Hagskýrslur um mannfjöldaþróun - 01.01.1988, Síða 18
Mannfjöldaskýrslur 1971-80
36. yfirlit. Mutual mean age of brides and bridegrooms 1941-80....................................... 40*
37. yfirlit. Age-specific marriage rates 1897-1980................................................... 41*
38. yfirlit. Age-specific marriage rates by previous marital status 1961-80 ......................... 42*
39. yfirlit. Age-specific marriage rates each year 1971-80 by previous marital status................ 44*
40. yfirlit. Marriages of foreign citizens 1951-80................................................... 46*
41. yfirlit. Marriages dissolved each year 1951-80................................................... 48*
42. yfirlit. Mean age. median age and modal age of divorcees 1961-80................................. 49*
43. yfirlit. Divorces by age of couples 1961-80 ..................................................... 50*
44. yfirlit. Age-specific divorces rates 1961-80 .................................................... 51*
45. yfirlit. Divorces by duration ofmarriage 1961-80................................................. 52*
46. yfirlit. Divorces of couples with and without joinl children 1961-80 ............................ 52*
47. yfirlit. Divorces and dependent children by marriage and by place of custody 1961-80.... 53*
48. yfirlit. Numberof births 1951-80, and per 1.000 population....................................... 55*
49. yfirlit. Late foetal deaths per 1.000 total births 1906-1980..................................... 56*
50. yfirlit. Live births by residence ofmother 1961-80............................................... 56*
51. yfirlit. Live births by birth place and outside home commune 1961-80 ............................ 57*
52. yfirlit. lllegitimate births in per cent of total births......................................... 58*
53. yfirlit. Live births by birth place within and outside home commune 1971-80 ..................... 58*
54. yfirlit. Numberof births 1911-80, by sex......................................................... 59*
55. yfirlit. Live births by sex and residence of mother 1961-80...................................... 60*
56. yfirlit. Births, legitimate and illegitimate, by nionths 1961-80 ................................ 61*
57. yfirlit. Live births, legitimate and first birth 1951-80, by age group of mother.
Per 1.000 live births................................................................... 62*
58. yfirlit. Live births by age of mother, 1951-80. Total births and first birth..................... 63*
59. yfirlit. Mean age, median age, and modal age of mother 1961-80................................... 64*
60. yfirlit. Live births by total birth order. Per 1.000 live births, 1951-80........................ 65*
61. yfirlit. Live births, legitimate and illegitimate by total birth order, 1961-80 ................. 66*
62. yfirlit. Age specific fertility of women 1856-1980............................................... 67*
63. yfirlit. Age specific fertility rates for married and unmarried females, 1897-1980 .............. 68*
64. yfirlit. Change in age-specific fertility rate of married and unmarried women, 1956-80 ... 69*
65. yfirlit. Live births per 1.000 females 15-44 years, total birth order 1951-80 ................... 70*
66. yfirlit. Age-specific fertility of females by total birth order 1951-80.......................... 70*
67. yfirlit. Live births by age of father 1951-80 ................................................... 71*
68. yfirlit. Number of births. median age of mother and median order of birth by duration of
marriages and, for illcgitimate births, whether the parents live in the same home
or seperately 1961-80 .................................................................. 72*
69. yfirlit. lllegitimate live births of parents in consensual union or living separately
1961-80................................................................................. 73*
70. yfirlit. Single deliveries and multiple deliveries 1896-1980 .................................... 74*
71. yfirlit. Adopted persons each year 1956-80..................................................... 75*
72. yfirlit. Adopted persons by age at adoption 1961-80 ............................................. 76*
73. yfirlit. Adopted legitimate and illegitimate born persons, 1971-80............................... 76*
74. yfirlit. Adopted persons by adoptive parents 1971-80............................................. 77*
75. yfirlit. Deaths by sex and deaths per 1.000 population 1951-80................................... 79*
76. yfirlit. Deaths by residence and place of death 1971-80. Regional division....................... 80*
77. yfirlit. Deaths by place ofdeath 1941-80 ........................................................ 81*
78. yfirlit. Deaths by standardized length of months per 1.200 deaths, 1951-80....................... 82*
79. yfirlit. Deaths per 10.000 population by sex and age groups 1876-1980............................ 83*
80. yfirlit. Deaths and mortality rates of children by sex and age 0-4 years 1961-80................. 84*
81. yfirlit. Deaths and relative distribution of children dying 0-4 years of age 1951-80............. 85*
82. yfirlit. Mortality rates of children under 1 yearof age 1961-80 by sex........................... 86*
83. yfirlit. Age-specific rates by sex and 5 years age groups 1971-80................................ 86*
84. yfirlit. Age-specific mortality rates by sex, age and marital status 1961-80..................... 88*
85. yfirlit. Basis for cause of death determination 1911-50. Percentage distribution................. 89*
86. yfirlit. Basis forcause of death determination 1951-80 .......................................... 89*
87. yfirlit. Deaths per 100.000 population by main cause of death 1911-50............................ 90*
88. yfirlit. Deaths by cause 1951-70, according to abridged List B 1955 ............................. 91*
89. yfirlit. Deaths by cause 1971-80, according to List B 1065. (8th revision)....................... 92*