Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2002, Side 20

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2002, Side 20
Timothy J. Horsley & Stephen J. Dockrill structed over a stone foundation (Bruun, 1928; Hermannsdóttir, 1987), and these results indicate that the magnetometer is responding to individual, near-surface igneous rocks. The results from the area over booths are at fírst sight not entirely clear, although with comparison to the aerial photograph (Figure 2a), many of the pos- itive anomalies coincide with the high banks. The data also indicates quite a clear difference between the booth area and the region between this and church earth- works where no surface features exist. This might confirm that booths were not present in this area. Earth resistance results Only a small area over the churchyard was surveyed with the earth resistance meter, however the results show great potential for future use of this method at Gásir. The bank of the churchyard has been detected as a low resistance anom- aly, although such a feature might be expected to produce a high resistance response due to the better drainage. Low resistance anomalies over turf banks and mounds were detected elsewhere in Iceland in this survey (e.g. Neðri As - midden, Nes - farm mound), and implies that the turf used in their construction is water retentive. This would result in the thick turf deposits found in such features to be better electrical conductors than the surrounding soil. Curiously, there are bands of very low resistance linear anomalies within the bank, roughly coin- ciding with the positive magnetic anom- alies thought to be due to rocks. However there are no positive resistance anomalies indicating buried stones. These lower resistance anomalies might be due to bands of more-retentive turfs, although the underlying cause for these results can only be confirmed by excavation. Both survey techniques have been influ- enced by the presence of frost hum- mocks, or thufur, a periglacial phenome- non that distorts the ground surface. They are visible on the plots as areas of back- ground noise, although the effect is more intense in the earth resistance data. At present the degree to which these hum- mocks affect the results of an earth resistance survey is not known. Conclusion Geophysical surveys at Gásir have only been undertaken over a small sample of the site, yet demonstrate the potential of these method for providing archaeologi- cal information for this site and for simi- lar features elsewhere. Such prospection could be used to provide evidence for the use of some of these booths, and possibly locate areas of industrial activity. By surveying a much greater area, it should be possible to determine the extent of the booths, and hence defrne the full extent of this impor- tant site. Skálholt, Arnessýsla Situated in the lower part of the Biskupstungur valley between the rivers Hvítá and Brúará, Skálholt is one of Iceland's places of special historical interest. Within two centuries of the set- 18
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