Hagskýrslur um mannfjöldaþróun - 01.01.1988, Page 255
Mannfjöldaskýrslur 1971-80
Tafla 2.17. íslenskir ríkisborgarar í flutningum milli landa, eftir löndum,
External migration oflcelandic citizens, by sex and marital status, 1971-75 and
Aðfluttir frá útlöndum immigration
Alls total Böm 0-14 ára children 0-14 years 15 ára og eldri and over
Ógift fólk single Gift fólk married
Alls total Karlar males Konur females Karlar males Konur females Karlar males Konur females Karlar males Konur females
1971-75 Alls total 4.417 2.063 2.354 667 648 566 703 770 936
Norðurlönd Nordic countries 3.048 1.456 1.592 424 427 431 567 552 561
Danmörk Denmark 1.401 642 759 167 158 229 345 225 231
Finnland, Færeyjar, Grænland1 70 39 31 12 17 13 6 11 7
Noregur Norway 481 213 268 63 58 45 101 99 106
Svíþjóð Sweden 1.096 562 534 182 194 144 115 217 217
Bretland United Kingdom 150 53 97 20 23 11 27 21 43
Lúxemborg Luxembourg 54 27 27 9 11 6 1 12 15
Þýskaland Germany 122 61 61 26 23 10 8 23 27
Önnur lönd í Evrópu2 78 33 45 20 10 2 7 9 28
Bandaríkin, Kanada United States, Canada 710 293 417 121 115 68 68 103 211
Önnur lönd og ótilgreind3 255 140 115 47 39 38 25 50 51
1976-80 Alls 5.482 2.607 2.875 792 833 774 859 931 1.065
Norðurlönd 4.259 2.093 2.166 592 609 663 738 752 737
Danmörk 1.677 810 867 183 213 298 325 302 294
Finnland, Færeyjar, Grænland 143 78 65 13 27 32 19 23 16
Noregur 822 382 440 105 109 124 173 142 142
Svíþjóð 1.617 823 794 291 260 209 221 285 285
Bretland 172 65 107 29 37 10 11 25 57
Lúxemborg 97 47 50 17 24 9 6 19 18
Þýskaland 112 49 63 17 25 8 10 23 27
Önnur lönd í Evrópu 124 56 68 25 18 13 11 14 35
Bandaríkin, Kanada 528 205 323 88 83 44 62 64 159
Önnur lönd og ótilgreind 190 92 98 24 37 27 21 34 32
Translation,- 1 Finland, Faroe Islands, Greenland;2 Other Europen countries;3 Other and not specified.
kyni og hjúskaparstétt, 1971-75 og 1976-80.
Brottfluttir til útlanda emigration
Alls total Böm 0-14 ára children 0-14 years 15 ára og eldri and over
Áður gift fólk prev. married Ógift fólk single Gift fólk married Áður gift fólk prev. married
Karlar males Konur females Alls total Karlar males Konur females Karlar males Konur females Karlar males Konur females Karlar males Konur females Karlar males Konur females
60 67 5.166 2.356 2.810 627 640 777 1.043 865 1.024 87 103
49 37 3.556 1.723 1.833 394 384 651 786 615 608 63 55
21 25 1.730 829 901 159 157 377 442 265 270 28 32
3 1 108 57 51 13 19 21 17 16 13 7 2
6 3 711 325 386 77 72 95 172 143 134 10 8
19 8 1.007 512 495 145 136 158 155 191 191 18 13
1 4 169 49 120 13 22 16 48 19 42 1 8
- - 231 121 110 48 42 17 3 56 65 - -
2 3 149 71 78 23 22 15 24 30 29 3 3
2 - 113 47 66 20 14 9 27 15 23 3 2
1 23 804 270 534 108 135 49 140 102 227 11 32
5 - 144 75 69 21 21 20 15 28 30 6 3
110 118 9.487 4.546 4.941 1.161 1.175 1.659 1.771 1.560 1.777 166 218
86 82 7.560 3.704 3.856 894 915 1.418 1.544 1.253 1.240 139 157
27 35 2.465 1.199 1.266 196 210 602 635 365 370 36 51
10 3 244 147 97 26 35 61 30 43 27 17 5
11 16 1.388 659 729 140 152 265 343 227 210 27 24
38 28 3.463 1.699 1.764 532 518 490 536 618 633 59 77
1 2 199 82 117 27 18 22 34 30 61 3 4
2 2 135 64 71 23 26 10 10 27 33 4 2
1 1 164 80 84 26 22 21 17 33 43 - 2
4 4 213 85 128 33 23 21 27 30 66 1 12
9 19 980 404 576 128 143 123 112 142 286 11 35
7 8 236 127 109 30 28 44 27 45 48 8 6