Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun

Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1951, Page 44

Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1951, Page 44
8 Verzlunarskýrslur 1949 Tafla III B. Yfirlit yfir verð útfluttrar vöru Value of exports (in 1000 kr.) 1949 Vöruflokkar Commodity Groups 2. Kjöt og kjötvörur Meat and Prepai'ations thereof: Kindakjöt og innyfli fryst mutton and lamb frozen .. Annað lijötmcti other ................................ 4. Fiskmeti Fishery Producls for Food: Fiskur ísvarinn fish on ice ......................... — frystur fish, frozen ............................. íssild og freðsild herriny on ice or frozcn ......... Hrogn isuð og fryst roes on ice or frozcn ........... Fullvcrkaður saltfiskur salted fish, cured .......... Ófullverkaður saltfiskur wet salted fish ............ Harðfiskur stockfish ................................. Síld söltuð herring salted .......................... Matarhrogn söltuð roes for food salted .............. Fiskmeti niðursoðið fish canned ..................... 12. Skepnufóður Feeding-stuffs: Síldarmjöl herring meal ............................. Fiskmjöl fisli mcal .................................. Hvalmjöl whale meal .................................. 15. Feiti og olíur Animal Oils and Fats: llvallýsi whale oil ................................. Þorskalýsi cod liver oil ............................ Hákarlalýsi shark-liver oil ......................... Slldarlýsi lierring oil .............................. Tj'igi oleo-stearine ............................... 23. Húðir og skinn Hides and Skins: Nautgripahúðir hides of cattle ....................... Kálfskinn söltuð calfskins salted ................... Sauðargærur saltaðar sheepskins salted .............. Önnur skinn other skins salted ...................... Sútuð skinn skins tanned ............................ 25. Loðskinn Furs ....................................... 26. Spunaefni Textile raw materials: Ull sheep’s and lamb’s wool ......................... Annað other texile materials ......................... 27. Ullargarn Yarns of Wool ............................. 35. Vikur Pumice ........................................ 44. Vélar Machines ...................................... 47. Ýmsar hrávörur Miscellaneous Crude Producfs: Hross lifandi live horses ........................... Sauðargarnir sheep intesiines ........................ Hrogn til beitu roes salted for bait ................ Annað other .......................................... 48. Fullunnar vörur, ót. a. Manufactured Arlicles, n. e. s. 49. Endursendar vörur Returned Goods .................... Samtals total k o a. 706 12 ■í •* t. L. •c a H E c c s - □ 4 3 => ■o c •o O — o > .2 718 39 319 3 705 81 832 634 222 34 130 11 24 37 7 572 8 15 30 969 2 100 9 7 780 445 32 123 1 40 1 24 666 3 050 1 626 16 101 83 93 102 94 5 169 Verziunarskýrslur 1949 9 (í þús. kr.) árið 1949, eftir löndum og vöruflokkum. by Countries and Commodity Groups. Finnlnnd Flriland Austurríki Austria Belgín licUjiitm Bretlnnd Unlted Kinydom Frnkklnnd France Grikklund Grcece Hollnnd Netherlands írlnnd Ireland .5 a 2 5 G £ Z a a C *5 2 &§> .3 a Póllnnd Poland 106 _ _ _ _ - ~ - ~ — — ~ — ~ ~ _ _ _ 37 922 - — _ - - - - 31 2 946 _ 44 588 2 610 - 7 346 - - ~ 1 307 _ - - - - - - - 244 - _ - 220 60 - - - - ~ _ _ - _ - - - - 36 - ~ _ _ _ 2 489 - 9 495 43 392 15 554 - ~ _ _ _ - - - - - 22 - ~ 7 059 - - - - - - - - - 3 412 — — — — - — — — — — ~ - - - 624 - - - - - - ~ _ _ _ _ _ - 290 - - - - - - 156 - “ - 3 273 - ~ ~ “ - - ~ — ~ _ _ _ 3 864 - _ 1 198 - - - - 360 93 167 - - 181 - - 31 31 357 — _ — — — — — — — — “ - - - 14 223 - - - - - ~ 1 573 “ - — ~ — ~ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ 23 - - - - - - 10 - - - 27 - - ~ ~ - - - - - - - - ~ ~ 1 310 - 1 8 63 - 14 - ~ ~ ~ — — _ — _ — - — 9 ~ ~ - - - 10 - - - “ ~ ~ ~ _ 38 - - _ - _ - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ - - - - - - ~ “ - - - - - - - - ~ ~ - - - ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 898 - - ~ ~ ~ 1 — ~ 3 1 _ _ - _ - - 118 “ 1 ~ ~ 7 451 3 078 341 104 230 3 569 9 676 12 214 392 15 653 31 8 203 Nr. 2 4 12 15 23 25 26 27 35 14 47 48 49
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Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun

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