Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun

Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1951, Page 14

Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1951, Page 14
12* Vcrzlunarskýrslur 1949 2. yfirlit. Verð innfluttrar vöru 1949 eftir notkun og vinnslustigi. Value of imports by stage of production and by use. 1040 1048 n. b. c. 3 a h u 9 U O w l-H t ■3 1. Framleiðsluvörur materials for produciion Vörur til framleiðslu matvæla, drykkj- Hrávörur crudc matc Lítt unnnr simplij trar formed arti Fullunnar articles mo elaboratcly tran8formc( Snmtnls tolal C = 5 3 t- U O c ’u g o. u oc oo Snmtals tolal arvara og tóbaks materials for the production of human food, of bever- þús. kr. þús. kr. þús. kr. þús. kr. þús. kr. þús. kr. ages and tobacco (all non-durable) 4 078 20 212 . 24 290 26 498 22 820 2. Vörur til landbúnaðarframleiðslu materials for agricultural production (all non-durable) 2 30G 14 791 17 097 17 294 13 389 3. Óvaranlegar vörur til iðnaðar (útgerð- ar og verzlunar) non-durable materi- als for industry and commerce (ex- cept groups 1 and 2) 4 749 4 795 52 055 61 599 63 631 65 296 4. Varanlegar vörur til sömu notkunar sem 3. liður durablc materials for industry and commerce 2 G10 43 074 12 424 58 108 60 535 61 709 5. Dýra- og jurtafeiti og oliur og vörur til framleiðslu beirra animal and vege- tabte oils and fats and materials therefore (all non-durable) 25 8 453 8 478 9 797 10 268 G. Eldsneyti, ljósmcti, smurningsolíur o. fl. fuels, electric energy and lubri- cants (all non-durable) 16 242 46 744 62 986 64 893 53 803 7. I'astafé (tæki) til landbúnaðar, iðn- aðar og verzlunar capital equipment for agriculture, industry and com- merce (all durable) 123 G89 123 689 116 692 152 214 1- -7. Alls framleiðsluvörur total ma- terials for production 30 C10 138 069 188 168 356 247 359 340 379 499 Neyzluvörur articles ready for retail sale or for consumers’ use 8. Matvæli, drykkjarvörur og tóbak food, beverages and tobacco (non- durable) 8 925 5 948 15 841 30 714 30 532 37 009 9. Aðrir óvaranlegir munir til notkun- ar other non-durable articles 22 003 22 003 21 705 25 G07 10. Varanl. munir til notkunar durable equipment („consumers' capital") . 16 732 16 732 14 591 15 841 8-10. Alls neyzluvörur total articles ready for retail sale or for consumers’ use 8 925 5 948 54 576 69 449 66 828 78 457 1-10 alls total 38 935 144 017 242 744 425 696 426 168 457 956 Þar af whereof: a. Hrávörur crude materials 38 935 38 935 39 474 44 935 b. Lítt unnar vörur simply transformed articles 144 017 144 017 152 258 136 830 c. Fullunnar vörur more elaborately transformed articles • 242 744 242 744 234 436 276 191
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Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun

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