Reykjavík Grapevine - 29.07.2016, Blaðsíða 58

Reykjavík Grapevine - 29.07.2016, Blaðsíða 58
TRAVEL ICONS Alone In The Dark Kristīne Skrebele spent winter in the depths of the highlands Words & Photos JOHN ROGERS The Icelandic highlands are a fa- mously inhospitable region. In the winter, deep snow and regular storms make them unsafe to en- ter for anyone but the most well- prepared and experienced Arctic traveller. The whole region is of- ten referred to as uninhabited— and uninhabitable. But last winter, that wasn’t the case. At the geothermal oa- sis of Hveravellir, site manager Kristīne Skrebele kept the lights on throughout Iceland’s darkest time. Latvian by birth, she first came to Iceland four years ago, and ended up working at Hver- avellir. “It was a hard summer!” exclaims Kristīne. “Afterwards, I said: ‘I will never come back to this madhouse!’ It was my first ex- perience working with people. But I did come back. The next year was much easier.” Kristīne had caught the bug for the place. “I said I’d love to come to celebrate New Year’s Eve,” she says. “Then during the winter I got a call from the boss at Gray Line saying they needed someone to be here all winter. So I quit my job in Latvia, and came back.” Getting to Hveravellir is win- ter is challenging. It takes an experienced driver in a modi- fied super jeep or snowmobile, and even then, the conditions are sometimes too much. “If there’s a storm, and you can’t see your hand in front of you, the jeeps can’t come,” says Kristīne. “But on the right day, it’s fine, so groups come through every few days. It’s like another world—everything is white. If it’s sunny, it’s like driving through heaven.” Buried alive It took Kristīne some time to adapt to her extreme surroundings. “I was here alone, just me and Orion the dog,” she recalls. “At first the The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 11 — 2016 58 constant darkness was scary— I’d switch on all the lights, and turn up the music. Sometimes, the electricity would go off, or the heater would stop working, and I needed to fix it by going up to the generator on the hill. I know noth- ing about pipes and electricity, so people from Reykjavík would call me and talk me through it. Now I know a lot more.” The highlands receive a heavy snowfall throughout Iceland’s long winter. At some points, the house in which Kristīne lived was completely buried. “Every few days I’d have to climb out of the window to dig out the door of the house,” she says. “The windows were blocked. It was like a cave. Sometimes, cars could come by without me even knowing, because the house was totally insu- lated from sound, and they didn’t expect anyone to be here.” Kristīne even slept out under the stars sometimes. “I have a very good sleeping bag,” she says. “There’s no light pollution, so you can the aurora very clearly. And every few days someone would come along, so I wasn’t lonely. It’s an extremely good experience to be in the middle of nowhere, es- pecially as a woman, I would say. I really enjoyed it.” Kristīne plans to return for the winter again this year. So if you should pass by the buried cabin at Hveravellir in the dark months for some soup and a dip in the steam- ing geothermal pool, don’t forget to knock. SHARE: REYKJAVÍK CLASSIC WHALE WATCHING REYKJAVÍK EXPRESS WHALES & PUFFINS REYKJAVÍK SEA ANGLING REYKJAVÍK CLASSIC PUFFIN TOUR Call us on +354 519 5000 or visit Duration: 3 hours Departures: Daily at 11:00 and 15:30 Duration: 1-1,5 hours Departures: Daily at 9:30, 12:00 and 15:00 Duration: 1-1,5 hours Departures: Up to 7 departures a day. Duration: 2,5-3,5 hours Departures: Up to 6 departures a day. from Reykjavik Price 6.000 ISK Price 13.800 ISK Price 22.990 ISK Price 9.900 ISK Come and meet us at Reykjavík Old Harbour +354 519 5000
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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