Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2006, Blaðsíða 77

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2006, Blaðsíða 77
Hildur Gestsdóttir, Helgi Jónsson, Juliet Rogers and Jón Thorsteinsson OSTEOARTHRITIS IN THE SKELETAL POPULATION FROM SKELJASTAÐIR ICELAND; A REASSESSMENT The objective of this study was to reassess the diagnoses of arthritis in skeletons excavated in 1939 at the site of Skeljastaðir in Þjórsárdalur, Iceland. In the original palaeopathological report by Professor Jón Steffensen, several cases of polyarthri- tis were described. The fifty-four available adult skeletons were re-examined using modern terminology and methods. Osteoarthritis was diagnosed where either ebur- nation or two other criteria such as osteophytes and a porous joint surface were noted. No evidence of inflammatory or erosive arthritis was seen, but osteoarthritis was diagnosed in 31.5% of the skeletons and in 14.8% there were signs of osteoar- thritis at more than one joint site. The term polyarthritis in the original report cor- responds with the modern diagnosis of osteoarthritis at more than one site. There was a high prevalence of osteoarthritis at the hip and lumbar vertebrae compared to contemporary English skeletons. The joint distribution of osteoarthritis in these skeletons is particularly interesting in view of recent studies indicating a very high prevalence of hip osteoarthritis in Iceland. Genetic factors are of importance in the development of osteoarthritis and these results indicate that further palaeopatho- logical studies may yield valuable information in this field. Hildur Gestsdóttir, Institute of Archaeology, Bárugata 3, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland. Tel: +354-5511033. Fax: +354-5511047 Helgi Jónsson, Landspítalinn University Hospital, Iceland fjuliet Rogers (deceased) Jón Thorsteinsson, Landspitalinn University Hospital, Iceland Key words: Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, aetiology, palaeopathology, Skeljastaðir, medieval Iceland Introduction The cemetery at Skeljastaðir in Þjórsár- dalur, Iceland, was excavated during a Nordic archaeological expedition in 1939. Professor Jón Steffensen carried out the original analysis of the human remains and the results were published in the report of the excavation (Jón Steffensen, 1943). In the course of his analysis he identified several cases of polyarthritis. Today the term is used to describe chronic inflammatory or erosive arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis. The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown, although it does have the characteristics of an autoimmune nature, i.e., a condition Archaeologia Islandica 5 (2006) 75-81
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Archaeologia Islandica

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