Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2006, Blaðsíða 55

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2006, Blaðsíða 55
THE LEIRVÍK “B0NHÚSTOFTIN” AND THE EARLY CHRISTIANITY OF THE FaROE ISLANDS, AND BEYOND (2001). Viking Ireland and the Scan- dinavian communities in the North Atlantic. In: Larsen, A. C. (ed.), The Vikings in Ireland, 115-126, Roskil- de. Lárusson, M. M. (1963). Kirkegárd, Island. Kulturhistorisk Leksikon for Nordisk Middelalder VIII, 399^102. Kobenhavn. Manning, C. (1995). Early Irish Monas- teries. Dublin. Matras, A. K., Andreasen, H. and Stum- mann Hansen, S. (2004). A Viking- Age Shieling in Skarðsvík, Fugloy, Faroe Islands. Fróðskaparrit 51, 200-211. Matras, C. (1957). Gammelfærösk ærgi, n., og dermed beslægtede ord, Namn og Bygd 44 (1-4), 51-67. McManus, D. (1991). A Guide to Ogam. Maynooth. Meldgaard, J. (1982). Thjodhildes Kirke - den forste fundberetning. Gnm- land, 151-162. Morris, C. D. (2004). From Birsay to Brattahlið: recent perspectives on Norse Christianity in Orkney, Shet- land, and the North Atlantic region. In: Adams, J. and Holman, K. (eds), Scandinavia and Europe 800-1350: Contact, Conflict, and Coexistence, 177-95. Turnhout. Ó Corráin, D. (1981). The early Irish churches: some aspects of organisa- tion. In: Ó Corráin, D. (ed.). Irish Antiquity, 327-341. Cork. Ó Cuiv, B. (1988). Personal names as an indicator of relations between native Irish and settlers in the Viking period. In: Bradley, J. (ed.). Settlement and Society in Medieval Ireland. Stud- ies presented to F. X. Martin o. s. a., 79-88. Kilkenny. O’Sullivan, A. and Sheehan, J. (1996). The Iveragh Peninsula: An Archaeo- logical Survey of South Kerry/Suir- bhé Seandálaíochta. Cork. Roussell, Aa. (1941). Farms and Church- es in the Mediaeval Norse Settlement of Greenland. Meddelelser om Gron- land 89. Sawyer, B. and Sawyer, P. (1993). Medi- eval Scandinavia. From Conversion to Reformation. The Nordic Series 17. London. Sheehan, J. (1994). A Merovingian back- ground for the Ardmoneel stone. Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society 99, 23-31. Sigurðsson, J. V (2000). Gárds- og kirke- struktur pá Island fram til ca. 1200. Hikuin 27, 43-56. Smyth, A. P. (1984). Warlords and Holy Men. Scotland AD 80-1000. Edin- burgh. Solli, B. (1996). Narratives of encounter- ing religions: on the Christianization of the Norse around AD 900-1000. Norwegian Archaeological Review 29.2, 89-114. Stummann Hansen, S. (1991). Toftanes: A Faroese Viking Age farmstead from the 9—10th Centuries AD. Acta Archaeologica 61, 44-53. Stummann Hansen, S. (2002). A Dane and the Dawning of Faroese Archaeology. Fróðskaparrit 50. Bók, 11-32. Stummann Hansen, (forthcoming B). Toftanes — a VikingAge Farmstead in Leirvík. Leirvík. Stummann Hansen, S. (forthcoming A). Early Church Sites in the Faroe Islands - Survey and Discussion. Swift, C. (1987). Irish influence on eccle- siastical settlements in Scotland: a case study of the island of Islay. M. 53
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Archaeologia Islandica

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