Reykjavík Grapevine - 29.07.2016, Blaðsíða 42

Reykjavík Grapevine - 29.07.2016, Blaðsíða 42
Music Debut Lækjargata 4 | 101 Reykjavík | Sími 55 10 100 | Open 11-22 every day Fresh, original and modern cuisine with East Asian influence. Take your taste buds on an adventurous journey. Laugavegi 18 Nýbýlavegi 6 Bíldshöfða 2 ArtisAn BAkery & Coffee House Open everyday 6.30 - 21.00 Laugavegur 36 · 101 reykjavik In the space of just a year, Glowie has become one of Iceland’s most famous pop stars. Her debut sin- gle, “No More,” was the most pop- ular song of 2015 on radio station FM957, and she was the opening act when Jessie J played here in September. Since then she’s been on the rise, releasing three sin- gles, most recently “No Lie.” After winning a national song contest in 2014, Glowie started creating music in collaboration with StopWaitGo. “I was offered a lot of different projects after the contest, so many in fact it became overwhelming,” she says. “Pálmi from StopWaitGo contacted me, and we recorded ‘No More.’” It’s been a long road to this mo- ment. Glowie has been singing since she was nine years old, us- ing her dad’s home studio to re- cord her own music. She practiced a lot, improving with time, and took every chance she got to per- form. “I had big dreams as a child but became impatient because I felt nothing was really happen- ing,” she says. “After I released ‘No More,’ everything just took off.” The Glowie craze Glowie’s real name is Sara Péturs- dóttir. She decided to record un- der a less common name, one that was hers completely. The name came out of the blue, but felt fit- ting. Asked if there is any differ- ence between Glowie and Sara, she answers: “No, but I do get into a certain feeling when performing. I’m a lot shyer in real life.” At just nineteen years of age, Glowie has already become ex- tremely popular. Asked if she feels any pressure to maintain some kind of image, she explains that a big part of her fanbase is made up of young girls who see her as a role model. “I like doing edgy stuff,” she says, “but at the same time I’m realising how much of an influ- ence my work has on these young girls. I’m learning how to balance this, because it’s definitely some- thing that matters to me.” Glowie has most recently been busy working on a new music video. She says she loves all the be- hind-the-scenes work that comes with being a musician, and has strong ideas about how she wants to be portrayed. The video for “No Lie” was directed by Saga Sig, filmed by Elli Cassata and edited by Glowie’s boyfriend. “I’ve worked so hard on this video, and I’m so happy with the outcome,” Glowie says. “It shows exactly who I am, and what my style is.” “I’ve worked so hard on this video, and I’m so happy with the outcome, it shows exactly who I am, and what my style is.” Words & Photo HREFNA BJÖRG GYLFADÓTTIR Glowie’s Next Chapter
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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