since that fateful day in Akure- ri, I try and visit the pools in Reykjavík every day. Not only do I love the healing and revitalising effect of the water, but bearing my bod in a safe setting is do- ing wonders for my self-esteem. I was even comfortable enough to “do the change rooms” with a friend this week, flashing her one singular breast in a little “up yours” salute to body shamers the world over. Next challenge: to follow the “body love” attitude of a local DJ and let half my genitals hang out of my swimsuit while relaxing in the sauna. No shame, baby. DON’T ASK NANNA: About Icelandic Elves Dear Nanna, What should I call my new band? The name has to be Iceland-relat- ed because it’s a real inspiration to my music. Best, You're-My-Muse Dear Schmooze-You-Lose, I have made you a list of possible suggestions below. I hope I have helped you push your music to the next level. 1. The Norse Whisperers 2. Snobo (a.k.a The Snow Covered Hobos) 3. The Sensual Eruptions 4. Smoked Meat 5. The Toxic Debts Nanna When will your country stop killing arctic foxes? Everything you write is pointless and stupid, meanwhile you kill foxes which are endan- gered species. V Dear V, You are a god damn hero, V. You know that? The voice of the voice- less, the fox-activist to end all fox- activists. After all, what’s the point of righ- teous indignation if you can’t wield it in ignorance? Does it matter that arctic foxes are endangered in mainland Scandinavia, i.e, Sweden, Norway, Finland, but not in Iceland? No. Does it matter that Iceland has so many arctic foxes they are literally being shipped away to boost de- pleted Scandinavian fox stocks? No, because what do facts even mean when matters of the heart are at stake? Keep fighting the good fight, Nanna 32 The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 4 — 2015OPINION Photo Art Bicnick Words Melissa Coci Party Every Night. Cocktails! Live Music Every Night! 50 different kinds of beer. Live Sports Coverage Kitchen open from 11.00. Ribs - Burgers Chicken Wings! LIFE IS SHORT – DRINK EARLY – AUSTURSTRAETI 8 • REYKJAVIK Swimming pools and Icelanders go hand-in-hand like drunks on a Saturday night and Ali Baba kebabs. Even the smallest towns in Iceland have a local swimming pool com- plex, resplendent with at least one hot tub. There is nothing quite like soaking in the soothing waters of Iceland, check- ing out the locals in minimal covering and staring up at the wide sky. It really is the true “Icelandic” experience, no hot dog reflux required. “Suddenly, I was flooded with feelings of shame, inadequacy, and guilt. I managed to force myself to undress, but quickly wrapped myself in a towel. I was paralysed, I couldn’t move.” Read a fresh new DON'T ASK NANNA on every Friday! Tales From The Tub Learning to let go of my worldly, sophisticated body shame
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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