
Jökull - 01.12.1980, Síða 16

Jökull - 01.12.1980, Síða 16
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Iam grateful to Dr. L. A. Símonarson for valuable discussions and assistance. The manuscript benefitted from critical reading by Professor Th. Einarsson and Dr. L. A. Símonarson. I am also indebted to Dr. G. S. Boulton, who read an early version of the bi'blio- graphical review, which was included in my thesis on the Breiðavik Group on Tjörnes. REFERENCES Aðalsteinsson, B. 1974: Jökulsá á Dal. Univer- sity of Iceland, B. S. thesis. 37 pp. (In Ice- landic). Akhmetiev, M. A., G. M. Brattseva, R. E. Giterman, L. V. Golubeva and A. I. Moiseeva 1978: Late Cenozoic stratigraphy and flora of Iceland. Trans. Acad. Sci. USSR 316:188 pp. (In Russian). Akhmetiev, M. A., A. R. Geptner, Y. B. Gladenkov, E. E. Milanovsky and V. G. Trifonov 1978: Iceland and Mid-Ocean Ridge. Strati- graphy. Lithology. Nauka, Moscow, 204 pp. (In Russian). Akhmetiev, M. A., L. V. Golubeva and L. A. Skiba 1975: Palaeobotanical characteristics of the main section of the Plio-Pleistocene deposits on Tjörnes peninsula, North Ice- land. Proc. USSR Acad. Sci., Geol. Ser. 7, 1975: 100-107. (In Russian). Albertsson, K. J. 1976: K/Ar ages of Pliocene- Pleistocene glaciations in Iceland with special reference to the Tjörnes sequence, Northern Iceland. Ph. D. thesis, University of Cambridge, 268 pp. — 1977: Niðurstöður athugana á Plíósen/ Pleistósen tímakvarða fyrir ísland. In: Jarðfræðafélag ísl.: Dagskrá og ágrip. Ráðstefna um íslenska jarðfræði 24. — 25. nóv. 1977, Reykjavík, p. 22. (In Icelandic). — 1978: Um aldur jarðlaga á Tjörnesi. Nátt- úrufræðingurinn 48: 1—8. (In Icelandic). Aronson, J. L. and K. Sœmundsson 1975: Relatively old basalts from structurally high areas in central Iceland. Earth Planet, Sci. Lett. 28: 83-97. Áskelsson, J. 1935a: News from Tjörnes (ad interim). Skýrsla um Hið íslenzka náttúru- fræðisfélag 1933-1934: 48—50. — 1935b: Some remarks on the distribution of the species Zirphaea crispata L. and Purpura lapillus L. on the north coast of Iceland. Vidensk. Medd. Dan. Naturhist. For. 99: 65-72. — 1938: Um íslenzk dýr og jurtir frá jökul- tíma. Náttúrufræðingurinn 8: 1 —16. (In Icelandic). — 1939: On geological investigations in Ice- land and their bearins on eeneral seoloey. Le Nord 2: 177-186. — 1941: Tjörnes. Þáttur úr jarðmyndunar- sögu þess. Árbók Ferðafélags Isl. 1941: 80—94. (In Icelandic). — 1960a: Pliocene and Pleistocene fossilife- rous deposits. In: S. Thorarinsson (ed.), On the geology and geophysics of Iceland. Guide to Excursion No. A2. 21 st Int. Geol. Congr. (Norden), 28—32. — 1960b: Fossiliferous xenoliths in the Mó- berg Formation of South Iceland. Acta Nat. Isl. 2(3): 30pp. — 1961: Um íslenzka steingervinga. In: S. Thorarinsson (ed.), Náttúra Islands. Al- menna bókafélagið, Reykjavík, 47 — 63. (In Icelandic). Bárðarson, G. G. 1918: Myndun Islands og ævi. Iðunn 4: 51 — 79. (In Icelandic). — 1922: Agrip af jarðfræði. Prentsmiðja Odds Björnssonar, Akureyri, 90 pp. (In Icelan- dic). — 1925: A stratigraphical survey of the Pliocene deposits at Tjörnes, in Northern Iceland. K. Dan. Vidensk. Selsk., Biol. Medd. 4(5): 1-118. — 1927: Ágrip af jarðfræði. Bókaverzlun Sig- fúsar Eymundssonar, Reykjavík. 192 pp. (In Icelandic). Bemmelen, R. W. van and M. G. Rutten 1955: Tablemountains of Northern Iceland. E. J. Brill, Leiden, 217 pp. Berggren, W. A. and J. A. Van Couvering 1974: The late Neogene. Biostratigraphy, geochronology and paleoclimatology of the last 15 million years in marine and con- 14 JÖKULL 30. ÁR
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