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Jökull - 01.12.1980, Qupperneq 19

Jökull - 01.12.1980, Qupperneq 19
Johnstruþ, J. F. 1877: Indberetning om den af Professor Johnstrup foretagne Undersögelses-rejse paa Island i Sommeren 1876. Rigdagstid. Köbenhavn 1876— 1877: 1 —14. (As cited by G. G. Bárdarson 1925). (In Danish). Kjartansson, G. 1952: Geologisk Oversigt. Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Isl. 37: 2—10. (In Danish). Laursen, D. 1936: En ejendommelig geologisk Formation — det pliocæne Crag — paa Island. Nat. Verden 20: 185—191. (In Danish). Líndal, J. 1964: Með huga og hamri, jarð- fræðidagbækur og ritgerðir. Bókaútgáfa Menningarsjóðs, Reykjavík, 410 pp. MacNeil, F. S. 1965: Evolution and dis- tribution of the genus Mya, and Tertiary migrations of Mollusca. U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 483-G: 1-55. — 1967: Cenozoic Pectinids of Alaska, Ice- land, and other northern regions. U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 553: 1—57. — 1973: Arctic and boreal climate at the be- ginning of the Pleistocene. Sci. Rep. Tohuku Univ. Sendai (Japan) 2. Ser. (Geol.) 6: 55 — 57. McDougall, 1. and H. Wensink 1966: Paleomagnetism and geochronology of the Pliocene-Pleistocene lavas in Iceland. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 1: 232—236. McMaster, R. R., J.-G. E. Schilling and P. R. Pinet 1977: Plate boundary within Tjörnes Fracture Zone on northern Iceland’s insu- lar margin. Nature 269: 663—668. Mörch, 0. A. L. 1871: On the Mollusca of the C.rag Formation of Iceland. Geol. Mag. 8: 391—400. (As cited by Pjetursson 1905b). Nielsen, N. and A. Noe-Nygaard 1936: Om den islandske “Palagonitformation”s Oprin- delse. En forelöbig Meddelelse. Geogr. Tidsskr. 39(2): 3-36. (In Danish). Norton, P. E. P. 1975: Paleoecology of the Mollusca of the Tjörnes sequence, Iceland. Boreas 4: 97— 110. — 1977a: Neogene Mollusca of the Tjörnes sequence, Iceland: Paleoecology, zonation, correlation. Malacol. 16: 211 — 213. — 1977b: Marine Mollusca in the East Anglian periglacial Pleistocene. In: F. W. Shotton (ed.), British Quaternary studies. Recent advances. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 43—53. Ólafsson, E. 1749: Enarrationes historicae de natura et constitutione Islandiae, formatae et transformatae per eruptiones ignis .... J. G. Höpffner, Hafniae, 148 pp. — 1772: Vice-Lavmand Eggert Ólafsens og Land-physici Biarne Povelsens Reise igien- nem Island .... Vidensk. Sælskab, Soröe, 1042 + 84 pp. (In Danish). Paijkull, C. W. 1867: Bidrag till kánnedomen om Islands bergsbyggnad. K. Sven. Veten- skapsakad. Handl. 7: 1—50. (In Swedish). Pflug, H. D. 1959: Beitráge zur Klimage- schichte Islands VIII. Sporenbilder aus Island und ihre stratigraphische Deutung. Neues Jahrb. Geol. Paláontol., Abh. 107 (2): 141 —172. (In German). Pjetursson, H. 1901: Moræner i den Islandske Palagonitformation. Overs. K. Dan. Vidensk. Selsk., Forh. 1901 (5); 147—171. (In Danish). — 1905a: Om forekomsten af skalförende skurstensler i Búlandshöfði, Snæfellsnes, Island. Overs. K. Dan. Vidensk. Selsk., Forh. 1904 (6): 375 — 396. (In Danish). — 1905b: Om Islands geologi. Medd. Dan. Geol. Foren. 2 (11): 1-104. (In Danish). — 1906a: The Crag of Iceland. Q. J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 62: 712-715. — 1906b: Nokkur orð um loftslagsbreytingar á íslandi og orsakir þeirra. Andvari 6: 149—164. (In Icelandic). Pjeturss, H. 1908: Einige Hauptzúge der Geo- logie und Morphologie Islands. Z. Ges. Erdkd. Berlin 1908: 451—467. (In German). — 1910: Island. Handbuch der regionalen Geologie IV (1). Gummi, Heidelberg, 1 — 22. (In German). — 1924: Undirstöðuatriði í jarðfræði íslands (Fundamentals of Icelandic geology). Ið- unn 7: 227 — 232. (In Icelandic). — 1939: On the Pleistocene rocks of Iceland and the age of the submarine shelf. Geol. Mag. 76: 233-236. 2 JÖKULL 30. ÁR 17
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