Hagskýrslur um skólamál - 01.01.1967, Page 54

Hagskýrslur um skólamál - 01.01.1967, Page 54
TAFLA 5 (FRH.). IALA HBMSIJM, KBKEAHA OG KEHKSLOTHfliA, OG KENHSLDKOSTNABUR, 1920/21 - 1947/48, EFTIS SVSI1 52 ‘Bfe^sseuiy sSoAteg (5stutö (^sfpieSBieAH (gKSurajBio (£BtXBA3uf,J ^BeUSUIJJQ StBpJB^nBf Bu2unfsdtu[sfH suueuiQUTUH BfjSAdpUÐ SQfejts BftottBSufttfA sfpueSunBiH (gGBOJtSS ^^jm^JApueg ÐippjquBtDCa JBlAeKspjOfg ibfxqBpusAtnBa BtBftHBS ‘BfS^S -BftBAiySUBH (^iydpfa (lBsy Bft°H uuiraurpuQH BtTBAIflSuBH tOAH IBpitHSfpPt,í b pAepuB'f-.tnf B8A


Hagskýrslur um skólamál

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