Reykjavík Grapevine - 29.07.2016, Blaðsíða 60

Reykjavík Grapevine - 29.07.2016, Blaðsíða 60
To most people who visit Iceland, the town of Hafnarfjörður is a suburb on the way to Reykjavík, or “that bit where the city starts.” As seen from the Flybus window, the main drag consists mostly of a working harbour, a viking-themed hotel, a row of grey seaside apart- ment buildings, and a profoundly uncharming mall. But this architecturally unfor- tunate first impression couldn’t be farther from the truth. A few steps from the main road, there’s a historic old town with a charm- ing tucked-away park, and inside some of those shop units and har- bour buildings, an organic and in- teresting cultural regeneration is taking place. If you build it, they will come A good example is an unassum- ing white harbour-side building on Strandgata that houses a well- regarded restaurant called Von, and the Pallet café ( palletkaffi). Pallet is an ideal cof- fee place: a spacious room with lovingly prepared drinks, comfy mismatched furniture, soft mu- sic, big bright windows, plants everywhere, and appealing clut- ter such as sewing machines and intriguing books in various lan- guages. The atmosphere is hushed and conversational, with a patio for sunny days, and they also have a kitchen that serves pies and pas- ties, a rich lamb stew—complete with a free second helping—and light pastries. It’s the ideal place to do some work, or just to chill, and worth the twenty minute drive to Hafnarfjörður alone. Just across the street is the Íshús, or “Icehouse” (ishush-—a bright blue harbourside industrial building that’s been converted over the past few years into an inspiring, thriv- ing colony of creative businesses. There are thirty different practises going on inside these walls—a live- ly community of people working in everything from ceramics to fash- ion design, woodwork, jewellery, decorative arts and products of all sorts. It’s not open to the public on a daily basis, but they do take organ- ised group visits, and a store and café is planned. Angelica and Myrrh The central shopping streets are home to an old-style bakery, an Icelandic herbal preparation store named Urta Islandica, a concert house, some boutiques and, per- haps surprisingly, an entire store dedicated to Buddhism. Kailash is run by Beggi and Helga, and is named after a sacred mountain in Tibet. The two are Icelanders who embraced Buddhism when Beggi and visited Nepal and Tibet. Now, they import statues, incense, cloth- ing, jewellery, oils and trinkets. Customers are treated to a warm welcome—Beggi answers ques- tions about his journey into Bud- dhism graciously, and Kailash feels as much about importing Buddhist ideas and culture as the products. Our final stop is Hellisgerði, Hafnarfjörður’s famous park. Tucked away behind an unassum- ing railing, this hilly area holds many peaceful nooks, including a sitting area with a fountain and a waterfall, lava boulders, copses of trees, flower patches, winding pathways and busts of local his- toric figures. There’s an outdoor stage for community events, and a twee elf-themed cafe, where you can get a drink and hear stories of the elves and huldufólk. Like everything in Hafnarfjörður, the best parts of Hellisgerði feel a little hidden—but it’s well worth taking the time to find them. SHARE: DRIVE-THROUGH TOWNS Meanwhile, In Hafnarfjörður… Secrets and hideaways in one of Reykjavík’s neighbouring towns Words JOHN ROGERS Photos ART BICNICK Not ones to be caught resting on their laurels, Reykjavík Excur- sions have quite literally hopped on the Pokémon Go bus, and started a Pokémon trainers’ excursion around Reykjavík. The four hour trip costs 7500 ISK, and it’s prom- ised that participants will “go to all the best places in Reykjavík to find Pokémon, where they will be lured. Icelandic Pokémon Trainers will help you evolve and transfer your Pokémon, assist you in the PokéGym and answer any ques- tions you might have about the game.” So for those who really want to efficiently catch ‘em all, or whatever… this is a thing now. Two interesting new restaurants have opened up in rural west Ice- land. If you’re passing through Borganes on your way to West- fjords or the north, you can try out some classic Icelandic dishes at Englendingavík; and if you’re driving the Snæfellsnes loop and passing by Grundarfjörður, you could try the new family-run Bjar- gasteinn restaurant. If you do, feel free to tell us what you thought via, or tag your arty food pics with #GVpics on In- stagram. In somewhat less appetising news, there was some controversy this month when it was reported that signs have been going up around Iceland’s hiking trails and natural beauty spots to create No Pooping Zones. It appears that some tour- ists—due to a well-documented (and, tbh, easy to predict) lack of facilities in the wilderness—re- sort to taking an al fresco dump. So, please—just use the toilet at the gas station or waterfall park- ing lot when you have the chance, would you? Or, idk. Take it with you? TRAVEL NEWS IN BRIEF The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 11 — 2016 60
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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