Hagskýrslur um mannfjöldaþróun - 01.01.1988, Page 20
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xviii Mannfjöldaskýrslur 1971-80
Main tables
1.1 Population by administrative divisions, I Decentber each year 1971-80.................... 1
1.2 Population by administrative divisions and sex, I December each year 1971-80............. 6
1.3 Population in urban localities and rual areas, 1 Decembereach year 1971-80 ............. 10
1.4 Localities and population by sex, and size-class of locality, I December each
year 1971-80 .......................................................................... 16
1.5 Localities and mean population by sex, and size-class of locality, each year 1971-80.... 22
1.6 Population by deaneries and parishes, 1 December 1980 .................................. 28
1.7 Population by sex and age, 31 Decembereach year 1970-80................................. 29
1.8 Mean population by sex and age, each year 1971-80 ...................................... 31
1.9 Population by sex and single age years, 31 December 1970, 1975 and 1980................. 33
1.10 Population 31 Decentberand niean population. by sex and marital status, each
year 1971-80........................................................................... 35
1.11 Mean population by sex, age and marital status, 1971-75 and 1976-80 .................... 36
1.12 Mean population by regions, sex, age and marital status, 1971-75 and 1976-80 ........... 39
1.13 Data from the National Registry. 1 December 1971-80. Provisional data of each year... 49
1.14 Population bom abroad. by sex and country of birth, I Decentbereach year 1973-80 .... 60
1.15 Foreign citizens, by sex and country of citizenship, I Decentber each year 1973-80...... 61
1.16 Population born in lceland, with domicile abroad, 1 December eacli year 1973-80.... 62
1.17 lcelandic citizens, with domicile abroad, 1 December each year 1973-80 ................. 63
1.18 Population by congregation, I December each year 1973-80................................ 64
1.19 Population by parishes in Reykjavík, Kópavogur and Hafnarfjörður 1 Decentber
1970-80.............................................................................. 65
. I Intemal migration by sex and age, each year 1971 -80.................................... 66
.2 Internal migration by sex and age, 1971-75 and 1976-80.................................. 67
.3 Internal and extemal migration, by communes, 1971-75 and 1976-80 ....................... 68
.4 In-movements and out-movements, by geographic distribution, each year 1971-80........... 78
.5 Intra-regional and inter-regional migration, each year 1971-80.......................... 88
.6 In-migration and out-migration between communes, 1971-75 and 1976-80.
Regional distribution.................................................................. 89
.7 In-movements and out-movements, by age and regions, 1971-75 and 1976-80................. 90
.8 Intemal and extemal migration by sex, age and regions, 1971-75 and 1976-80 ............. 93
.9 Intemal migration by sex and ntarital status, 1971-75 and 1976-80...................... 101
.10 Extemal migration by sex and age, 1971-75 and 1976-80.................................. 102
. 11 Extemal migration of Icelandic and foreign citizens, by sex and marital status,
each year 1971 -80.................................................................... 103
. 12 Extemal m igration by countries, each year 1971 -80.................................... 106
.13 Extemal migration by country of citizenship, each year 1971-80......................... 108
.14 Extemal migration of Icelandic citizens, by countries, each year 1971-80............... 110
.15 Extemal migration by countries, sex and marital status, 1971-75 and 1976-80........ 112
.16 Extemal migration by country of citizenship, sex and marital status, 1971-75 and
1976-80 .............................................................................. 114
2.17 Extemal migration of Icelandic citizens, by sex and marital status, 1971-75 and
1976-80............................................................................... 116
Granting of Icelandic citizcnship.
3.1 Aliens obtaining Icelandic citizenship by law 1971-80, by country ofbirth.............. 118
3.2 Aliens obtaining lcelandic citizenship by law 1971-80, by sex and age.............. 119
3.3 Aliens obtaining citizenship by law 1971-75 and 1976-80, by country of birth,
sex and age........................................................................... 120
4.1 Marriages by type of marriage ceremony, each year 1971-80.............................. 123
4.2 Marriages by domicile of bride and groom before and after and, by wedding place
and type of ceremony, each year 1971 -80. Geographic distribution...................... 124