Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1950, Page 6
Introduction. t’arjc.
1. The total externul trade o/ Iceland ..................................... 5*
2. Imported commodities ..................................................
3. Exported commodities ................................................... Í8*
4. The external trade by countries ........................................ 23*
5. Imports and exports by trading places .................................. 27*
6. Customs duties ......................................................... 29*
7. Number of commercial enterprises ....................................... 31*
7. Summary of the Imports and Exporls 1948, by Seclions .................... 1
II. Imports and Exports 1948, by Commodity Groups ........................... 2
III. A. Value of Imports (in 1000 kr.) 1948, by Couniries and Commodity
Groups ................................................................ 4
B. Value of Exports (in 1000 kr.) 1948, by Countries and Commodity
Groups ................................................................ 8
IV. A. Imports (quantity and value) 1948, by commodities ................. 12
B. Exports (quantity and value) 1948, by commodities ................. 64
V. A. Imports of various commodities 1948, by Countries ................. 69
B. Exports of various commodities 1948, btj Countries ................ 90
VI. The External Trade of Iceland with each country, by commodities .... 94
VII. Imports and Exports 1948, by Trading places ............................ 109
VIII. Customs duties 1948 .................................................... 110
IX. Commercial enterprises at the close of 1948 ........................... 112