Hagskýrslur um utanríkisverslun - 1986, Qupperneq 24
Verslunarskýrslur 1985
4. yfirlit. (frh.). Skipting innflutningsins 1985 eftir notkun vara og landaflokkum.
i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
13 Rekstrarvörur til vinnslu sjávarafurða 755 268 749 263 308 10 230 120 107 663 149 1,8
13-61 13-62 Salt Öskjur, pappír, strigi o. þ. h. til um- - - 24 465 14 87 117 182 141 748 0,4
búða - 755 241 037 259 357 9 788 2 399 513 336 1,4
13-63 Hnífaro. þ. h - - 3 247 3 937 355 526 8 065 0,0
14 14-71 Ýmsar rekstrarvörur ót. a Hrávörur og rekstrarvörur til plast- 521 9 964 1 662 611 840 887 173 415 296 194 2 983 592 7,9
iðnaðar - _ 224 533 186 311 3 121 2 143 416 108 1,1
14-72 Hrávörur til efnagerða _ 663 167 010 128 090 7 478 1 379 304 620 0,8
14-73 Hrávörur til málningarverksmiðja ... - - 157 429 72 121 7 334 1 685 238 569 0,6
14-74 14-75 Hrávörur til dúka- og skóverksmiðja Efnivörur og rekstrarvörur til annars 95 794 11 555 10 230 225 464 343 043 0,9
iðnaðar 274 2 653 653 061 344 320 76 815 27 394 I 104 517 2,9
14-76 14-77 Efnivörur til viðgerðarþjónustu Efnivörur til annarra atvinnugreina en 193 6 226 198 775 60 666 40 521 19 130 325 511 0,9
iðnaðar 54 422 166 009 37 824 27 916 18 999 251 224 0,7
15 Eldsnevti og smurningsolíur 2 718 428 426 1 665 203 839 235 188 180 6 491 5 417 963 14,4
15-81 Bensín (ekki flugvélabensín) 626 958 - 25 274 341 530 _ _ 993 762 2,6
15-82 Flugvélabensín - _ 28 105 _ _ _ 28 105 0,0
15-83 Þotueldsneyti - _ 575 095 134 269 _ _ 709 364 1,9
15-84 Gasolía 1 300 074 - 729 670 355 919 184 425 _ 2 570 088 6,9
15-88 Ðrennsluolía 791 396 - _ _ _ 791 396 2,1
15-85 15-86 Smurningsolíur Annað eldsneyti (kol, gas, rafmagn, o. 246 095 4 443 2 674 558 253 770 0,7
s. frv.) ót. a _ 426 60 964 3 074 1 081 5 933 71 478 0,2
15-87 D. Óhreinsaðar olíur Skip, flugvélar og flugvélahlutar.
16 Skip og flugvélar - - 721 245 128 504 253 466 2 999 1 106 214 2,9
16-90 Varðskip - - - - - - -
16-91 Fiskiskip - - 1 353 125 - - 1 478 0,0
16-92 Farskip - - 323 325 122 873 - - 446 198 1,2
16-93 16-94 Skemmti- og sportför Dráttarskip og -bátar, dýpkunar- og _ “ 1 849 4 612 83 6 544 0,0
dæluskip, o. fl - - - - - - -
16-95 Aðrir bátar og skip - - 30 637 67 192 99 30 995 0,0
16-98 16-99 Flugvélar (þar með svifflugur) Loftbelgir, fallhlífar og hlutar til flug- _ — 289 485 ~ 6 791 - 296 276 0,8
véla - - 74 596 827 246 400 2 900 324 723 0,9
Innflutningur alls imports total 3016431 313648 18600812 8292517 1 2557771 1 4819110 37600289 100,0
Translation of headings: 1: USSR. 2: other East-European countries. 3: EEC countries. 4: EFTA countries. 5: USA. 6: all other
countrics. 7: total. 8: perccntages.
Translation of text lines: 01: non-durable consumption goods. 01—01: food, beverages and tobacco. 01—02: clothing. tcxtiie
matcrials. Headgear. 01—03: footwear. 01—04: cleaning materials. materials for personal care and drugs. 01—05: spare parts (for
cars, domcstic applianccs, car tyres). 01—06: other non-durable goods (mainly personal equipment). 01—07: other non-durable
goods for houschold usc n.e.s. 01—09: non-durablc goods for public consumption. 01—10: returned goods etc. 02: durable
consumption goods. 02—11: cutlery, crockery and glasswarc. Pots, pans etc. 02—12: domestic applianccs (excl. electric cookers.).
02—13: furniture, lamps etc. 02—14: durablc personal cquipmcnt (e.g. watches), sports equipment etc. 02—15: durablc goods for
public consumption. 03: passenger cars etc. 03—16: passenger cars, new and used (excl. station wagons). 03—17: jeeps. 03—18:
motorcycles and bicycles. 04: other transport equipment. 04—19: public service vehicles, ambulances, ftreengines etc. (excl. cement
mixers). 04—20: station wagons, trucks and delivery cars. 05: other machines and tools. 05—21: machines and tools for building work
(incl. land rcclamation work). 05—22: machincs for use in electricity works (excl. construction work). 05—23: office machinery.
computors, machinery uscd in laboratories, hospitals, etc. 05—24: agricultural machinery (incl. tractors). 05—25: machincs for use in
fish processing. 05—26: machines and implements used in fishing (incl. navigation aids). 05—27: machines used for the production of
investment goods (e.g. in machine shops, ship construction, Cement Works). 05—28: machines used for the production of
consumption goods. 05—29: machines and equipment for the chemical industry (incl. the Fertilizer Plant). 05—30: machinery n.e.s.