Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2006, Blaðsíða 58

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2006, Blaðsíða 58
Christopher Callow est in recent decades in the archaeology of medieval children in particular, and in life course studies generally among his- torians: we can begin to think about the relevant issues for Iceland. The archaeology of childhood This subject has emerged as an important strand in academic archaeology over the last twenty years. Just as Philippe Ariés’ work (see below) has come to be seen as a defining moment in the historical study of childhood, so Grete Lillehammer’s arti- cle in Norwegian Archaeological Review in 1989 was a defining moment in study- ing childhood through archaeology (Lillehammer 1989; Baxter 2005: 16). Lillehammer used the term “the child’s world” to foreground the multi-faceted nature of childhood and the differing ways in which childhood can be analysed. In essence, the archaeology of childhood has developed out of a deeper interest in gender archaeology and studies of the life course (e.g. Crawford 1999, Dommasnes 1999, Harlow and Laurence 2002). Lille- hammer and others have opened up a broad range of issues which we might consider to be part of the archaeology of childhood. Socialization is clearly a key part of this: determing how children are defined and how they define them- selves and each other through work and play. It has been recognised that child- ren have an obvious impact in the archae- ological record - through artefacts such as toys as well as the buildings and spaces which they use and, of course, by their deaths. They also have other, less obvious and less recognised contributions to the archaeological record: they use tools and have working roles sometimes too readily ascribed solely to adults; it has long been appreciated that their activities can have an unpredictable impact on the archaeo- logical remains of settlement (Bonnich- sen 1973). Thus traditional concems (investigating the attitudes of society as a whole to individuals buried in cemeter- ies; defining ‘status’ and age- and gender- related categories; diet, life expectancy, pathology; settlement and building func- tions) have been reshaped to recognise children as active members of society who have an impact on the ‘adult’ world. Defining what past societies meant by ‘child’ is clearly still important as such ideas are social constructions which vary across time and space. The significance of all of this can be underlined by remind- ing ourselves of the likelihood that chil- dren were a far larger proportion of past populations than most modern westerners are used to considering. Having said that, it is recognised that for many past socie- ties it is difficult to find much archaeo- logical evidence of children in cemetery populations (e.g. Lillehammer 1989: 95- 6; Crawford 1999: 24). This could pose a very considerable problem beyond the obvious point that many children might have been buried somewhere away from the adult population. Medieval Children Historians have revised the generally neg- ative portrayal of medieval children’s lives given in the landmark study of Philippe Ariés (1962). Ariés used art historical evidence to suggest that medieval chil- dren were considered to be little adults. Ariés’ view was, in effect, that medieval western societies did not consider child- hood a recognisable stage of life demar- cated from adulthood; children were little adults. Seemingly almost every scholar ever since has disagreed with Ariés but 56
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Archaeologia Islandica

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