Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2006, Blaðsíða 42

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2006, Blaðsíða 42
Steffen Stummann Hansen and John Sheehan tic sites discussed above. Future research, however, particularly excavation, may con- firm or deny this view. In his discussion of the origins of the Greenlandic enclosed church sites Keller concluded “that the circular church- yards in Iceland and Greenland are, how- ever, most probably evidence of a Celtic Christian style. And it may indeed be asked, if this stylistic feature also symbol- ized a Celtic Christian faith. Whether this tradition was brought to Iceland by Irish monks or by Norse Christians can be sub- ject to discussion” (Keller 1989, 199). It is interesting to note that the preliminary results of Arneborg’s recent excavations, noted above, indicate that these enclosed church sites do indeed belong to the earli- est phase of the settlement of Greenland, and this has prompted the project director to state: “Whether the earliest churches with their circular enclosures have their origins in the northern and western parts of Britain and Ireland is a matter for dis- cussion. However, recently conducted genetic research into the population of Iceland and Faroe has demonstrated that a major part of the landnám women had Celtic blood in their veins, so the theory does not appear unlikely” (Arneborg 2005, 16; authors’translation)11. The evidence from both Iceland and Greenland, and by extension the Faroe Islands, may indicate that such circular or sub-circular ecclesiastical sites may be lower status sites, functioning per- haps as chapels or subsidiary churches (pers. comm., O. Vésteinsson). This may, of course, be a function of age, with the smaller sub-circular sites being aban- doned earlier and therefore representing an earlier practice. It is an intriguing pos- sibility, as has recently been suggested by Kristjánsdóttir in her study of the Icelan- dic evidence, that the small turf churches, which are frequently enclosed, might be regarded as private or proprietary churc- hes, dating to before the historical water- shed of AD 1000 when Iceland was offi- cially converted to Christianity. She pro- poses that these sites might be connected with a form of “unorganised missionary activity” that she describes as “an infil- tration process that may have originated from the Celtic branch of Christian- ity” (2004, 156). Similar ideas, at least with regards to the chronology of the conversion process, have recently been proposed for the North Atlantic region and for southern Scandinavia by Morris (2004, 188) and Brink (2004, 173-74), respectively. Early ecclesiastical sites in Ireland Following on from Kristjánsdóttir’s sug- gestion concerning the possible ‘Celtic’ origins of parts of early Icelandic Chris- tianity, it is interesting to note that many ecclesiastical sites in Ireland and Scotland display the essential characteristics of the North Atlantic sites being considered in this paper. A great variety of ecclesias- tical sites existed in Ireland during the Early Medieval period (c.400-1100 AD). Some developed as large monastic ‘cit- ies’ that were involved in secular politics, while others functioned as small isolated hermitages. Between these two extremes there was a wide range of monasteries and church sites. Some were early epis- copal foundations and others were tribal churches, but the majority may have been proprietary churches that were transmit- ted as family property from generation 11 Translated from the Danish by SSH. 40
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Archaeologia Islandica

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