Hagskýrslur um mannfjöldaþróun - 01.01.1988, Page 252
Mannfjöldaskýrslur 1971-80
Tafla 2.16. Fluttir milli landa, eftir ríkisfangslandi, kyni og hjúskaparstétt,
External migration by country of citizensliip, se.x and marital status, 1971-75 and
Aðfluttir frá útlöndum immigration
Alls total Böm 0-14 ára children 0-14 years 15 ára og eldri and over
Ógift fólk single Gift fólk married
Alls total Karlar males Konur females Karlar males Konur females Karlar males Konur females Karlar males Konur females
Alls total 6.731 3.269 3.462 895 890 1.050 1.221 1.245 1.254
Island lceland 4.417 2.063 2.354 667 648 566 703 770 936
Önnur lönd other countries 2.314 1.206 1.108 228 242 484 518 475 318
Norðurlönd Nordic countries 735 Danmörk,Færeyjar,Grænland 339 396 59 71 179 194 87 117
Denmark Finnland, Svíþjóð 417 206 211 38 46 107 103 50 51
Finland, Sweden 98 37 61 8 8 17 32 10 20
Noregur Norway 220 96 124 13 17 55 59 27 46
Bretland United Kingdom 242 138 104 20 16 59 48 59 37
Júgóslavía Yugoslavia 178 166 12 1 - 34 6 131 6
Þýskaland Cermany 180 44 136 8 10 25 98 11 28
Önnur lönd í Evrópu 1 Bandaríkin, Kanada 275 150 125 25 18 66 57 58 45
United States, Canada 555 300 255 111 115 77 63 108 70
Önnur lönd og ótilgreind2 149 69 80 4 12 44 52 21 15
Alls 7.588 3.541 4.047 989 1.045 1.226 1.547 1.199 1.310
ísland 5.482 2.607 2.875 792 833 774 859 931 1.065
Önnur lönd 2.106 934 1.172 197 212 452 688 268 245
Norðurlönd 678 296 382 62 73 152 215 73 80
Danmörk, Færeyjar.Grænland 373 178 195 41 53 98 99 32 31
Finnland, Svíþjóð 108 44 64 4 6 26 46 13 12
Noregur 197 74 123 17 14 28 70 28 37
Bretland 235 126 109 21 16 66 59 38 31
Júgóslavt'a 15 8 7 2 2 3 1 3 2
Þýskaland 126 45 81 7 6 23 49 15 23
Önnur lönd í Evrópu 187 96 91 15 13 44 56 36 20
Bandaríkin, Kanada 412 232 180 68 72 91 67 68 39
Önnur lönd og ótilgreind 453 131 322 22 30 73 241 35 50
Translation,- 1 Other European countries; 2 Other and not specified.
1971-75 og 1976-80
Brottfluttir til útianda emigration
Alls total Böm 0-14 ára children 0-14 years 15 ára og eldri and over
Áður gift fólk prev. married Ógift fólk single Gift fólk married Áður gift fólk prev. married
Karlar males Konur females Alls total Karlar ntales Konur females Karlar males Konur females Karlar males Konur females Karlar males Konur females Karlar males Konur females
79 97 6.752 3.176 3.576 792 781 1.079 1.412 1.190 1.242 115 141
60 67 5.166 2.356 2.810 627 640 777 1.043 865 1.024 87 103
19 30 1.586 820 766 165 141 302 369 325 218 28 38
14 14 588 265 323 59 47 117 160 77 98 12 18
11 11 349 165 184 35 33 78 91 43 46 9 14
2 1 90 38 52 9 7 13 23 15 19 1 3
1 2 149 62 87 15 7 26 46 19 33 2 1
- 3 124 68 56 7 8 27 32 33 14 1 2
- - 121 116 5 - - 20 1 96 4 - -
- - 141 37 104 6 4 17 74 13 21 1 5
1 5 167 98 69 18 4 44 31 32 28 4 6
4 7 394 212 182 74 75 63 56 67 44 8 7
- 1 51 24 27 1 3 14 15 7 9 2 -
127 145 11.413 5.447 5.966 1.345 1.383 2.022 2.290 1.883 2.035 197 258
110 118 9.487 4.546 4.941 1.161 1.175 1.659 1.771 1.560 1.777 166 218
17 27 1.926 901 1.025 184 208 363 519 323 258 31 40
9 14 697 320 377 60 86 152 151 98 116 10 24
7 12 417 203 214 40 59 104 82 51 55 8 18
1 - 79 32 47 4 4 16 24 11 18 1 1
1 2 201 85 116 16 23 32 45 36 43 1 5
1 3 178 99 79 19 12 39 39 35 25 6 3
- 2 53 46 7 1 1 9 3 36 3 - -
- 3 125 32 93 5 6 12 64 14 21 1 2
1 2 178 91 87 16 20 29 32 42 30 4 5
5 2 401 228 173 75 76 71 48 75 45 7 4
1 1 294 85 209 8 7 51 182 23 18 3 2