
Jökull - 01.12.1980, Page 27

Jökull - 01.12.1980, Page 27
5 8' =: O o o o o 0 X A > 0 X A O 1 Fine T1 3' 3 * 0 > ro . 3 3 25 —i—r~ 1 o o o o o 8 Svifaur / Suspended /oad - X V > 0 X X V p s> 7) > 0 X X v ■ 0 d 3 3 0 X 0 X 1 1—1 I uj o o Ul o o o o o o o o SvWqux/Suspended load o o - X ° < X 0 x cT u _ 1 D 3 D D 0 0 0 XK X D D 3/ 0 0 1 X 1 Fig. 3. Sediment transport rating for Skeiðará jökulhlaup 1976 at bridge. 1. Sl-samples; 2. S3-samples. — Mynd 3. Aurburöarlyklar Skeiðarárhlaups 1976 við Skeiðarárbrú, S/ og S3 sým. JÖKULL 30. ÁR 25



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