
Jökull - 01.12.1980, Page 17

Jökull - 01.12.1980, Page 17
tinental sequences. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 16: 1—216. Björnsson, J. 1977: Um örnefnaflutning á Tjör- nesi. Náttúrufræðingurinn 47: 31 — 32. (In Icelandic). Bout, P. 1953: Études de géomorphologie dynamique en Islande. Actual. Sci. Ind. 1197: 219 pp. (In French). Broekman, J. A. 1961: Geologie van Tjörnes, Noord-Island. Int. Rep. Geol. Inst. Utrecht. (As cited by H. Wensink 1964). (In Dutch). Doell, R. R. 1972: Palaeomagnetic studies of Icelandic lava flows. Geophys. J. R. Astron. Soc. 26: 459-479. Durham, J. W. and F. S. MacNeil 1967: Ceno- zoic migrations of marine invertebrates through the Bering Strait region. In: D. M. Hopkins (ed.), The Bering Land Bridge. Stanford University Press, Stanford, 326 -349. Einarsson, P. 1976: Relative location of earth- quakes in the Tjörnes Fracture Zone. Vís- indafélag Isl., Greinar 5: 45 — 60. Einarsson, T. 1940a: Ernauðsyn aðendurskoða jarðmyndunarsögu Islands? Náttúrufræð- ingurinn 10: 35 — 43. (In Icelandic). — 1940b: Myndun Islands. Náttúrufræðing- urinn 10: 140—149. (In Icelandic). — 1946: Origin of the basic tuffs of Iceland. Acta Nat. Isl. 1(1): 75 pp. — 1957a: Magneto-geological mapping in Iceland with the use of a compass. Philos. Mag. Suppl. 6: 232-240. — 1957b: Der Paláomagnetismus der islándi- schen Basalte und seine stratigraphische Bedeutung. Neues Jahrb. Geol. Paláontol. Monatsh. 4: 159— 175. (In German). — 1958: A survey of the geology of the area Tjörnes-Bárðardalur in Northern Iceland, including paleomagnetic studies. Vísinda- félag Isl., Rit 32: 79 pp. — 1960: The Plateau Basalt areas in Iceland. In: S. Thorarinsson (ed.), On the geology and geophysics of Iceland. Guide to Excursion No. A2. 21 st Int. Geol. Congr. (Norden), 5-20. — 1962: Upper Tertiary and Pleistocene rocks in Iceland. A stratigraphic-paleomagnetic- morphologic-tectonic analysis. Vísindafé- lag ísh, Rit 36: 196 pp. — 1963a: Some new observations of the Breiðavík deposits in Tjörnes. Jökull 13: 1-9. — 1963b: Some chapters of the Tertiary his- tory of Iceland. In: Á. Löve and D. Löve (eds.), North Atlantic biota and their his- tory. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1—9. — 1964: On the question of late-Tertiary land connections across the North Atlantic, and the dispersal of biota in that area. J. Ecol. 52:617-625. — 1965: Submarine volcanic breccia in the area south of Tjörnes. Vísindafélag Ish, Greinar 4(1): 29—48. — 1972: Eðlisþættir jarðarinnar og jarðsaga íslands. Almenna bókafélagið, Reykjavík, 267 pp. (In Icelandic). — 1977: Upper Tertiary beginning of zonal volcanism and tectonism in Iceland. The age of the Tjörnes deposits and the early Tertiary history of Iceland. Vísindafélag Ish, Greinar 6: 24—48. Einarsson, Th. 1966: Þættir úr loftslagssögu Is- lands. Veðrið 11: 47 — 53. (In Icelandic). — 1967: The extent of the Tertiary Basalt Formation and the structure of Iceland. In: S. Björnsson (ed.), Iceland and Mid-ocean ridges. Vísindafélag Ish, Rit 38: 170— 179. — 1968: Jarðfræði. Saga bergs og lands. Mál og menning, Reykjavík, 335 pp. (In Ice- landic). — 1969: Loftslag, sjávarhiti og hafís á for- sögulegum tíma. In: M. A. Einarsson (ed.), Hafísinn. Almenna bókafélagið, Reykja- vík, 389—399. (In Icelandic). — 1971: Jarðfræði. Heimskringla, Reykjavík, 254 pp. (In Icelandic). — 1973: Geology of Iceland. In: M. G. Pitcher (ed.), Arctic geology. Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Mem. 19: 171 — 175. — 1974: Jarðsaga Islands. In: S. Líndal (ed.), Saga Islands I. Hið íslenzka bókmenntafé- lag. Sögufélagið, Reykjavík, 1 — 26. (In Icelandic). — 1977: Um gróður á ísöld á Islandi. In: H. JÖKULL 30. ÁR 15



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