Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2006, Blaðsíða 19

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2006, Blaðsíða 19
The idea of landscape in Icelandic archaeology through time and humans’ relationship with the environment (cf Sigurður Þorar- insson 1974). Sveinbjörn Rafnsson with Sig- urður Þorarinsson carried out a study of the settlement in Hrafnkelsdalur and the west valleys of Brúardalir, similar to Sigurður Þorarinsson’s work in 1974 (Sveinbjörn Rafnsson 1990). This study also expand- ed on Fortida gardar i Island project and anticipated the techniques used later in the Farm abandonment in medieval and post-medieval Iceland project (see below). Similar techniques were used but with less emphasis on large scale exca- vations and more on survey with small test pitting. It also combined historical information, aerial survey and scientific dating. The study showed that there was variation between the valley areas, show- ing a complex patterning of abandonment and growth: In Hrafnkelsdalur 5 settle- ments out of 20 in total could be dated as being occupied after 870 and abandoned by 1158, 11 occupied after 1158 and not abandoned, and 4 established after 1477 and still occupied. In Brúardalir 3 settle- ments out of 16 were occupied after 870 and abandoned by 1158, 3 occupied after 1158 and not abandoned, 8 established after 1477 and still occupied. Hrafnkels- dalur had more settlement in total and was colonised more completely at an ear- lier date than Brúardalir. Guðrún Sveinbjamardóttir’s study of farm abandonment in Eyjaljallasveit in Rangárvallasýsla (southern Iceland), Austurdalur and Vesturdalur in Skaga- fjarðarsýsla (northem Iceland) and parts of Berufjörður and Fossárdalur in Suður- Múlasýsla (eastern Iceland) had clear landscape research objectives: “the role of climatic deterioration, erosion, epi- demics and economic factors in shaping the Icelandic landscape” and perhaps one that followed directly írom the founda- tions laid down in the pan-Nordic study on settlement desertion1 (Guðrún Svein- bjarnardóttir 1984, summary; Gissel, S et al. 1981). Although there is relatively lit- tle information conceming Iceland in the study, except general comments about fourteenth century desertion and demo- graphy, it nonetheless demonstrated the potential for this type of integrated study drawing on history, geography and archae- ology, and those that were broader and more holistic in their outlook concerning landscape development and history. Guð- rún Sveinbjarnardóttir’s was predomi- nately based on documentary source information leading towards hypotheses on farm establishment and abandonment. The study of farm abandonment was nonetheless an archaeological study of regional landscapes, that was combined with environmental and tephra evidence in explaining landscape change. In doing so this study identified several likely fac- tors that influenced farm abandonment, including the human impact on the land that increased erosion (since verified through a number of studies e.g. Edwards et al. 2005) deteriorating climatic condi- tions, economic fluctuations and differing human responses to these factors (Guð- rún Sveinbjarnardóttir 1984, 178). Within this study of special interest are the maps which show a diachronic representation of settlement establishment and abandon- ment in each of the study areas (Guðrún Sveinbjarnardóttir 1984, 48-49 (fig 8), 52-53 (fig 9), 69 (fig 18), 70 (fig 19), 109 (fig 43), 110 (fig 44)). Using dates of Though this is not made explicitly clear in Guðrún Sveinbjamardóttir’s published study. 17
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Archaeologia Islandica

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