Hagskýrslur um sveitarsjóðareikninga - 01.01.1967, Blaðsíða 23

Hagskýrslur um sveitarsjóðareikninga - 01.01.1967, Blaðsíða 23
4 Sveitarsjóðareikningar 1953—62 Tafla I (frh.). Tekjur og útgjöld, eignir og í þús. kr. 1958 1959 Reykjavík Kaupstaðir Hreppar 12 -3 J i Reykjavík Kaupstaðir Hreppar A Rekstrartekjur alls current revenue, total 264 927 117 441 79 756 462 124 288 911 134 509 95 504 1 Útsvör ársins 230 491 97 380 65 387 393 258 243 295 110 121 77 306 2 Skattar af fasteignum 7 901 5 246 1 755 14 902 15 639 6 624 2 381 3 Aðrir skattar og gjöld 1 227 1 345 1 076 3 648 1 357 997 886 4 Skattar og gjöld samtals 239 619 103 971 68 218 411 808 260 291 117 742 80 573 5 Tekjur (nettó) af eigin fyrirtækjum 4 790 1 329 250 6 369 5 420 1 105 530 6 Endurgreiðslur og styrkir vegna útgjalda fyrri ára 14 051 8 074 8 911 31 036 16 328 10 899 11 910 7 Ýmsar tekjur 6 467 4 067 2 377 12 911 6 872 4 763 2 491 B Rekstrarútgjöld alls current expenditure, total . .. 264 927 117 441 79 756 462 124 288 911 134 509 95 504 8 Stjórnarkostnaður 13 647 5 976 4 303 23 926 13 633 5 978 4 671 9 Framfærslumál 21 570 7 732 5 141 34 443 25 826 8 842 5 797 10 Almannatryggingar 28 709 14 919 13 081 56 709 32 777 17 342 16 118 11 önnur lýðhjálp 9 706 3 337 1 872 14 915 10 854 3 461 1 690 12 Menntamál o. fl 36 254 16 554 11 371 64 179 40 020 19 561 13 206 13 Löggæzla 13 599 4 728 99 18 426 15 117 5 186 272 14 Heilbrigðismál 11 580 4 435 1 160 17 175 10 552 4 754 1 021 15 Vega- og skipulagsmál 33 834 18 748 6 183 58 765 42 163 18 645 7 991 16 Landbúnaðarmál - 441 3 731 4 172 - 609 3 871 17 Kostnaður við brunavarnir 5 062 2 053 446 7 561 5 378 2 068 716 18 Sýslusjóðsgjald og sýsluvegaskattur - - 6 188 6 188 - - 7 537 19 Vaxtagjöld 551 2 185 863 3 599 589 2 145 1 176 20 Ýmis útgjöld (þrifnaður, götulýsing o. fl.) .. 33 406 18 701 10 279 62 386 36 795 13 748 8 028 21 Rekstrarútgjöld samtals 207 918 99 809 64 717 372 444 233 704 102 339 72 094 22 Rekstrarafgangur fluttur á eignabreytinga- reikning 57 009 17 632 15 039 89 680 55 207 32 170 23 410 C Tekjur á eignabreytingareikningi receipts on capital account 171 560 78 944 58 570 309 074 128 219 83 122 69 848 23 Eftirstöðvar frá fyrra ári (leiðréttar) 25 893 29 932 28 633 84 458 38 016 29 386 32 095 24 Flutt frá rekstrarreikningi (rekstrarafgangur) 57 009 17 632 15 039 89 680 55 207 32 170 23 410 25 Skerðing eigna 81 646 11 643 5 681 98 970 15 161 6 819 3 562 26 Lán tekin 7 012 19 737 9 217 35 966 19 835 14 747 10 781 D Gjöld á eignabreytingareikningi expenditure on capital account 171 560 78 944 58 570 309 074 128 219 83 122 69 848 27 Aukning á eignum 117 003 38 250 21 327 176 580 78 597 36 467 24 410 28 Afborgun lána 16 541 11 308 4 434 32 283 4 367 9 935 6 396 29 Eftirstöðvar til næsta árs 38 016 29 386 32 809 100 211 45 255 36 720 39 042 E Eignir assets 640 707 252 788 164 454 1 057 949 747 948 290 511 194 292 F Skuldir debts 102 982 70 946 35 400 209 328 117 538 82 158 44 924 Translation of text lines: 1: taxcs on income and wcalth. 2: real cstatc taxes. 3: other taxes and charges. 4: total taxes and chargcB. 5: revenues (net) of public utilities etc. 6: repayment and grants relating to expenditure of previous years. 7: various reve- nue. 8: administration. 9: public relief. 10: Bocial insurance. 11: other public assistance. 12: education and other cultural activities. 13: justice and police service. 14: health service. 15: road service and plauning. 16: agricultural matters. 17: fire service. 18: contri- Sveitarsjóðareikningar 1953—62 5 skuldir sveitarfélaga í heild 1953—62. 1962 ÍO 2 Oi 0 518 924 290 165 156 925 122 004 569 094 334 600 179 767 138 680 653 047 380 672 215136 177436 773 244 430 722 217 584 113 359 82 503 413 446 248 184 126 479 94 578 469 241 221 577 150476 116508 488 561 24 644 16 867 7 297 2 544 26 708 17 241 7 858 2 619 27 718 18 089 9 196 5 060 32 345 3 240 24 215 15 202 2 594 42 011 31 112 19 341 2 341 52 794 56 517 29 059 1 340 86 916 458 606 258 666 135 858 87 641 482 165 296 537 153 678 99 538 549 753 296 183 188731 122908 607 822 7 055 6 102 1 762 1 044 8 908 7 380 2 414 1 478 11 272 8 098 2 241 1 227 11 566 39 137 19 540 13 030 14 672 47 242 22 304 17 115 13 870 53 289 29 467 17 050 19 836 66 353 14 126 5 857 6 275 18 647 30 779 8 379 6 560 23 794 38 733 46 924 7 114 33 465 87 503 518 924 290 165 156 925 122 004 569 094 334 600 179 767 138 680 653 047 380 672 215136 177436 773 244 24 282 14 312 6 197 5 288 25 797 14 735 7 338 6 210 28 283 16 959 10 005 9 504 36 468 40 465 31 014 10 096 7 440 48 550 32 371 11 730 8 320 52 421 36 363 12 284 9 977 58 624 66 237 31 714 19 923 17 740 69 377 36 925 23 616 21 580 82 121 42 383 28 494 26 551 97 428 16 005 18 425 4 409 2 226 25 060 19 788 4 807 2 394 26989. 22 824 6 990 3 290 33 104 72 787 43 978 22 893 17 609 84 480 50 671 28 319 20 289 99 279 63 055 36 434 25 819 125 308 20 575 15 947 5 573 314 21 834 17 927 6 187 434 24 548 20 833 7 627 469 28 929 16 327 11 386 4 360 1 199 16 945 10 529 5 639 1 275 17 443 13 976 6 797 1 839 22 612 68 799 32 870 26 785 9 245 68 900 41 874 24 819 10 761 77 454 49 622 32 100 16 034 97 756 4 480 - 544 4 034 4 578 - 554 4 311 4 865 - 550 4 998 5 548 8 162 4 810 2 307 840 7 957 4 965 2 587 844 8 396 5 736 3 039 951 9 726 7 537 - - 8 474 8 474 - - 10 156 10 156 - - 11 506 11 506 3 910 630 4 047 1 874 6 551 745 3 927 2 662 7 334 739 4 724 2 976 8 439 58 571 35 917 14 557 13 094 63 568 40 712 16 475 15 850 73 037 46 814 22 790 19 625 89 229 408 137 241 003 121 691 89 377 452 071 271 242 135 998 105 086 512 326 319 304 171834 133 539 624 677 110 787 49 162 35 234 32 627 117 023 63 358 43 769 33 594 140 721 61 368 43 302 43 897 148 567 281 189 148 053 107 316 95 160 350 529 163 345 120 538 108 393 392 276 176 507 144586 124165 445 258 99 497 45 255 36 720 38 990 120 965 44 829 41 579 49 258 135 666 47 437 45 597 54 563 147 597 110 787 49 162 35 234 32 627 117 023 63 358 43 769 33 594 140 721 61 368 43 302 43 897 148 567 25 542 34 379 8 421 4 986 47 786 53 445 11 572 6 321 71 338 57 998 13 777 5 399 77 174 45 363 19 257 26 941 18 557 64 755 1 713 23 618 19 220 44 551 9 704 41 910 20 306 71 920 281 189 148 053 107 316 95 160 350 529 163 345 120 538 108 393 392 276 176 507 144 586 124165 445 258 139 474 94 800 55 579 34 339 184 718 96 027 55 621 42 582 194 230 98 825 74 783 46 185 219 793 20 698 8 424 10 158 10 310 28 892 19 881 19 320 11 657 50 858 7 203 14 934 9 575 31 712 121 017 44 829 41 579 50 511 136 919 47 437 45 597 54 154 147 188 70 479 54 869 68 405 193 753 1 232 751 796 845 340 682 236 7211374248 908 485 391 358 276 29615761391043489 471890 3303271845706 244 620 108 053 98 754 58 526 265 333 104 298 104 615 62 725 271 638 142 613 120283 70 090 332 986 butions to county. 19: interest on debts. 20: various expenditure. 21: total. 22: surplus transferred to capital account. 23: balance at beginning of year (corrected). 24: surplus transferred from current account. 25: decrease of assets. 26: new loans. 27: increase of assets. 28: amortization of debts. 29: balance at end of year.
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Hagskýrslur um sveitarsjóðareikninga

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