Hagskýrslur um skólamál - 01.01.1967, Page 78

Hagskýrslur um skólamál - 01.01.1967, Page 78
76 ENSK ÞÝÐING Á TÖFLUHEITUM OG DÁLKAFYRIRSÖGNUM TRANSLATION OF TABLE HEADINGS Summary tablea in Introduction. 1. Number of school dlstricta 1908/09 and 1914/15 and the survey vears 1920/21- ikz/iSu 1 Permanent day-schools. 2 Permanent boar'ding-schools. 5 Ambulatory country-schools. 4 No teaching. 5 Total. 2. Children within commlsory school age 1- 4 Number of children within compulsory school age. 5- 8 Relative figures. 1, 5 Attended school. 2, 6 Teaching at home. 3, 7 No teaching. 4f 8 Total. 3. Number of puoils in primary schools each school-year 1908/09-1947/48. 1 Children with compulsory school attendance. 2 Children without compulsory school attendance. 3 Total 4- 9 Of this in: 4 Permanent public day-schools. 5 Permanent public boarding-schools. 6- 8 Ambulatory country-schools. 9 Private schools. 10 Total. 11 Number of pupils per 100 inhabitants. 4. Prooortional distribution of punils 1920/21-1947/48. by tvne of school. 1 Permanent public day-schools. 2 Permanent public boarding-schools. 3 Ambulatory country-schools. 4 Private schools. 5 Total. 5. Number of pupila by age 1914/15-1947/48. 6. Percentage distribution of punils under 10 years of age and 10 years and over 192o/21-1947/48. by type of school. 1- 2 Iceland. 3- 4 Public primary schools in Reykjavík. 5- 6 Public primary schools in towns other than Reykjavík. 7- 8 Permanent day-schools outside towns. 9-10 Permanent boatding-schools. 11-12 Ambulatory schools. 13-14 Private schools. 7. Pei-centage distribution of pupils in 1 year age groups 1934/35-1947/48. 8. Number of teaching weeks in schools 1920/21-1947/48. 1 Public primary schools in Reykjavík. 2 Public primary schools in towns other than Reykjavík. 3 Permanent day-schools outside towns. 4 Permanent boarding-schools. 5 Ambulatory schools. 6 Private schools.


Hagskýrslur um skólamál

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