Reykjavík Grapevine - 29.07.2016, Blaðsíða 6

Reykjavík Grapevine - 29.07.2016, Blaðsíða 6
FOR Fuck people. I mean really. Is it not bad enough that we are at this point most definitely caus- ing the polar ice to shrink, depleting the fragile climate of these majestic crea- tures? Do we seriously need to be shoot- ing them on sight, too? It’s like, if I set your house on fire, and then waited outside with a rifle to snipe you as you ran screaming from your burning home, you would rightly say I am a monster. But for some reason, do- ing effectively the same thing to a species already on the verge of being endangered is No Big Deal and the Sensible Choice. Maybe shooting them with tranquil- izer darts, bundling them up and air- lifting them to Greenland or elsewhere seems like a great expenditure. To my mind, it’s the very least we can do, con- sidering we’re playing a direct part in causing them to be desperate enough to swim to Iceland in the first place. AGAINST Fuck polar bears. I mean really. Everyone has their gender- neutral underwear in a twist over the fact that we shot a polar bear, rather than cap- turing it. We shoot them because they're hungry carnivores and they eat people. But we should rather capture them? And do what? Put them in zoos? Don't we hate zoos? Aren't zoos inhumane now? OK, not zoos, so what then? Let's fly them back to Greenland. Once they're there, we'd have to helicopter them a few hours away from the natives there, so they don't eat them. Then they get hun- gry, as they are these days, and get back on an iceberg and float over here again. And so it goes. Or we could shoot them. Get it over with. Ideally the next polar bear is captured next to a poultry farm. One where the cages are extra small to get your chicken breasts under that sweet price point of 990 ISK per pack. Where the millions spent on extending the misery of a starv- ing polar bear would be put to better use creating humane conditions for hun- dreds of creatures. But no. Because mis- ery is not counted in hours and lives, but cuteness and fluffyness. SHARE: +354 511 2600 Daily guided bus tours Golden Circle Tours Glacier Lagoon Southern Iceland Into the Glacier Figures Don't Lie WORD OF THE ISSUE: The word of this issue is firring. Origi- nally, this was the Icelandic translation of Karl Marx’s theory of alienation. To- day, however, the word is used in col- loquial Icelandic to describe not just the alienation of the worker, but also personal unrest and social isolation in general. Used in a sentence: “Málflutningur Davíðs einkennist af vænisýki, firringu og rógburði.” (“Davíð [Oddson’s] remarks are characterised by paranoia, alienation and defamation” - Jón Trausti Reynisson, DV, February 2009.) Firring POEM I saw you smiling, bending over, looking at the troll. I think to myself that this will be over when you pull out your phone and take a selfie with your tourist wife. A Poem By Vigdís Ósk Howser The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 11 — 2016 6 A POEM BY is curated by Grapevine’s poetry liaison, Jón Örn Loðmfjörð Number of bands who pledged to quit the Merchants’ Week- end festival in the Westman Islands if authorities didn’t change their policy on let- ting local police issue a media blackout on sexual assault reporting during the festival. 7 Number of bands who stood by that pledge, despite the local police chief refusing to change the policy. Humane Treatment Of Polar Bears? FOR AND AGAINST 0 5 ∞ Number of things you could be doing the first weekend of August other than going to the Westman Islands The reported number of sexual assaults at the festival in 2015. Arturo de Frias/Wikimedia Commons
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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