Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun

Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1950, Side 45

Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1950, Side 45
Verzlunarskýrslur 1948 3 2 Verzlunarskýrslur 1948 Tafla II. Innfluttar og útfluttar vörur árið 1948 eftir vöruflokkum. 19k8 by Commoditij Groups. Þyngd weight VerÖ valuc Innflutt Útflutt Innflutt Útflutt Imporls exporl8 imporls exports 100 kg 100 kg 1000 kr. 1000 kr. 1. Lifandi dýr til manncldis 2. Kjöt og kjötvörur 18 14 468 14 5 820 3. Mjólkurafurðir, egg og hunang 7 473 77 7 287 23 4. Fiskmeti - 1 807 754 - 215 275 5. Korn 21 191 _ 2 486 - 6. Kornvörur til manneldis 216 065 _ 21 466 - 7. Ávextir og ætar hnetur 21 849 _ 5 660 - 8. Grænmeti, garðávextir og vörur úr þeim 65 211 _ 5 321 - 9. Sykur og sykurvörur 56 757 - 7 085 -- 10. Kaffi, te, kakaó og vörur úr þvi; krydd 9 689 - | 3 871 - 11. Drykkjarvörur og edik 3 422 - 2 615 - 12. Skepnufóður, ót. a 77 539 391 841 ► 5 878 40 671 13. Tóbak 2 635 37 5 006 7 14. Oliufræ, hnetur og kjarnar 59 - 13 - 15. Feiti, oliur og vax úr dýra- og jurtarikinu 25 108 371 445 10 255 110122 16. Efni og cfnasambönd 27 292 - 6 319 - 17. Sútunar- og litunarefni (nema hráefni i liti) 7 054 - 2 218 - 18. Ilmolíur, ilm- og snyrtivörur, sápur, fægiefni o. fl 3 077 - 1 880 - 19. Áburður 66 058 - 5 317 - 20. Kátsjúk og kátsjúkvörur, ót. a 6 644 60 6 020 - 21. Trjáviður, kork og vörur úr því 235 699 - 22 195 - 22. Pappírsdeig, pappir og pappi og vörur úr þvi 51 319 - 11 144 - 23. Húðir og skinn 1 141 26 676 1 431 17 014 24. Vörur úr leðri (nema fatnaðarvörur) 37 - 1 128 - 25. Loðskinn - 31 - 343 26. Spunacfni, óunnið eða Iitt unnið 6 842 3 540 2 061 2 338 27. Garn og tvinni 1 845 - 2 599 - 28. Álnavara og smávörur 6 702 - 15 086 29. Tekniskar og aðrar sérstæðar vefnaðarvörur 22 253 - 19 100 - 30. Fatnaður úr vefnaði; liattar allskonar 1 208 - 5 792 - 31. Fatnaður úr skinni 17 - 144 ~ 32. Skófatnaður 3 384 - 6 264 - 33. Tilbúnir muriir úr vefnaði aðrir en fatnaður 6 320 - ! 3 782 34. Eldsneyti, ljósmcti, rafmagn, smurningsoliur 2 561 400 53 803 - 35. Jarðefni óunnin eða lítt unnin 820 577 32 16 101 3 36. Leirsmfðamuuir 9 522 - 2 143 - 37. Gler og glervörur 14 644 - 3 017 - 38. Munir úr jarðefnum öðrum en málmum, ót. a 14 500 - 1 291 - 39. Ilýrir inálmar, gimsteinar, pcrlur og munir úr þeim 18 316 40. Málmgrýti, gjall 571 - 67 41. Járn og stál 127 263 1 114 18 257 222 42. Aðrir inálm.or 4 459 - 2 424 43. Munir úr ódýrum málmum, ót. a 55 919 237 21 223 90 44. Vélar og áliöld, önnur en rafmagns, ót. a 37 006 150 34 360 161 45. Rafmagnsvélar og áhöld 25 773 8 t 26 264 1 46. Vagnar, skip og önnur flutningstæki 237 911 6 842 82 146 1 705 47. Ýmsar hrávörur eða Iitt unnar vörur, ót. a 2 599 2 313 1 296 1 785 48. Fullunnar vörur, ót. a 3 765 2 6810 28 49. Endursendar vörur 130 “ 85 Samtals 4 869 835 2 626 757 457 955 395 699 Commodity Groups Live animals, chiefly for food ............................... 1 Meat and preparations thereof ................................ 2 Dairy products, eggs and honey ............................... 3 Fisliery products, for foocl ................................. 4 Cereals ........................................................ & Manufactured products of cereals, chiefly 'for liuman food ... (> Fruits and nuts, except oil-nuts ............................. 7 Vegetables, roots and tubers, chiefly uscd for human foocl . . 8 Sugar and sugar confectionery ................................ 9 Coffec, tea, cocoa and preparations thereof; spices .......... 10 Iteuerages and uinegars ........................................ H Fecding-stuffs for animals, n. e. s........................... 12 Tobacco ....................................................... 73 Oil seeds, nuts and kernels .................................. 14 Animal and vegetable oils, fats, greuses and waxes ........... 15 Chemical clements and compounds; pharmaceutical products . 1G Dyeing, tanning and colouring substances ..................... 17 Essential oils, pcrfumery, cosmetics, soaps and related products 18 Fertilisers ................................................... 13 Rubber, and manufactures thereof, n. e. s..................... 20 Wood, cork and manufactures thereof............................ 21 Pulp, paper and cardboard and manufactures thereof............ 22 llides and skins and leathcr .................................. 23 Manufactures of leather, not including articles of clothing .. 24 Furs, not made up ............................................. 25 Textile materials, raw or simply prepared .................... 26 Yarns and tliread ............................................. 27 Textile fabrics and small wares .............................. 28 Special and technical textile articles ........................ 29 Clothing aml underwear, of textilc materials; hats ........... 30 Clotliing, of lealher and fur ................................ 31 Footwear: boots, shoes and slippers .......................... 32 Mudc-up arlicles of textile materials, other tlian clöthing .... 33 Products for heating, lighting, power, lubricanls and rcl. prod. 34 Non-metallic mincrals, crude or simply prepared, n. c. s...... 35 Poltery and otlier clay products .............................. 3G Glass- aiul glassware ......................................... 37 Manufactures of non-mctallic minerals, n. e. s................ 38 Precious metals and precious stones, pcarls etc............... 39 Ores, slag, cinder ............................................ 40 Iron and steel ................................................ 41 Xoti-ferrous base metals ...................................... 42 Manufactures of basc metals, n. e. s.......................... 43 Machinery apparatus and appliances n.e.s., other tlian clectrical 14 Electrical machincry, apparatus and appliances................. 45 Vehicles aml transport equipment .............................. 16 Miscellaneous crude or simply prepared products, n. e. s...... 47 Manufactured articles, n. e. s................................. 48 Returned goods ................................................ 49 Total
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Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun

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